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There is no “right” way to live your life. I, personally would love to never have to work, have a lovely little house and garden, socialize, be crafty and relax.
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I think that's a pretty major difference. The desire to do things, but being too depressed to do them. I think lazy people generally hate having to do things, whereas depressed people want to, but can't, and end up hating on themselves. Well, depression has some common signs, like; Continuous sadness, Anxiety, Lack of motivation, Feeling tearful and guilt ridden, Feeling hopeless and helpless, having trouble with family and social life, just to name a few.

When you feel that even if you start it, you will just fail at the end and it won't make any difference. Anonymous April 27th, pm. Being depressed is like being trapped in a box. You want to live and do things, but you feel like you're unable to. Depression leaves you numb and out of place.

Being lazy is not bothering to motivate yourself. However, depression drains you of energy in general and deeply affects the way you think and how motivated you are. A sign of depression can be lacking the motivation to do things you used to enjoy doing. I don't know of anyone that ever likes doing chores I sure don't! Depression can manifest itself in different ways sometimes, so never be afraid to ask questions. And know that there is always someone to talk to, and there is always someone to understand and support you! Usually when we are unmotivated because we're being lazy, that's all we feel is unmotivated I experience severe loneliness even though I don't want to go out.

To me, that is my depression because otherwise my loneliness would motivate me. It's hard because we're often told we're being lazy when really we are experiencing a depression that causes sadness, fatigue, and something called anhedonia which is the inability to find pleasure in things once found pleasurable. If you're experiencing depression symptoms, maybe it is better to try to be easy on yourself.

The fact that you're worried about it shows that you're not lazy. If you were lazy, you wouldn't care, Motivational issues are a huge part of depression. Depression is like a big bag of symptoms, of those symptoms are fatigue, loss of interest and feelings of loss of motivation. I don't think there's anything called a lazy person, just a person who hasnt found the right motivation yet. I think an extremely lazy person will still enjoy certain things. However a depressed person wouldn't be able to find happiness and contentment in anything.

Even the activities he or she used to enjoy seem pointless now. But i guess the best way to know for sure is seeing a professional. Anonymous April 30th, pm. Anonymous July 2nd, pm.

What’s consistent about all of this?

I think the surest way to tell is to ask yourself whether you are enjoying a feeling of leisure while you are not doing whatever it is you are not motivated to do, or whether not doing it makes you feel anxious, guilty, nervous If you are calling yourself lazy in a judgmental way, berating yourself over feeling unmotivated I'd even suggest that anyone asking such a question in the first place is pretty unlikely to be unmotivated out of simple sloth!

Has there been anything on your mind or happening in life that you think may be making you unmotivated? Well, depression has some common signs, like; Continuous sadness, Anxiety, Lack of motivation, Feeling tearful and guilt ridden, feeling hopeless and helpless, having trouble with family and social life, just to name a few.

As I am not a counselor or therapist of any kind, I cannot give you a full on answer. However, something I learned is that being unmotivated can be a sign of depression, laziness too. I suggest going to a counselor and getting checked out even a possible psych evaluation if you want to to see if you have depression or just need motivation.

Depression usually will affect the whole life aspects, not only one. So if you think you are only extremely unmotivated in studying, but not in working, relationship, life in general, it just means you are lazy. His conclusion was that I have Bipolar Disorder. I have made a decision that it is best if you love her to let her go. I still care about her and think the way I still feel that I wont contribute to her joy and happiness its sometimes best to just dont drag her down while you some rational thinking left.

The weird thing is I was searching for something very different from this and I found this accidentally. Since I was 18 and a couple of months. So far he is my only one. The one that got me to say I love you. And I hate to admit it, But this article describes him.

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He took advantage of the fact that I truly love him and that I needed him in life. And believe it or not he found a way to make that about him. And he also added that he had a suicide attempt. I wanna ask your advice.

This is for the lazy ones. — Talking Shrimp

I might have some specific questions that i might add later. Sorry about this and thank you in advance. Tom, your situation sounds completely similar to mine except we spent pretty much everyday together for the two years of our relationship and I wanted to pass on some advice to you since my break-up.

They like to play the victim and everything in the relationship and every problem they have in life is somehow going to be your fault. But the truth is, if you are really feeling this way, you should ask yourself if they are the problem or if you are. One thing I realized at the end of my relationship was that I knew I was not going to spend the rest of my life with him.

I didnt want to, I had achieved so much and he was constantly trying to put me down and tell me I wasnt doing anything right, or I wasnt focusing on him and he started a fight over it. He didnt try to build me up like i did to him, he didnt want to change his behaviour because it hurt me and our relationship. He just wanted attention and love but didnt want to give it in return. Its a long road to realization but once youre there, you have to think long and hard about the next step.

Ask yourself what you want in life in 5 years and if this person really fits into the mix, and if they do will it be a positive scenario. I hope this helped! This person I love works hard at wrecking my nerves. Last night she comes home after being gone 3 days my God! What a peaceful 3 days it was for me. Immediately she changed her persona from being sweet and lovely to her friends who were in the car with her, to being nasty and condescending, demeaning and grumpy to me. She immediately gets up and marched out of the room. So, I get told off more, which only makes me work more towards a solution.

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I end up apologizing and going to bed shaking from the ordeal. This always puts me to sleep but last night I listened consciously and it was wonderful. While I was working through my anger of what happened I realized the only way I can correct this relationship is by leaving it. I understand she was tired and not happy that her friends kept her up every night only to wake her early the following day.

I understand she was disappointed about the behavior of one, who only seemed to drag my partner down. Just when I feel my strength I lose it. All I wanted was a decent relationship with someone, not a tortuous one which leaves me devastated regularly. My BF husband of 23 years finally plucked up the courage to leave me helped by having an affair with someone he told me had a good heart.

It hurts very much still. I really want to stop my behaviour before it ruins the future. What is the best way to deal with such a terrible toxic relationship that has become dangerous and getting out of the relationship safely without a trace so they cannot find you to do these things to you any longer please help me anyone!?! Leann please find a domestic violence support organisation in your area. They have resources and support and processes in place to help with this. There will be somewhere close to you that will have the resources to help you.

Otherwise there will be a national organisation that will guide you towards the resources in your area. If your safety is at risk, ask the police in your area to guide you towards the right support. There are people who can help you.

How do I know if I'm depressed or just lazy or unmotivated?

Why is it sometimes so hard to walk away from them? In essence, jump out of the raging fire they are rather than stand there time and time again, getting grotesquely burned? To put it simply, they have something we want — namely, approval.

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I shared an office with a toxic co-worker for a few years and realized after some time that I felt like I had to compete with him and win in order to earn his esteem. For some reason we think we need the approval of another or people in general to have worth; and this is what these toxic people hold over our heads, alternately granting it as a reward or withholding it to manipulate us.

My situation was different from many here, but for those of us who crave approval recognizing the lie is key to confronting and dismantling it. I simply do not wish to fail unless failure is the only outcome possible. My option is now to succeed by walking away from the illusion of success.

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These souls hold carrots out of reach to watch us walk over the cliff trying to win, earn or pursue it endlessly. Im in school fulltime, work, and he is unemployed.

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