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Editorial Reviews. Review. "Spiritual Seductress is an invitation to dance and flirt with Spirit in a Spiritual Seductress: The High-Powered Women's Guide to Devour the World through Spiritual Guidance - Kindle edition by Raquel Vasallo. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
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Think, I am. This is to strive to be like God. I am speaking of the real body, that I have described to you.

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But what happens to the outer, physical body affects the real body through the mind. The mind links the two bodies. The mind is the real body. If the mind allows itself to be distorted by the accidents that happen to the material body, then the real body does become crippled.

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  8. But this need not happen, and these distortions of the outer body can be blessings from which the mind and real body gain in strength. And if the mind is imbecile? If it is like a vegetable? Say a mongol child, or a hydrocephalic lying always in bed, barely conscious? Would it not be better if such unfortunates never lived? How do you know anything of their innermost mind and life? An apparent imbecile may spend his inward life absorbed in the contemplation of God. The Hydrocephalic may not move or speak because he is listening to God.

    But some imbeciles are clearly miserable. They are distraught. They are a danger to themselves and others. That is different. Have you never heard of poltergeists?

    Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen

    They are spirits that take possession of children, about the age of puberty, when the children have the greatest degree of undirected force. At a certain stage it possesses great psychic strength that is meant to help it to become mature, just as a plant has surges of growth and sap. The child may put this energy at the disposal of an evil or of a mischievous spirit, or of unformed minds of the kind I have described to you before.

    Of minds waiting to become human. And the psychic energy can then be translated into physical action. It is like electricity. The wandering, evil or mischievous minds need a source of physical energy to use before they can achieve physical results. This happens with every kind of evil. This is the meaning of being possessed. Of course! This is the whole business of a human life.

    Of every life your mind and soul ever lead. As plant, animal, man, and afterwards, in your next lives. To become possessed by good. That is your whole goal and aim and purpose.

    Raquel Vasallo - Emerging Women Live

    Do you think you could reach God without help? A man — a woman must make their worldly life complete. Out of this completeness comes fulfilment, and their next life. Even a life of suffering. Of disappointment.

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    They can still achieve completeness. They can welcome the suffering. Accept the disappointment as the Will of God. Be glad of it. Be content to wait. Struggle for what? More important still, struggle in what manner? Do you want to die rich, or good? But if no one made and sold, even for selfish reasons, there would be no industry, no trade, no clothes, no machines, no medicine, no food. Half the world would die in a month.

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    8. It cannot be cured overnight. But it needs curing. A man who has ruined his health by overeating and indulgence all his life cannot be cured by giving up all his bad habits at once. He must change gradually or he will die of the change, even the change towards good. But he still needs to change. But what about the good things that come from industry and machines?

      The books, the music, the cheap food, the cheap clothes, the houses? The travel, the ways of seeing the world, of becoming educated? Do you want us to go back to the Stone Age? Except that men could not live like that today even if it was good to do so. There are too many of us. Men must work. But they must work for different reasons. They must work to serve, not to gain. Look at your world.

      Do men make things to serve or to gain? Do they care about other people? Often It fails to listen to Itself, but that is what it teaches. I keep saying to you, listen. Be quiet and listen. This is the answer to your question about the Mind.

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      You asked me, what is the mind? I am telling you what it is. It is your real life. All the worldly things that seem to you so important have no meaning at all except as they serve the mind. In the world one has a worldly task.

      THE FINE GAME OF NIL: The So-Called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness

      You must do it perfectly. It may not succeed, but you must succeed. You must make yourself good in every way. Then you are complete, like an egg. And you are ready to be born again. A woman, say, whose husband is a failure, and whose children are failures, spends her life in torment because of them. However good she is, can she be complete, and tranquil? After that she must accept, be quiescent.