Manual John John: an alternative story

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adjacency pair, 11 advice, Agard, John, allusions, , ​, , alternative stories, Althusser, Louis, ambiguity,
Table of contents

Treating access as strictly transactional, rather than as some sort of norm, could reduce, or make transparent, its role in the reporting process.

Education Next is a journal of opinion and research about education policy.

To focus solely on holding power to account is as concise a definition of journalism as I can think of. But these hopes butt up against commercial interests and an instinct for self-preservation. A purely aggressive CNN, for instance, would be a very different operation, less lucrative and probably much smaller. And the self-identified alternative media of this election was, on the other hand, unembarrassed by its ideology, aggressive not merely in the pursuit of stories but in the election of one candidate and the destruction of another.

It was willing to submit to new distribution systems to benefit from them, and openly prioritized this, along with its animating political cause, above all else.

John’s story

It is telling that nobody quite knows what to ask of Facebook now that the election is over. To rid itself of false news? To help users cross ideological lines? In which directions? Such questions are asked with an eerily similar presumption: that by merely pointing out the popularity of fake news or misrepresentative content that appeared on the platform during the election, the point is made and will be heeded. Facebook has remained passive, taking shelter behind claims that it is a tech company rather than a media company.

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To accept marginality as fate was one difficult option for those in the media; to defy it was another. All of this should be monitored. It's possible we'll start seeing more of Dr.

An alternative tribute to John Humphrys, as he says goodbye to Today

Andrews' brace and we should keep an eye on how Richards and Maness progress heading into the season. Tommy John surgery was a great technology, but as time moves on, sometimes better alternatives are discovered. Maybe we won't have to keep losing great pitchers for more than a full season. The former Indiana University baseball player now lives on the Full Bio.

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  • Up next:. Another Tommy John surgery alternative may have emerged. See All Newsletters. Please check the opt-in box to acknowledge that you would like to subscribe. Especially since the internet essentially has no space limits, we can easily provide some of that direct access by posting original documents or recordings.

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    • One of the most-read posts in our coverage of the missing women just contained audio and a transcript of key calls. Tips: Get more sophisticated in your presentation of documents by using footnotes to add information or interpretation.

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      Why not annotate a popular song? Tips: Providing boxes of information connected by lines to spots on a map or photo creates quick, easy graphics. Moving back and forth between the image and the text gets the reader involved in creating the story. The more the clutter, the more reason to annotate. But avoid the temptation to select only the most outrageous quotes, or to suggest that a few angry tweet mean most people feel the same way.

      The core idea is that if the value of the content lies solely in what people said, providing a string of quotes saves a lot of space wasted on trying to connect those quotes with transitions.

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      When Joan Rivers said something outrageous, a line of tweets made the point about what a stir she created. Case in point for the latter: Ozzy Osbourne.

      The procedure Seth Maness had would get pitchers back on the hill in less than eight months

      Tips: Squeezing comparisons into a regular story forces the writer to pick one of two ways to package: collect all the information about each main entry together, so the reader has to jump from one section to another to compare all the entries on the same category; or collect all the information about a given category together, so the reader has to jump section to section to see the complete picture for a given main entry. A grid puts the reader in control; she can read across or down. John Kroll is a digital journalist and educator currently teaching at Kent State University with experience in editing, coaching, content creation and management.