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Shakespeare’s story of a king who divides his realm between his three daughters probes the depths of human suffering and despair. First staged in , for centuries King Lear was thought too bleak to perform, but its nihilism has heavily influenced modern drama. What Does Justice ‎Plot Overview · ‎Video Plot Summary · ‎Act 1, scenes 1–2 · ‎CHARACTERS King Lear.
Table of contents

The subplot concerns the Earl of Gloucester , who gullibly believes the lies of his conniving illegitimate son, Edmund, and spurns his honest son, Edgar.

King Lear Introduction

Driven into exile disguised as a mad beggar, Edgar becomes a companion of the truly mad Lear and the Fool during a terrible storm. Edmund allies himself with Regan and Goneril to defend Britain against the French army mobilized by Cordelia. Cordelia is hanged on the orders of Edmund, who experiences a change of heart once he has been defeated and fatally wounded by Edgar but is too late in his attempt to reverse the death order.

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Plot Overview

Written By: David Bevington. See Article History. Subscribe Today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. His last play, Rustam-o-Sohrab , the tragic story of two legendary Persian heroes, Rustam and his son Sohrab, is a drama of passion and fatal irony.

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Cordelia is the only sister that remains unmarried, though there are two suitors present vying for her hand, the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy. The Earl of Kent also observes that Cordelia has been treated unfairly and objects to the King's reasoning. This also infuriates King Lear and he speaks his mind, earning him abuse from King Lear.

At the same time, the Earl of Gloucester has introduced his other illegitimate son to the Earl of Kent. Lear makes it clear to his daughters that he will divide time between their two residences. He has reserved to himself a retinue of people, a group of nobles and servants, that will stay with him at all times.

King Lear by William Shakespeare

Goneril and Regan profess to have believed their father to be a silly old man and that their declarations of love were contrived. The Earl of Kent returns under disguise from his exile under the name of Caius and is hired by King Lear as a servant.

Lear discovers that his two daughters do not respect him as he believed they would, and Goneril reduces his retinue. Lear is enraged and leaves for Regan's home, on the way he is mocked by a fool. Lear grows furious with both daughters and develops into a total madman.

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As Gloucester's son Edmund grows more jealous of his legitimate older brother Edgar, he betrays Lear and leads him towards impending war. Both Goneril and Regan began to fall in love with Edmund, and Goneril's affections lead her to poison her sister, but not before her honest husband joins forces with the Lear and becomes disgusted with his Goneril's actions. Cordelia helps to lead the French army along with her husband, but in the end the Earl of Kent and Cordelia take charge of the mad King Lear.

As the French and English fight, Cordelia is executed. Goneril commits suicide after Cordelia appears dead in her father's arms.

King Lear by William Shakespeare - Summary & Analysis