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The Hanshi in Brussels book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. After the Central Park debacle, Hanshi David Mann.
Table of contents

The more you relinquish of your dignity and respectability, the more you will have to sacrifice to maintain your false notions of reality. It is essential that you become one with the objective. You cannot separate yourself from the subjective goal of your self-proclaimed destiny. You must be intimately involved with it. Otherwise, you will not be in control of yourself and any conditions that can arise. It is the same as absentee management, and unless you are directly involved, certain people in your world will assume to make decisions for you that you may not want to experience.

It takes dedication to your ideal. Your ideal will then express itself in completeness, and you will reap the benefits and advantages. You must firmly develop the concreteness of your idea into your heart, mind, and soul. Remembering the idea of no thought and no idea suggests that you have to go into the objective before the objective becomes a problem that must be dealt with in unorthodox fashion. Go into any situation with completeness, or you will wonder why certain things are not following your desire. This is all based on planning and knowing that certain outcomes will arise that may be serendipitous and to your advantage.

You can only do this if you are truly aware of what you are trying to accomplish.

Education and Training

Many mistakes will naturally occur in your thinking because, quite frankly, you are not the creator of the universe and the substance from which everything emanates. On a different perspective, you are. But that is something to be considered apart from the application of the Rings philosophy. Hebi-Do Kata 1. Earth: Elbow and Knee Attacks. Use any adjective you wish.

The innate ramifications and esoteric elegance, which will be explained to you during the analysis sections, cause Hebi-do kata 1 to be a full-blown combat form— nothing less, and it must be treated as such. With practice and study, you will acknowledge it as such. If you do not understand what Hebi-do kata 1 is about, there is no way you will ever understand the 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , or 5 th , other than the specific moves, or for that matter, any kata. Understanding the concept is crucial. Then the moves become matter of fact. Hebi-do kata 1 is broken down into sequences that will enable you to put each set of moves together in functional form.

It is suggested that you have physical control and understand the idea of each sequence before proceeding to the next.

Doshu in Brussels 2016 - Embukai: Christian Tissier

In this manner your actions will flow with ease and grace through the entire form. Visualization of an actual attack coming in is imperative if you are to understand the realities of practical combat. This is very important if you are to get anything at all out of training in Hebi-do, or for that matter, in anything you do. This takes time, though not that much. It is essential to understand and develop this concept. Hebi-do 1 begins with a normal front facing stance with the hands in fist form held to the front.

Any variations of the opening are acceptable, but they must be in context with the kata philosophy itself. This means that you may start from any position that your particular school requires as long as you can move into the first sequence properly. As a result of a proper approach, you will have a tendency to attacker harder and faster, which is always to your advantage.

Sequence 1. Inhaling deeply into the abdomen and exhaling forcefully during the entire sequence, attack to the left with an inside middle hammer fist deflection, palm down while using the left leg as a defensive gesture in the event of a kick attack. Immediately execute a lunging right knee and rising right elbow strike. Execute a left reverse and right lunge punch bringing the left hand behind you as a deterrent to an enemy approaching from the rear. Drop into a left diagonal stance utilizing peripheral vision to the fullest extent with the left leg rearward.

The entire sequence is done as one motion and enables you to develop the attitude of going into the attack. Keep in mind that the first sequence IS NOT a left deflection followed by a right knee, then a right elbow, then a right stomp, etc. It is done in one continuous movement and is not broken up into smaller segments.

The small finger side of the wrist is stronger than the thumb side and will avail you more power as you drive in with your attack. The knee does not come around in a circular motion. It drives straight in.

Oda Katsuo sensei iaido 8th dan hanshi | Our sensei during t… | Flickr

The back fist to the top of the head or middle of the face is a natural continuation of the elbow strike prior to the two punches. The back fist and the stomp are a two-step aspect of your attack done with one exhalation. Breathing is done as one breath for the entire sequence. The opening deflection to the final lunge punch strike and rear deflection must be done as one continuous move with the appropriate changes in step.

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The knee, elbow, backfist, and stomp increase the depth and penetration of your attack when executed with resolve and commitment. Consider the possibility of going deeply into the attacker and only using the knee, elbow, stomp, and backfist. The rear deflection with the leg moved into position is an aspect of zanshin , awareness, and should be developed as such. The entire sequence is done as one continuous move. All motion must be fluid, quick, and powerful.

To develop the power needed to bring off this type of attack, you must practice by adding one technique at a time until the entire sequence is accomplished. If you execute with more than one attitude of attack, your posture, stance, and commitment are wrong. Make certain you understand what I mean by having proper balance to execute correctly. It is essential to be firmly rooted. If the sequence is not done in one move, then there will be hesitation between movements regardless of your speed and it will show as a lack of conviction in your attack.

This example should indicate to you why people complain about kata moves not working. There must be total commitment to the application of the technique.

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If there is not, then you can practice from now until doomsday and you will never effectively or efficiently use the techniques correctly in combat. Sequence 2. Without changing position, and inhaling deeply after extending the left arm as a low deflection you have already turned degrees to the left in a crouch , use the left leg for target orientation and move forward with the right leg raised as a kick deflection while executing a right inside hammer fist as a punch deflection.

Execute a driving left rising elbow strike and left knee attack continuing into the left backfist and left stomp. Fire a right reverse punch and left lunge punch to finish the attack sequence. This is a mirror of sequence 1. The rear deflection while crouching considers the possibility of an incoming attack. This position enables a low, middle, or high defense and will be developed in the improvisation section.

The middle deflection enables you to change height instantly to ward off a high or middle attack.

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  • Continue to practice sequence 1 and 2 as one move until you completely understand their implication. Understand WHY you are making these moves, which is to deal with 2 attacks while changing direction. If you do not practice with the correct attitudes of destroying attacks, then it is foolish to continue with the kata, or for that matter, karate.

    Nobara Belgium

    There is no other reason to practice these martial arts moves. Form is essential in practice. It enables you to perfect your sense of self during enemy destroying attacks: functioning with correct balance and posture to execute properly.