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Did you know that those born on May 20th leap years or May 21st common years are not just people with imperialistic ambitions who present themselves as.
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I think SansPoint has it: this is a natural consequence of the precipitous drop in traditional religious beliefs among a group of people who are categorically excluded by conventional religious groups. Tough to go to church on Sunday if you're not sure if your church leadership are following papal dogma, or are heretical firebrands who think you're NOT an abomination for your beliefs.

The Atlantic Crossword

Nature abhors a vacuum, and astrology is as likely an answer as any other dogma. Better, even, because you get your horoscope for free in every morning daily. Y'know, next time someone asks me my sign I'll just tell them my Myers-Briggs instead and see if they can extrapolate. That should totally work, right?

Horoscope and chart of Stefan Molyneux

I thought that was a joke as I was typing it but now I'm sure if I google it I'll find out it's a thing and that "and of course all Geminis are ENTJs" or something like that. You're promoting the same ideas regardless, and there is no way to know whether or not everyone else you're joking with is taking it seriously, and to what extent. From an outsider's perspective, there is literally know difference between someone saying that Mercury is in retrograde and meaning it, and someone saying it and not meaning it.

If you're not inside their head, all you have is them saying the thing. The thing to keep in mind about astrology is that it is a system for pseudorandom combinatoric scheduling. But I do see utility in a thing that gently shuffles schedules for bloggers, serial daters, and anyone that wants to turn a lot of options into a sequence of fewer choices. To the extent that there is any power in astrology, it has to do with how many people subscribe to it. Similarly, of people in your social circle think astrology determines who should date who, then either read up or find better friends.

A word of warning: looking into astrology can be a gateway drug to the hard stuff: amateur astronomy.

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I would have saved a lot of money if I just stuck with astrology! Evidently connected to a small but successful Kickstarter. Only because they will find your studyblr and then see the spread you did for your birthday bullet list. Astrology is not a cute look. A few years back I went on a tinder date, we had just sat down with our coffees when she asked me my sign. I laughed to myself internally but told her Yikes, poffin boffin , I am so obsessed with the Enneagram that I came here to defend it angrily because it is not at all like astrology, I swear, and it's actually really helped me understand how I relate to other people in this incredibly profound way and I kind of defended it in the AskMe linked above but I'm truly over this whole "well you're a Cancer so you wouldn't do X" or "as a Gemini I can't date a Y.

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And I've started taking it as a red flag because I have found that it correlates strongly to how exhausting that person is in real life in terms of being emotionally needy and lacking in responsibility. And if I don't know them in real life it correlates to how utterly batshit crazy their comment sections get with infighting and drama. Also, the author of that piece, Chani Nicholas is a queer astrologist and I sometimes read her horoscopes for all the signs because she gives pretty lovely life advice. Oh my God, I'm not crazy. This is real, my community doesnt just have some weird local culture, and those star sign posts arent sarcastic.

A ton of higher profile queer people around where I live believe astrology. Like, believe believe it.

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They tend to be younger and working-class-radical-queer types, but there are more exceptions to that than I expected. I think the only reason I didn't see it among my classmates in college is because I went to an engineering school and even the most pastel undercut septum-pierced queers were getting STEM degrees.

Then again, I didn't see any goddess-worshipping going on like was described in the article. The whole trend just speaks to my growing isolation from queer communities, and this is just one of a million reasons. I have a lot to think about.

The Optimal Use of Astrology Software

Thanks for posting. One of them who was born further away from the cusp than I was maintained a running "joke" that they were a true Leo while I was actually a Virgo, which, what even the fuck. My skeptical current self still has a nostalgic fondness for some of the trappings of New Agery, and I think certain presentations of astrology can be close to harmless? But there's definitely potential to use it for heavy heavy toxic nightmare garbage. Honestly i think a lot of people here who are real perplexed are in a different generation from me.

This happened locally recently, and it's STILL a huge shitstorm with note a huge number, but still quite a few people defending the woman who started it. I made a post making fun of the ridiculous apology and actually got some public and private pushback even with a curated friends list. I myself, multiple times, have run into the implicit accusation that i was uncomfortable with astrology because i like, still had internalized misogyny to work through or hadn't fully accepted my queer womanhood or whatever.

