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The Toccata and Fugue in F Major, BWV , is an organ work written by Johann Sebastian Bach, potentially dating from the composer's time in Weimar or in.
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This composition might have been created in Weimar when the true compositional style of a master composer was formed. Virtuosic Toccata and Fugue in F Major usually is a true technical and mental challenge for many skilled organists. If performed well, it is a real treat for every organ music lover and listener. Otherwise, it has the potential to create a sense boredom.

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The Toccata leaves the impression of a chase between voices and begins with a prolonged and playful two voice canon over a long tonic pedal point Idea A. After this canon Bach writes another virtuosic episode - a pedal solo in the tonic key which leads to a cadence in the Dominant - C major. Now the voice parts switch places and the canon begins all over again, only this time in the Dominant key C major.

These two sections serve to establish both the Tonic and the Dominant keys and have a function, similar to the North German Passaggio in a Praeludium.

About ' Toccata and Fugue in F Major--BWV 540 '

After this episode, the chase stops but all voices begin a long and tiring journey for the performer, that is through various related keys in descending and ascending sequences Idea B based on arpeggio figure. Through the course of this Toccata, canonic idea A and sequential idea B alternate and create an intriguing structural balance. In developing the idea A, Bach evidently shows his mastery of a double and sometimes even triple invertible counterpoint at the interval of an octave.

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If you can't see your post in New , you may have been caught in the spam filter or had your post silently flagged as spam. Message us and we'll have a look. Power Biggs youtube. I grew up on a few of Bigg's recordings of Bach.

Toccata and Fugue in F major, BWV (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Clear sound, great playing, and the organ he plays on is fantastic! Performer Pages Evgeniy E. Moshkin organ. Javascript is required for this feature.

Toccata & Fugue in F major for organ, BWV 540

Pub lisher. Leipzig: Peters , n. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Editor Wilhelm Rust — Plate B. Plate BA Arranger Russ Bartoli. Orgel-Compositionen, Band II pp.

J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in F-Major, BWV 540 (Ullrich Böhme, St. Thomas Church Leipzig)