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The Mystery of the Sea book. Read 15 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. When Archibald Hunter comes to Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire for.
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Entrance to the Cavern. Voices in the Dark. The Monument. The Secret Passage. Marjory's Adventure. The Lost Script. Don Bernardino. The Accolade. The Pope's Treasure. The Rising Tide. Round the Clock. The Duty of a Wife. An Unexpected Visitor. The Redemption of a Trust. Treasure Trove. A Struggle. The Honour of a Spaniard.

The Mystery of the Sea (Pocket Classics)

The Voice in the Dust. Ardiffery Manse.

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Some plastic has been dated back to the s, clearly making it difficult to accept that the majority of HDPE fragments we collect were perfectly intact plastic objects only a few years ago. We know that the primary mechanism for plastic degradation is photo-oxidation.

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This occurs when plastic is in contact with oxygen and bombarded by photons. Yet, plastic floating in the oceans is mostly submerged, so it rarely encounters those conditions. In fact, plastic is better conserved when submerged in seawater rather than exposed to the open air Andrady To resolve these contradictions and quantify the smog of plastic, we chose to sample in deeper waters. We performed this sampling in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by deploying sediment traps for twelve months below the surface. Later this year, we will retrieve these traps, which should provide further insights into potential fallout mechanisms in this region.

In the meantime, we went back to our desks and continued questioning the ocean plastic smog hypothesis. Using evidence collected in the field and numerical models for the dispersion of floating ocean plastic, we propose an alternative explanation for the missing plastic. It is extremely difficult to date ocean plastics with the available knowledge; there is no technology that will identify how long plastic has been floating in the ocean. The best way we found to estimate the age of plastic objects is to look at clues on the debris, such as labels, production dates, and organisms that have grown on floating objects.

Since we began exploring the North Pacific Ocean and collecting debris with our trawls, we have systematically documented this type of evidence on collected ocean plastics. Of the 83, plastics pieces collected from the Mega Expedition larger than 0.

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Half of the debris with recognizable production dates were produced in the 70s, 80s, and 90s — making our oldest identified sample more than forty years old. By creating a simple box model, we were able to predict the age of plastic populations in the marine environment. Subsequently, this points to coastal environments playing a major role in capturing and filtering ocean plastic debris.

Our model simulations show that a large portion of plastic emitted from rivers likely returns to shore not long after being released. Beached plastic may be collected by humans or left to fragment in the coastal environment. Other accumulated beached plastics will be picked up by the waves and sent back to shore with the tide, possibly repeating this cycle numerous times over the years. A small fraction of the plastic that is retrieved by the waves and currents eventually escapes into the offshore environment.

These beaching cycles, which may be repeated for an unknown frequency depending on the distance of rivers to oceanic gyres, result in a significant delay between plastic release and representative accumulation offshore. Our model results suggest this delay could be in the order of several years to several decades.

We argue that the missing floating plastic has not disappeared into a smog of invisible particles at the bottom of the sea, but rather is slowly degrading as it beaches or recirculates from coastal environments, eventually making its way to offshore waters. So he is acutely aware of the problems.

He addresses them in one of his sketchbooks. One word is sufficient to establish what is the greatest difficulty to the painters Art to produce wavy air as some call The Wind …. The mountains, the fields, the cliffs, the gorges, flow with the rhythms of the turbulent river. Incoherency belongs among those properties of the disorienting Sublime.

No wonder artists have been so often drawn to it.

The Mystery of the Sea Unicorn

Ruskin once showed Turner a watercolour drawing he had done of the Falls of Schaffhausen. He looked at it long, evidently with pleasure, and shook his finger at it one evening, standing by the fire in the old Denmark-Hill drawing-room. I wonder to what extent this fascination with capturing the texture of water in violent movement might have been related to the inability of the Victorian camera to cope with it?

Flowing water in early photography is just a white blur. That is one way of suggesting movement, by activating contrasts and a clashing geometry between the forms of stable landmarks and the relative anarchy of the sea surface. But what happens when you take the land away and confront the wild sea surfaces on their own? Turner does all a painter can it seems to me to achieve movement and exquisite texture just with the moving sea water.

Confronting his more turbulent seascape, the eye is pulled to and fro. It rocks in a fluctuating mesh of diagonals, forced to enact the experience of being pitched into the element. But the Sublime is virtually unrepresentable. Its essence is that it is too vast, too astonishing for the mind to embrace, comprehend. I hope they will illuminate each other. Turner, as we have seen, was interested in the descriptive power of poetry, both as a critic and as a practitioner himself. He is exploring parallels between Turner and the late Victorian poet, Swinburne.

Frederick T. The lines of energy are depicted as force-fields. They amalgamate disparate forms to the point where elemental distinctions are blurred: thus a rain-squall and the line of a mountainside are rendered as one swirl, neither any longer one thing or the other.

Why did this block occur?

Everything is swept up into an overwhelming whole, a congregation of natural forces threatening to engulf the fugitive humans cowering in the lower corner of the scene. These, together with the dimly figured church in the distance—powerless to act as sanctuary—are the only distinctly identifiable shapes; and it is a matter of minutes, it seems, before the cataclysm effaces them too. Swinburne seems to try to match such effects in his natural description of a wrecking storm at sea. I take as an example this extract from his verse drama of , Atalanta in Calydon :.

Could you paint a picture from that? The wild medley stirs together strikingly heterogeneous components: waves and swords, winds and wolves? What are they doing together in a sea description?