As i grew into my later 20s i came around to being casually interested in astrology, but i will absolutely attribute people taking it overly seriously and being super fucking obnoxious about it with how, and why i recoiled from it and was resistant to doing anything but clowning on it. Sometimes shitty people are correct even if it's for the wrong reasons. And yea, this really has kind of gotten out of hand. I swear to god if i have to read some bizarre long rant about how astrology is how women communicate their trauma, and warn eachother through the generations away from their bad experiences and etc etc my head is going to cave in posted by emptythought at PM on May 7, [ 40 favorites ].

Some folks haven't had the experience of creating models. I will echo the folks citing the multitude of ecological, cultural, and political ruptures going on in the anglophone world. Is the " Maps of Meaning " mysticism the chiral pair to this epiphenomenon? Still haven't figured out why it's hard for people who already learned that it's inadvisable to put people into categories and build massive stereotypes about all of their behavior, to extend this to a new set of categories, but it sure always is hard.

It's everywhere in my circles right now and I'm trying my best to be respectful or silent or not get involved but it does seem to be taking over some of my friend's lives and I don't know how to process it. I'm not trying to yuk someone's yum but, yeah it's a bit painful for me.

I guess this is what it would be like to be an atheist that ran in groups full of evangelicals? I think all I wanted was someone else to recognise that I wasn't alone in my "what is going on right now" vibe and this article and this thread have validated those feelings so I feel more at peach. Does anybody else find it kinda bizarre that such a progressive community would come to love and cherish a system that basically says that everything about you was decided before you were born, by forces outside of your control?

People are complicated and desperate for meaning in a world that is full of crap. It makes sense that those of us who are hugely disadvantaged and discriminated against by traditional religion might hew to stuff like this.

  1. Kate Bazilevsky.
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  5. Biography of Stefan Molyneux (excerpt).
  6. Astrology is essentially a discriminatory system though, so I suppose the only thing this proves is that queer people are people too- and people can be terrible. I saw myself as Anyway, I wonder if this is a regional thing given the varying reactions here, because it's totally the predominant disposition in young queer communities in the Bay Area and non-queer ones, too, if less so. I respect the headspaces of my friends by not shitting on it, but I don't think there's anything disrespectful about being clear with them upfront that it has no place in my worldview and then just not engaging after that.

    I've for sure seen people frequently wield that belief in insensitive ways in their dealings with others, so I'm not really convinced that it's just a harmless idiosyncrasy.

    People Born In January

    How was that not a Buzzfeed article. Make sweeping generalization, pump up the hyperbole and there you go. Besides, Myers-Briggs seems to be the mumbo-jumbo of choice these days anyway. It is useful for externalizing any potentially negative situations, since all you have to do is explain that Uranus is transiting your seventh house of self-worth to humble you, and Mercury retrograde is responsible for the espresso machine blowing up like that. It had nothing to do with you, personally. The best thing about being a Capricorn is that people who are seriously into astrology just decide to avoid you after they learn that.

    I feel like this article might be more a reflection of queer communities which are ALSO in arts-based communities like Bushwick in Brooklyn and similar spots? I know as a straight dude who is dating I very often run into women who are serious about astrology. I have ruined dates by not being enthusiastic enough about discussing our signs. The article explains the association well, but it still blows my mind that astrology is so much a part of leftist and radical communities.

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    To me astrology is the complete opposite of radical politics. Anarchism and socialism are about critiquing the traditional hierarchy while astrology is all about classifying people based on their birth date. I too get the sense that we're all feeling pretty unmoored lately and everyone is looking for anything that seems like it could somehow explain anything or give any semblance of what should be done. I see the astrology stuff on my Twitter and it's like, Pisces: something something something, and I'm like, huh, they're not wrong about that. Or like classifying random things into signs and it seems to me like a harmless joke that makes sense to me.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with that but everything in moderation just like everything else. People are assigned traits based on the date they were born that have nothing to do with them as an individual.