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For years, the people of the Garden City have been protesting the menace of soot in the air they breathe.

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Some citizens have taken to social media to voice their complaints about the pesky problem, all, it appears to no avail. Tunde Bello is a resident of Port Harcourt who has become an accidental environmental activist.

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A similar hashtag StopTheSoot has joined the fray as well. I got to know about the activism of Bello through another denizen. Answers are basically the views of the generality of the people. Tunde Bello. What do you think is responsible for the cause of the black particulates that condenses on cars and properties? The account of Bello has been corroborated by another Twitter handle, girlharry who tells me she first noticed the problem towards the end of last year. I went on Twitter and found out that a lot of the people in Port Harcourt were experiencing the same thing.

What part of Port Harcourt is the most affected? I went away for secondary school and university, but I came back and I work here. I am indoors and in cars a lot. The soot is a Port Harcourt thing. I hear that other areas in Rivers State are not affected. My friend in Bonny does not experience it. Have you heard of cases of hospitalization due to the pollution? Inhaling all this black stuff cannot be healthy. These refineries are operated by the government.

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The refineries she speaks of are those of the Port Harcourt Refining Company PHRC which was established in and the second plant, commissioned in Both refineries were state-of-the-art facilities at their founding but years of corruption have stripped them of the resources needed to make them profitable state-operated businesses. Today, Nigeria imports almost all of the petroleum products used domestically.

However, privately owned refineries are been built to reduce over-reliance on foreign imports. Even Apple is under pressure over this issue, with two of its major investors recently calling on the company to do more to help parents tackle problematic smartphone usage by their children. As another positive sign, Powell cites Silicon Valley initiative Time Well Spent , which is trying to push back against technology that hijacks our attention. Mute justmuteit. Moment inthemoment. Space space-app.

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Reuse this content. WordPress users will want a simple plugin to run campaigns directly from inside the application, whereas a B2B professional might be platform agnostic. The pages you build or the blog posts you create will address subsets of each one to compete for the best keywords in each space.

Your odds of success will be higher due to less competition. But, running an online business without knowing the basics of HTML would be the same as driving without knowing what the colors of traffic lights mean. Heck, you can even learn it on the job by just using a simple cheat sheet like this one. They are what shows up in the tab of your browser when you open a new page.

The HTML tag for them is called title. But when it comes to blogs, it often becomes an h1-tag, which stands for heading of the first order. Every page should only have one h1-tag to make the title clear to Google. For example, instead of having to customize each page or post manually, you can create default settings for your titles and metadata. You can even add extra features. That way, there are clear indicators for them to hit before ever publishing directly to your site.

Not only do they help format and structure your content and give your readers easy reference points, but they also affect SEO. Compared to your h1-tags, your h2, h3, h4, and further subheads have less SEO power. But they still matter, so you should use them. The report will give you a sitewide analysis. While this part gets super-techy really quickly, there are a few simple things everyone can and should take care of to improve SEO rankings.

It focuses on things like fast loading times, a safe connection, and a mobile-friendly design. That allows you to really get into the head of your user and reverse-engineer your way to a great user experience UX. The thicker the web of links between pages of your site , the easier it is for the spiders to reach all of them, giving the search engine a better understanding of your site. To see a crawl in action, you can use this tool. A common mistake is to think that everything on your page should be original.

Because the fact is, search engines do not penalize websites for duplicate content. Now, compare that to another blog example like MarketingLand. Here, the latest posts feature an image and a title. But they also include a short description of the post.

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So even though Google Search Console or another tool says you have thousands of duplicate content errors, you really just have one big root cause. If you have multiple versions of the same page, the canonical tag can help you specify which content is the original. All you have to do is drop in a single line of code that references the original page URL like this. You can set the default page or post version as the canonical so that it always adds this line by default. Alternatively, you can specify it manually under the advanced settings options for each page or post:.

This often leaves behind a wave of broken links, too. Most SEO-focused tools like Moz will also crawl your site like search engines to audit these common issues. Duplicate content and broken links or errors are the two most common crawl errors plaguing most websites. Considering that Facebook now has 1. Most WordPress themes are mobile-friendly from the get-go these days, and if not, you can always install a plugin to take care of that. You know just how important this is.

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Today, we value our time more than anything. Long loading times can absolutely kill your conversions. And based on their findings, the average loading time was over 22 seconds. Another one of my favorite tools to track page speed over time is Pingdom. Most websites today are full of high-resolution images. However, the better they look, the bigger the size. WP Smush. You might have to change the structure of your permalinks on WordPress , and you should certainly keep your human users in mind. But including your keyword in your URLs is a no-brainer.

These warning notifications will essentially tell people not to give your website their personal information or worse, their credit card numbers. One of my favorite mind mapping tools is XMind. But check out what happens when you hit their homepage. But the last thing you want after working so hard to get traffic to your site is for them to bounce immediately because a big, red notification from Google is warning them away.

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Technically speaking, each one of those options is secure. You can purchase these directly from your domain registrar. Alright, time to step outside your house and take a look at the front yard. Trust is getting increasingly important, and most of the recent Google updates have hit spammy and obscure websites. For example, if you look like a big brand , Google is likely to trust you.

Quality backlinks from authoritative sites like. There are four parts to building trust. However, anything over is pretty high. Remember earlier when we spoke about how guest blogging could be white, gray, or black hat depending on how you use it?