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For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway , a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. After much study, I discovered that my historical perspective of the practice of polygamy is much clarified. It was never an issue of Core Mormon Belief to utilize polygamy; but a practice that had specific purpose based on the needs of the time and place in which it was utilized. After the need had passed, the practice was correctly closed. Those who use the practice beyond the need succeed only in abusing the practice for their own selfish benefit.

To your post I would add the following: Plural marriage goes back to Old Testament times, when Abraham, Jacob, David and Moses where commanded by God to have more than one wife that God might raise up a people unto himself. The doctrine that made it ok then is the same doctrine that made it ok for a short time when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was first being established. That doctrine is laid out in the Book of Mormon.

Jacob reads as follows:. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. As you can see, verse 30 explains that under certain circumstances the Lord has commanded plural marriage and gives his reason for doing so. If polygamy was a legal and accepted practice today, the LDS would be practicing it. The simple reason the Salt Lake City branch of Mormonism abandoned the practice was to get church assets back from the U.

With church assets seized by the government and the corporate entity dissolved, there was no church. The main reason for plural marriage being done away with was that the Lord had accomplished his purpose, and had raised up a people in these latter days to preach the everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. See Revelations Please note when you read this scripture that there would be no need for God to send this angel to preach the everlasting gospel to those who dwell on the earth if the gospel was still on the earth in its purity.

The real reason Brother French is that Joseph got caught and thus got lynched for committing polygamy and polyandry. They have several podcasts on the subject.

Joe and his sexual appetite for new partners creating a convenient revelation. You are being sucked in if this is what you believe.

Wives Prayer

I know, because my great grandfather, and his parents were there right from the start. Anyone who has attended our Gospel Doctrine classes and studied the revelations that Jesus Christ has given to the Church in these latter days should know that the New and Everlasting Covenant applies first and foremost to the covenant of marriage between a man, and a women.

Naturally, that would include plural marriages authorized by God but would not be limited to those marriages. Perhaps the following information will help you to become more familiar with our doctrine. Plural marriage goes back to Old Testament times, when Abraham, Jacob, etc.

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As you can see, this doctrine is very clear, and verse 30 explains that under certain circumstances the Lord has commanded plural marriage and gives his reason for doing so. Please show me the text in the OT that states god commanded old testament prophets to participate in Polygamy. Joseph took polygamy and turned it into a commandment from the lord that one had to follow to be saved. That is the major difference. Also you are supporting your argument with the BOM!

Please support it with biblical passages not your own doctrine.

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Last, I have re-read my comments on here and I want to say that I share my research and hope with you in love. I have not hate towards you or any LDS. I would recommend reading a book by one of your own. A temple going faithful latter day saint named Todd Compton. After the manifesto, Woodruff, the 12 and many others still practiced and took wives for years afterwards.

As I see it you are only using a portion of the scriptures the Bible and therefore your situation is like a Jury that has reached a verdict without hearing the defense witnesses latter-day scriptures. To get that witness directly from God a person must seek to know the truth in the way that God has prescribed. It is my opinion that to switch from being a detractor of the Church to being a believer is very difficult.

It requires a lot more effort on their part than someone who has not first staked out such a position. However, over the years I have heard many members say that they did succeed in doing so. The following is how I personally think it must be approached. First and foremost a person must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ or at least be willing to do those things that will develop that faith. See James Second, a person must read and ponder the Book of Mormon, giving special attention to those chapters and verses concerning the atonement of Christ.

The Wings of Faith: A Catalogue of Testimonies of Faith to Encourage and Challenge Us to Believe

See the list below. Third, he must ponder and be willing to apply the principles of the gospel as taught by the BOM into his life. See John Five, he must attend all our church meetings each and every Sunday to observe and understand how we apply the teachings of Jesus Christ into our lives. Seven, he must be ready and willing to join the Church when he receives his witness from God that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. By doing these things he will show the Lord that he has a sincere heart and real intent. It is similar to listen to the radio.

There are certain steps that must first be taken. I recommend this approach because it is exactly what my wife and I did, and we both received the promised witness from the Holy Ghost. In addition, during the forty years or so that I have spent in missionary work for the Church I have never once seen this approach fail. See Matt , Moroni Enos — Enos experiences the power of the Atonement.

Mosiah 2—5 — King Benjamin teaches of Christ. Mosiah 12—16 — Abinadi gives his life in testifying of Jesus Christ.


Alma 5, 7 — Alma testifies of the Savior. Alma 17—22 — Lamanites receive the testimony of Jesus Christ. Alma 34 — Amulek testifies of the Atonement. Alma 36 — Alma experiences the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Alma 40—42 — Alma testifies of the resurrection and Atonement. Ether 3 — The brother of Jared sees the Savior. Moroni 7—8 — Mormon teaches of the pure love of Christ and His Atonement. Moroni 10 — Moroni invites all to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.

I happen to know them. Barack O. I can guarantee that when it comes time to get this current president out, conservatives all around will bound together in unison. Being Mormon will not affect Mitt Romney, specially if he has the backing of ministers and other important political figures, which he will!

Mitt has already exceed B. If recent gubernatorial and house elections are any indication of what is to come and I mean any sign of the political shift in this country, get ready for some real change you will be able to count on! One only has to look at local elections.

Articles of Faith

Most members of polygamous groups, whether in Utah or not, have never been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In reality, those that still practice polygamy would denounce the modern LDS church as being the true church. This is not entirely true. Although they may not have been baptized into the modern organization, they follow almost all of the same beliefs and use the same set of set of scriptures. In the rest of the country, it is much less likely that people are acquainted with someone who is Mormon.

There is also that competition thing—apparently Baptists and Evangelicals are mad when members of their church leave to become Mormons. This has given rise to some of the most inaccurate, un-Christian, crazy anti-Mormon propaganda.