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38 (e) 39 (e) 40 (e) 41 (e) 42 (e) Love Diary F37 (e) 38 (e) 39 (e) 40 (e) 41 (e) 42 Teen-Age Love #47 (e) 48 (e) 49 (e) 50 (e) 51 (e) 52 (e) Teen Confessions #34 v2 #2 (e) Cheyenne Kid #60 (e) D-Day #5 (e) Drag-Strip Hotrodders #12 (e).
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How do you do that? And where? And also, most of these involve adults paying you and trusting you, and the truth is, no one wants to hire a kid.

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No one trusts you unless you are at least 20 years old. That is not true at all my 15 year old cousin goes around washing peoples cars and gets lots of money each day. I am actually going to try to save for a house. I am not really able to do most of that even though I am All I really can do is help the elderly with computers and possibly make an app or do movie editing.

If you could list more things that are do-able that would be great. I think that this list is perfectly fine. Other then singing. I play around six instruments, and I am 12 years old. People, please calm down. Maybe try switching the singing for something else like teaching a class or something to relieve you of your shyness. Thank you. I found the list very helpful and was an easy way to make money and help my neighborhood all in one.

I was even able to help my neighbor 4 yrs to start learning baseball. The only thing that seems to interest me is firewood but my mother likes to procrastinate when it comes to something i want so its very unlikely to happen. Maybe if i asked her for 3 years. I have so far missed 4 craft fairs. I really shy but i think this could really turn out well.

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Does anyone have any idea on where to start? Cause i have no clue how to get a permit. Also i live in Georgia not sure if that affects anything but it should. I mean people have AC nowadays now that i think about it.

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This was a bad idea. I really like the ideas but how can I become a dog trainer? Do you like to draw? Make bracelets or necklaces? I have earned so mush money by babysitting. I have earned maybe about doing this. You could try making money online or at school. Not all the ideas need to work for you just one or two to get you started. Its not very big and most of the jobs are taken up by older teens.

Can you please help me Steve or Ali??? You could always make money online. But I am sure not all the jobs are taken. I know where Mount Pleasant is and every summer when they do the pageant you could sell glow sticks or some kind of treat. Encouraging kids to breed animals? Are you kidding? Truly idiotic advice. Raised and sold baby rabbits as a kid and I know several other kids who breed dogs and sell the puppies.

It is a great way to make money as a kid. It really depends if you like animals and have the space for them. I am going to be creating a new course that will help you find your niche. What you can be best in the world at and how to share it with the world and make money. Please help!! I really need the money. I also live in a apartment.

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My uncle offered me a camera for my birthday but i know he wont really get one for me. I dont have much money for a budget to buy things to re-sell them. Haha Swagbucks is not that bad. You are right though there are a lot cooler ways to make money. You could get things for free and sell them. For example, my sister buys stuff at garage sales for cheap. Or you could go at the end and they might just give you the rest of the stuff for free.

Then wash the clothes and bag it and take it to consignment stores. They will pay you when it sells. Sweet, huh?

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So, do any of you think it would be possible to make up to 1, dollars in a month? Meaning dollars in a day, like the article I read. Any other ideas? If you are willing to do the work I totally think you can reach your goal in a month.

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You can do it!! Can you help me get over my fear and maybe suggest some easy paying money jobs.

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Do you have any neighbors who are close by you could start with? Start with the people you know the best and maybe have your mom or dad come with you. Fear is just not doing. If you just walk over and knock on their door or make that call you might still be scared but you will have overcome your fear. As you start talking with them you will realize that they are nice and will listen to you. I am going to be 12 in a few months, I love to write and everyone always says I am a great writer for my age and I agree but, is there any other way to put my skill to use in a job for kids other than tutoring other kids?

Do some chores for your parents or for others then do harder jobs that have more pay until you get enough money. Im not much of a writer so i cannot give that much details but i know those kinds of things exists.

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I suggest you search up on that. Hey guys! I make bucks each summer with a super cool Summer Camp! Just a quick idea for you!! Is there any sure found way to do that?