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Kill the Man is a American comedy film starring Luke Wilson and Joshua Malina as the owners of an independent photocopier shop who are in competition.
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The girlfriend had reported the victim missing and continued to contact Le multiple times after the fishing trip to ask what had happened, according to court documents. At initial court appearances Thursday afternoon, Le and Ritze were ordered held without bond. They are due in court Jan.

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Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. Richard Winton. Follow Us. Richard Winton is an investigative crime writer for the Los Angeles Times and part of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for public service in Known as lacrimes on Twitter, during 25 years at The Times he also has been part of the breaking news staff that won Pulitzers in , and Alex Wigglesworth.

Alex Wigglesworth is a staff writer at the Los Angeles Times. Luke Money. Soon Sherman would have help. But along with the Fort Laramie Treaty, the U. So for the moment, The Indians Wars had paused. In the lull, enlisted men like Cody found other ways to stay busy, and to make money. Buffalo were slow-grazing, four-legged bank rolls. And for a while, there were plenty.

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Then in an economic depression hit the country, and what easier way was there to make money than to chase down these ungainly beasts? Thousands of buffalo runners came, sometimes averaging 50 kills a day. They sliced their humps, skinned off the hides, tore out their tongues, and left the rest on the prairies to rot. They slaughtered so many buffalo that it flooded the market and the price dropped, which meant they had to kill more. In towns, hides rose in stacks as tall as houses.

Rasputin proved to be a hard man to kill

This was not the work of the Army. It was private industry. Isenberg said though it was never official policy to kill buffalo in order to control Native Americans on the plains, the Army was certainly conscious about it. Herds became harder to find. The buffalo runners sent two men to Fort Dodge, Kansas, to ask the colonel there what the penalty was if the skinners crossed into the Texas Panhandle and onto reservation land.

In the next decade, the hide hunters exterminated nearly every buffalo. The air was foul with a sickening stench, and the vast plain which only a short twelve months before teemed with animal life, was a dead, solitary desert. The wasteland was so scattered with the bones of dead animals and buffalos that all the prairie felt like a graveyard risen.

During a hard drought, with no buffalo left, settlers and Native Americans hunted their bones, selling them for fertilizer. We were never able to control the savages until their supply of meat was cut off. Some men saw the future. And even before the buffalo runners had wiped out almost every animal and the U. It did not sit well with Sheridan. Congress passed the bill to protect buffalo in , but President Grant refused to sign it. Without buffalo, the U. When the Oglala Lakota in the north mounted horses and killed the cows in ritual as they had the buffalo on their prairie hunts, the government stopped sending live cows and instead shipped meat from a nearby slaughterhouse.

The Oglala Lakota burned the slaughterhouse down. But that was all some time away. Army and the men from New York stood on the grassy hill, in that unusually warm September in , above the Platte River in Nebraska.


Cody and the men had circled their horses around the herd until they were downwind. A buffalo can weigh 2, pounds, run 35 mph, and quickly pivot to fight with horns that can rip flesh like obsidian. When the men were close enough, Cody gave the signal to charge.

He and the men from New York thundered toward the six buffalo, hoping to win the silver trophy, excited to kill. Of the moment, one man wrote :. Just as they started, our main body emerged from its concealment, and had a full view of the whole hunt, a most exciting and interesting sight to those new to the plains. On came the six huge buffalo, one behind the other, all running together as regularly as if kept in their places by some rule of drill, and close behind them the hunters, each horse doing his best, and now one leading and then another, as though in a hotly contested race.

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