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They are reaping the benefits of their shrewd maneuvering. They know their sexuality, they manipulate it and mass-market it.

Ravished by the Triceratops by Christie Sims and Alara Branwen

It may not be a manifestation of their own secret desires but it expresses a comfort and unapologetic spirit of empowerment and agency. Its tone is curious without being maternal or paternal; the journalist asks questions with a light-hearted dexterity. Because its a question worth asking, no doubt about it.

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Dinosaur erotica

How does a Bildungsroman use opening dependent clauses differently from a gothic novel? The lab is careful with its conclusion, but its goals are clear: to be able to observe and represent stylistic trends in the grammar of large bodies of literature. I want to take some of the methodology and see if I can apply it to a genre not covered by the lab: Dino Erotica. After careful consideration, I decided to purchase Dino Park After Dark , mostly because of the rhyme, but also because of my childhood crush on Laura Dern in Jurassic Park.

Dino Park After Dark is much dirtier than I expected, but it did teach me what a plesiosaurus is.

The first clause sets the scene temporally, and the second provides a synchronous visual elaboration or result. This makes sense because the elaboration of erotic or semi-erotic tableaux composes about half of the story.

Dinosaur erotica was pioneered by two Texas A&M students - Houston Chronicle

Take this example, from early on in the story:. When Maria returned with two more full buckets, the plesiosaurus had lifted itself further across the platform and had moved closer to where she had been sitting, watching her with his mouth wide open. Both of its verbs are relegated to the past perfect, which keeps us from seeing the plesiosaurus from actively lifting or moving. The second pattern I noticed is comprised of IC-DC sentences: they generally work to show process and completion of events.

The independent clause provides the main action, while the dependent clause shows the result, object, or conclusion of the action.


But a couple examples:. The creature bumped underneath her hard enough to lift her out of the water until Maria found herself laying flat on her belly on the wet platform with her ass in the air.