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Never make anyone feel small, including yourself.
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It may be the last time you see them. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. Stop wasting time on things that are not your business. At the end of your day, just do you. Trust the vibes you get, and listen to your gut. Energy does not lie. You cannot control others. You can only control how you react to a situation. It is okay to disagree with someone, but it is not okay to disrespect them. Put your phone down for a few hours every day and interact with the people around you.

You never know what you may be missing. After all, you cannot get back those hours that you are spending on your phone. It is more important to have a few good friends , rather than many acquaintances. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Loading video Experience is the biggest teacher of all of life's lessons. You have never known a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. A good deed each day can do a lot for someone. Subscribe to our Newsletter Thank you for signing up!

They get crafty, scrappy, take risks, ask for things, demand things and have passion for their goals and wants. We are all the protagonists in our own stories. You, me, everyone.

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And if you want to achieve your goals you will need to be that active character. Happiness, balance, peace, wellness…. Passivity happens to all of us at times, but at some point we will be given a choice , do we back down and settle? Or do we go after something with energy — even when that is most definitely the more challenging, scary, patience-needed life path. Are your wants that important to you? How much will you push to achieve your goals?

This is your story. This is your one life. You are the main character in your own story. You are the protagonist. Go for it.

26 Lessons Life Has Taught Me About Street Photography

Be true to yourself and to your dreams and goals in life. And when you have those decisions staring you in the face and fear is getting the better of you, ask yourself what your main character would do? You can only be brave when you are facing scary things.

And the best protagonists are brave. Be brave. Be active. Hard Work is at the Core of Everything. That has always been a strength of mine. And when it comes to screenwriting, you can talk about your story for days and days. Think about it. Research it. But at the end of the day it really does take a big chunk of time over days and weeks — and months — and maybe even years — of just sitting in front of your screen typing on your keyboard. In your own head. Using the tools inside your body, mind and spirit. Only you can do it. When I am writing a first draft of a script, I have days where eight hours will literally just fly by as I type all the scenes and dialogue in my head out onto the page.

Fail Once. Fail Twice. Fail Again! Then Get Back Up! Failure is awesome. The more you do it, the more you realize how awesome it is. It creates character. It gives you a sense of humor. Failed at turning in homework on time. Failed at communicating the thing I wanted to communicated in my script. Failed at perfect story structure. Failed at socializing as much as I could. Failed at communicating to people when I got scared.

I survived. And I feel so much growth from those failures. Those failures actually made my successes so much sweeter! Failing sucks. Leaving class and bursting into tears in your car because you disappointed yourself sucks. Not being perfect is hard for people like me who grew up feeling that need. You will fail when you challenge yourself. In your career, in life, relationships, cooking, everything! Failure also shows you what you love.

25 Lessons Life has Taught Me

When enrolling in this program I had the option to do an in-person class or online. I chose in-person because part of what I was craving from this journey was people. Eye contact. Warmth from feeling like you are part of a team, a community. Small groups are my jam.

But I really tried. I held my shit together, most of the time and showed up and connected with the other students. I appreciated them so much in the program and they were all so freaking talented. It always shocked me when any of them confessed about feeling insecure, because they are all amazing! It just goes to show we are indeed our own worse critics. Since I was brand new to this craft, I started out quiet, unsure of my opinions when giving feedback and unsure if the others could tell that I had no clue what the heck I was doing.

But as I gained more confidence, I spoke up more and formed a thicker skin for receiving feedback too. I mean, blogging for twelve years definitely helps me have a thick skin.

Best Teach Me Life - Life Lessons images in | Important life lessons, Quotes, Life lessons

You guys know how screen-heavy our personal interactions are these days. But I hope we all have opportunities to connect with real live people. And not just co-workers or family and friends.

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A diverse group of people who you might not otherwise hang out with. People outside your bubble. Being respectful and kind is number one, guys. The number of hours I spent writing this past year have been kinda insane. Hours and hours. Saturdays and Sundays.

Sometimes, when I was feeling negative, I wondered if this was all a waste of time. Creativity, art and expressions of yourself are never a waste of time. Not only are they good for your parasympathetic nervous system , but they help develop parts of your brain that you might be ignoring in your day to day life.