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As Children of God, our tongues have a lot of power. Proverbs confirms this by saying, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and.
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What Does the Bible Say About Power Of The Tongue?

Related Readings 2 more readings on Tongue. Theasaurus: Tongue Tongue instances. Animals Eating Balaams Donkey. Testing Other Things The Tongue. The Tongue Pets dogs. Beggars Begging. Exodus Dumb Joining Flesh And Bones. Muteness Dumbness. Luke Mark Rash People Speech Impediments. Dumb Deer Etc.

MCCM Prayer Breakfast: Life and Death is in the Power of My Tongue

Matthew Proverbs Job Praise Speech, Positive Aspects Of. Music Inspiration Pens Journalizing. History Laughter Mission, Of Israel. Kneeling Praise. Philippians Man's Wisdom Mouths. Wisdom, Human Importance Teaching Wisdom. James Mouths Falsehood. Deceitful Tongues Tongue. Psalm Perversion Condemned Hearts Twisted Ways. Mighty in its influence Debauchery Lukewarmness. Falsehood Speaking, Evil.

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  • 85 Bible verses about Tongue?

Sharpness Razors. The Tongue Women's Beauty. Elegance Love, In Relationships. The Tongue rebellion Fun Sports Noses. Spiritual Gifts Gifts And Talents. More verses: Acts Acts God, All knowing Gathering Other Nations. Clans Languages Confused Coastlands. Languages Separated Identity. Genesis But if you can control your tongue , you are mature and able to control your whole body. You might be saying, OK, Jim, I get the point. But how can I get control of my words, and by doing that get control of the rest of myself?

Here are some helpful truths:. Much more could be said, and more Scriptures could be quoted. But I think we get the point.

King James Bible

The Christian is called to a very high standard of speaking. Let our speech be characterized by self-control, graciousness, other-centeredness, kindness, honesty, purity, and other virtues. Let it never become harsh, critical, immoral, coarse, prideful, and the like. Our words have the power of death and life, both to ourselves and to others. There's More!

Joel Osteen - Your Words Become Your Reality

Type a few keywords into the search box to find more of our sermons on topics of interest to you. Sharing is great! If this message has blessed you, please share it with your friends.

Read More Your Daily Prayer

Email them the browser link. Or you can post the link on your social media Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you for sharing God's Word! When man takes responsibility for what God has given him, he will not need anything.

  1. The Power of the Tongue.
  3. Colossians 4:6;
  4. Power of the Tongue Scriptures Reveal How God Views Our Words!
  5. Business Process Services & Outsourcing - Simple Steps to Win, Insights and Opportunities for Maxing Out Success!
  6. The Bigger Man #1 (Cuckold, Voyeur, Wife Pushes the Limits).
  7. This is how he struggled through his youth. One day he went to see the owner of a great company and showed him his inventions, a wireless radio with which he could communicate news to the subsidiary company that was about 20 kilometers away. The owner offered him 15, dollars for the right to use the invention. Back then it was a great amount, and he handed him a check. A friend went to visit Edison and found him very sad.

    Edison told him what had happened. Edison went to look for it and put it in his hands. The 15, dollars will be paid out to you, you just forgot to provide identification and sign the back of the check. That is why the teller was not able to give you the money.

    Conclusion On The Power Of The Tongue

    The Word of God is such a great treasure, that when we declare and proclaim it as our own we will become the most enriched people of the earth. There is no scheduled reading for today. You can use this time to catch up on any readings you may have missed, or read through previous passages again.