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Ms. Spitzer held the more high-powered position: She was the camp's he gives speeches where he tells war stories, usually to students and sometimes at Her existence was not defined by her experience as a Holocaust.
Table of contents

We seek young people who feel despair at what they see around them. We seek those with wisdom and vision. And more than ever before, we seek to galvanize each other to act as children of Mother Earth and take action to protect her and all her inhabitants, without exception. How do we strengthen our resolve?

The Non-Jewish Pole Who Snuck Into Auschwitz to Document Its Horrors

How do we build bridges and alliances instead of walls? And in times of pessimism and confusion, where do we find clarity and inspiration to move forward? Zen Peacemakers offers an opportunity to apply for scholarships for those in financial need. The scholarships are partial and depend on our funding for each year.

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Scholarships will be given out with a preference toward diversity and first-time participants. We can usually provide more information about scholarships in August, as by that time, we know how many people have signed up for the retreat, and how much funding we have available for prospective participants in need of financial assistance. There also is the possibility to raise your retreat fee by Mala practice.

Profits from our Bearing Witness Retreats are used to cover the costs of other retreats with loss, split with other participating organizations, or towards future and ongoing projects of the Zen Peacemakers. Zen Peacemakers encourages everyone to fundraise their participation by reaching out to close ones and friends and by that to include others in what otherwise may be a very personal journey. You will also raise awareness for whatever causes or issues attending this retreat will address for you.

Shakyamuni Buddha led his monks each morning in the practice of begging for their daily food. In this way the Buddha encouraged simplicity, the generosity of both giving and receiving, and undiscriminating appreciation. We continue this begging practice by raising support for our work by assembling a mala, or beads that are strung together and worn like a necklace. This is a practice of giving and receiving. By asking for support from family, friends, and associates, we acknowledge that as individuals, we are limited in what we can do. We depend on the generosity of others to increase our membership, train more peacemakers, and develop and support more programs.

This is one more way in which we bear witness in the interdependence of life. Another important aspect of mala practice is the incorporation of the ministry of money in our program. The assembly of malas ensures that money management and fundraising are not seen as foreign to peacemaking work; instead, the give-and-take of money is the compassionate, unobstructed flow of energy that nourishes and transforms our activities.

Kitty: Return To Auschwitz (Holocaust Documentary) - Timeline

Mala practice also gives us the opportunity to share our work with our families, friends, and associates. Most of us lead professional work lives and have families. By raising money for our Socially Engaged Buddhist work, we publicize its activities, and most important, our own commitment.

By wearing the beads we have assembled, we take our supporters with us in our peacemaking endeavors and on Bearing Witness retreats such as at Auschwitz, thus making family and friends an intimate part of this peacemaking journey. Assemble a mala not from your personal funds consisting of 18 small beads and one Buddha large bead or one of beads and dedicate each bead to each of your donors.

Beads from individuals or from groups or families are equally appreciated. Fees are non refundable if a registration is cancelled by the participant after October 18th, , within two weeks 14 days of the start date of the retreat. All refunds will be processed within 60 days of notification of cancellation.

Arrive a few days before to adjust after your travel, explore beautiful Krakow and leave at least a day later to allow integration of your retreat experience before returning home. When you participate in a Bearing Witness retreat, you enter a carefully crafted container held by various teams:. This role is specific to the retreat they have been chosen for. They review the retreat structure and schedule and make recommendations for changes. The Spirit Holders include 1 individuals whose lives are deeply infused with the place and theme of the retreat, 2 Zen teachers or Masters with extensive experience in the practice and teaching of the Three Tenets and 3 Those with a particular role, such as Head of Logistical Staff and Head Council Trainer.

Staff serves the needs of the retreat and its participants by translating the direction of the spirit holders into action. Half of our staff consists of local people with a personal connection to the place of the retreat; the other half are highly trained ZPO members.

The retreat Clergy are designated leaders of faiths, entrusted with specific liturgical and ceremonial aspects of the retreat schedule. They are also available as resources to the participants during the retreat. Below, clergy pictured L to R: Fr. These facilitators have trained with the Center for Council and are under the guidance and supervision of the head council trainer.

