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No doubt it was partly spontaneous in Germany, in Austria, and in America, as well as in France. But new to new life which found expression in political revolution and in the growth of science. It was the dawning of the new age, the second and the greater renaissance, the return of the nineteenth century to classic Greece.
Table of contents

The House of Burgesses 3. Witchcraft in Salem 4. The Ideas of Benjamin Franklin 5.

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Life in the Plantation South 6. A New African-American Culture 7. The Treaty of Paris and Its Impact 9. The Intolerable Acts The Declaration of Independence Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris When Does the Revolution End?

Historical development

The Age of Atlantic Revolutions The Economic Crisis of the s Constitution Through Compromise The Antifederalists' Victory in Defeat Native American Resilience and Violence in the West The Life and Times of John Adams Jeffersonian America: A Second Revolution? Gabriel's Rebellion: Another View of Virginia in Claiming Victory from Defeat Early National Arts and Cultural Independence Jacksonian Democracy and Modern America Jackson vs.

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Irish and German Immigration Transcendentalism, An American Philosophy The Southern Argument for Slavery Gold in California The Compromise of Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner The South Secedes Strengths and Weaknesses: North vs. The Road to Appomattox The Assassination of the President Rebuilding the Old Order The New Tycoons: John D.


The New Tycoons: J. Politics of the Gilded Age Labor vs. Eugene V.

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Martin Luther King Jr. The unifying idea here is that we were once surrounded by genuine magic and perhaps did not notice it. The final scene will have even the hardest-hearted cynic throwing shapes on the sofa. Talking to young people roots the idea of rave in now.

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It is given space to breathe and come alive, uninterrupted, before Deller thoughtfully explains context and impact. Nor is there much mention of that staple of the dance music doc, the transformative power of ecstasy.

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This was not simply because Deller was speaking to young A-level students. When you look back, you realise it is part of history. The low-budget movie Beats , adapted by Black Mirror director Brian Welsh from a play by Kieran Hurley, tells the story of two Scottish friends and how an illegal rave proves to be a turning point in their lives.

Beautifully shot in black and white with a connoisseur soundtrack chosen by JD Twitch of the DJ duo Optimo, Beats distils youth as powerfully as Kes , but with rather better music and more optimistic conclusions.

The Sydney Morning Herald

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