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Hi there! We're sorry to say that our premium story access was discontinued at the end of The first trip to the tree was to “pick up a few black walnuts for your mother to make a As time passed, this trek to the walnut tree became our tradition.
Table of contents

They support community based projects which seek to protect the environment and to support and build capacity in local communities. Over the last twenty years, the EPA has provided 10 million Euros of funding to these projects. Walnut Tree in Kvasice.

  2. How to Avoid the Street Conflicts.
  3. The Broken Fairy of the Walnut Tree?
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Species: Black walnut Juglans nigra. Age: years. In , Jan Nepomuk, Count of Lamberg founded a park where a black walnut was planted among other trees. Leopoldina Thun, born Countess of Lamberg, had a wooden chapel built under the tree in memory of her father who drowned in the Morava river.

The Story of the Walnut Tree

After the park opened to the public, the place became a destination of frequent spiritual visits. The tree was in a very bad condition caused by floods in , when the park was under water. Thanks to professional intervention, however, the walnut tree recovered and is still the gem of the park. European Tree of the Year National contest organizer: Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation.

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Youngsters went to NutSchool, while oldsters played a NutFool. But I am not here, to tell you about fairies. Her name was Lilly, and she was allergic to nuts. The only fairy, in their entire little world, that had no possible idea, what the taste was of nuts. She had to figure out a way, for her self to keep it. She learned how to bake, how to cook; how to fake.

She pretended to love them, like the rest of her people. She read ancient NutScripts from before there was evil, learned what to say, for the sweet taste of nuts. And she learned all the NutSlangs, just for the fuss. After years and years of suffering, life in the shadow, she heard a story, from the three eyed night-crow. It was a beautiful night, in the teeny tiny forest.

The Walnut Tree

Lilly took out, for her usual night-flight, under the beautiful moon, outside of the Walnut Tree. After counting the stars, four times in a row, she heard the song of the three eyed night-crow.

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  • The teeny tiny fairy, with the big sad secret, was surprised by the song of her very own name. She offered it a seat, that it gladly took to.

    It talked to Lilly from dusk till dawn, and from dawn till dusk again. She told her a tale of a powerful wizard, that could make her secret become very untrue. Would she step out of the shadow, with her widest smile, and a bag of NutChips, close by her side. Could she finally talk to common townspeople, make a real friend and forget how to pretend? The thought of this life, she was so sure was perfect, made her want the wizard to un-make her defect.

    The trip took a toll, on her teeny tiny fairy wings, and her teeny tiny fairy legs were visibly trembling. After months of walking on her teeny tiny legs, and flying over dozen seas with her teeny tiny wings, she dreamt of the feeling of the sweet NutBeds. She had slept in trees, and her feet did almost freeze.

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    But with effort and courage, her life was about to change. She would never be the same, because she actually made it. It was thanks to her wings, and her wings only. Because without those she would have died in the ocean. Her trip had been hard; nothing was harder. She hurried up the hill, which to her, was a mountain.

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    When she reached the top, there it was; the most beautiful hall with the clearest fountain. After days of some rest, she had her first guest. It was the wizard him self, with a challenge in a game of chess. But if she may not, she would owe him a lot. After a struggling game, of magical chess, Lilly had won and smelled the success. The wizard walked out, to start brewing in his cauldron.