The facilitator team will be decided before the start of the retreat. The Administration team develops, plans and manages the budget, marketing and schedule for each retreat from its inception to the actual start of the retreat. They continuously evaluate and determine whether a retreat is financially feasible. Dialogue Center Staff maintains our lodging facilities, prepares and serves our hearty and healthy meals. Celebration of diversity has been a hallmark of the Zen Peacemakers Bearing Witness Retreats and in particular at Auschwitz-Birkenau, once a symbol of extreme intolerance towards others.

Through the years the Zen Peacemakers have hosted countless nationalities, faiths and ethnicities on the retreat. Donations towards this fund will be extended towards those from diverse backgrounds to contribute to the multifaceted experience of the retreat. Scholarships are available to individuals on a personal basis, are reviewed by ZP Staff and usually become available 60 days before the retreat. During the retreat, there will be a dedicated time to receive and present your candle.

Donation can be done online on our Donation Page. Zen Peacemakers, Inc. These are the principles of the Zen Peacemakers and the foundation of this retreat. Your fee supports the expenses of the retreat and contributes to scholarships available to those of limited means. Registration can be completed using the retreat registration form coming soon. T ake: Saint Wawrzynca Str. Participants are responsible for paying their own bill before departure from the hotel.

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Aparthotel 13 Grodzka Str. Hotel Pollera 20 Szpitalna Str. Many, many books have been published concerning the Holocaust.

Auschwitz survivors return to face the past

For first time attendees, we highly recommend that you read at least one of the following books before attending the Auschwitz Bearing Witness Retreat:. We seek those with wisdom and vision. And more than ever before, we seek to galvanize each other to act as children of Mother Earth and take action to protect her and all her inhabitants, without exception.

How do we strengthen our resolve? How do we build bridges and alliances instead of walls? And in times of pessimism and confusion, where do we find clarity and inspiration to move forward? Zen Peacemakers offers an opportunity to apply for scholarships for those in financial need. The scholarships are partial and depend on our funding for each year.

Scholarships will be given out with a preference toward diversity and first-time participants. We can usually provide more information about scholarships in August, as by that time, we know how many people have signed up for the retreat, and how much funding we have available for prospective participants in need of financial assistance. There also is the possibility to raise your retreat fee by Mala practice.

Profits from our Bearing Witness Retreats are used to cover the costs of other retreats with loss, split with other participating organizations, or towards future and ongoing projects of the Zen Peacemakers. Zen Peacemakers encourages everyone to fundraise their participation by reaching out to close ones and friends and by that to include others in what otherwise may be a very personal journey.

You will also raise awareness for whatever causes or issues attending this retreat will address for you. Shakyamuni Buddha led his monks each morning in the practice of begging for their daily food.

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In this way the Buddha encouraged simplicity, the generosity of both giving and receiving, and undiscriminating appreciation. We continue this begging practice by raising support for our work by assembling a mala, or beads that are strung together and worn like a necklace. This is a practice of giving and receiving. By asking for support from family, friends, and associates, we acknowledge that as individuals, we are limited in what we can do. We depend on the generosity of others to increase our membership, train more peacemakers, and develop and support more programs.

Including More Stories of Hope in Holocaust Teachings | HowStuffWorks

This is one more way in which we bear witness in the interdependence of life. Another important aspect of mala practice is the incorporation of the ministry of money in our program. The assembly of malas ensures that money management and fundraising are not seen as foreign to peacemaking work; instead, the give-and-take of money is the compassionate, unobstructed flow of energy that nourishes and transforms our activities.

Mala practice also gives us the opportunity to share our work with our families, friends, and associates. Most of us lead professional work lives and have families. By raising money for our Socially Engaged Buddhist work, we publicize its activities, and most important, our own commitment. By wearing the beads we have assembled, we take our supporters with us in our peacemaking endeavors and on Bearing Witness retreats such as at Auschwitz, thus making family and friends an intimate part of this peacemaking journey.

Assemble a mala not from your personal funds consisting of 18 small beads and one Buddha large bead or one of beads and dedicate each bead to each of your donors. Beads from individuals or from groups or families are equally appreciated. Fees are non refundable if a registration is cancelled by the participant after October 18th, , within two weeks 14 days of the start date of the retreat. All refunds will be processed within 60 days of notification of cancellation.

Arrive a few days before to adjust after your travel, explore beautiful Krakow and leave at least a day later to allow integration of your retreat experience before returning home.