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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. R. I. Clemett has been a student and practitioner of the spiritual path for over forty years and taught yoga and meditation for.
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This is a very interesting thing about these mythological themes. I expect to be well paid. In reading these things psychologically, water is the unconscious. The creature in the water would be the dynamism of the unconscious, which is dangerous and powerful and has to be controlled by consciousness. The first stage in the hero adventure, when he starts off on adventure, is leaving the realm of light, which he controls and knows about. And then there are two or three results: one, the hero is cut to pieces and descends into the abyss in fragments, to be resurrected; or he may kill the dragon power, as Siegfried does when he kills the dragon.

But then he tastes the dragon blood, that is to say, he has to assimilate that power. And when Siegfried has killed the dragon and tasted the blood, he hears the song of nature; he has transcended his humanity, you know, and reassociated himself with the powers of nature, which are the powers of our life, from which our mind removes us.

It must submit and serve the humanity of the body. And this is the threat to our lives; we all face it, we all operate in our society in relation to a system. Now, is the system going to eat you up and relieve you of your humanity, or are you going to be able to use the system to human purposes? My life has been that of a maverick; I would not submit. A girl with her mother lived in a wigwam on the edge of the village.

She was a very handsome girl, but extremely proud and would not accept any of the boys. They proposed to her through the mother, and the mother was terribly annoyed with her. And while they are collecting the wood, a terrific darkness comes over them.

Spirituality of Imagination

So he goes away with the girl; she has acquiesced. Now, the adventure is marvelous. She goes with him to his village, and they enter his lodge. The people in there greet her and she feels very comfortable about it and all. When he closes the flap, she hears this strange sound. Next day he goes off to hunt, and then she leaves the lodge to gather wood. And the first thing she sees is an enormous serpent basking on the rocks. And then another, and then another, and she begins to feel very badly, very homesick and discouraged.

Then the evening. They are great magicians, and like many people of this kind, their hearts are not in their bodies. She goes in and finds the bag of hearts and is running out, and a voice calls after her. And she continues to run and he says. What you have done has been to elevate yourself out of the local field and put yourself in the field of higher power, higher danger.

Choctaws Were Hastened in Starting "Trail of Tears" [a machine-readable transcription]

And are you going to be able to handle it? If you are eligible, it can be a glory that will give you a life that is yours, in your own way. The source of life: what is it? No one knows. And what is it that life is. I find thinking in mythological terms has helped people, visibly you can see it happen. The European dragon guards things in his cave, and what he guards are heaps of gold and virgins. And the problem of the psychiatrist is to break that dragon, open him up, so that you can have a larger field of relationships.

Jung had a patient come to him who felt alone, and she drew a picture of herself as caught in the rocks, from the waist down she was bound in rocks. And this was on a windy shore, and the wind blowing and her hair blowing, and all the gold, which is the sign of the vitality of life, was locked in the rocks.

And the next picture that he had her draw had followed something he had said to her. Suddenly a lightning flash hit the rocks, and the gold came pouring out, and then she found reflected on rocks round about the gold. There was no more gold in the rocks, it was all available on the top. And in the conferences that followed, those patches of gold were identified. They were her friends. Do you see what I mean? This is killing the dragon. At least the European dragon; the Chinese dragon is different. But this is the negative one that cuts you down.

What I regard as the aim of my life and so forth. It might be too small. It might be that which pins you down. And so the environment is your dragon, as it reflects within yourself. I mean, you do. The world is a wasteland. People have the notion of saving the world by shifting it around and changing the rules and so forth.

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And the way to bring it to life is to find in your own case where your life is, and be alive yourself, it seems to me. Do I have to go alone? But ultimately the last trick has to be done by you. What is it? The Buddhists talk of nirvana; Jesus talks of peace. Now this I know a little bit about from athletics.

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The athlete who is in championship form has a quiet place in himself. That nirvana is what, is the condition that comes when you are not compelled by desire or by fear, or by social commitments, when you hold your center and act out of there. I mean, how should I get rid of fear? There are exercises that different teachers will give you, but they may not work for you.

And all a teacher can do is give you a clue of the direction. Now, that plant sends forth little feelers to go out and clutch the plant, and it knows where the plant is and what to do— where the tree is, and it grows up like this, and it opens a leaf, and that leaf immediately turns to where the sun is. There is a plant consciousness, there is an animal consciousness.

We share all of these things. I mean, the whole thing is consciousness. I begin to feel more and more that the whole world is conscious; certainly the vegetable world is conscious, and when you live in the woods, as I did as a kid, you can see all these different consciousnesses relating to themselves. These are the eyes of the earth, and this is the voice of the earth. What else? And all of life is a meditation, most of it unintentional. These are all perfectly, very important concerns, but they have to do with physical conditions, mostly, and spiritual conditions of the children, of course.

So how do you get that? Then you think about the myths. What the myths are for is to bring us into a level of consciousness that is spiritual. I have left a very busy city and one of the most fiercely economically inspired cities on the planet. I walk into that cathedral, and everything around me speaks of spiritual mystery. The stained glass windows which bring another atmosphere in. My consciousness has been brought up onto another level altogether, and I am on a different platform. Now, can I hold something from that? I did not think my body was awful.

How was it to live with this? I mean, did you ever communicate it to your family? Were you ever vocal about your expectation that there would eventually be a change or was this more of a dialogue that you had with yourself? Paula Williams: No. I was pretty observant of the world around me, and my father was a fundamentalist pastor. My mother was even more conservative than my father, so I knew that was a conversation that would not go well.

That I needed to make peace with it, and again because I did not hate being a boy, I thought, well, it will get easier with the passing of time. There were periods in which that was in fact true, and of course, there were periods when it was not at all true. Tanya: What would precipitate a period where it would be more comfortable to be a boy versus not for example? Paula Williams: Probably the worst was seventh grade.

You start seeing all your friends were girls, and I always had about half of my friends were boys, half girls. If I was playing house, I always wanted to be the sister or the mother. I never wanted to be the boy.