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Fortune's Progress (A Tom Fortune Adventure Book 1). by Geoffrey Skidmore and Doreen Goodall. Kindle Edition · ₹0₹0. Free with Kindle Unlimited.
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Outlying Islands U. Sign Up. View Series. Her books are engaging, fun, well written, designed, and executed. Easy to get into and hard to step away from, this is another series that fans are just going to adore. Reminiscent of two of my favorite series by her, Three Sister's Island and the Circle Trilogy, it was no wonder this was a hard one to put down.

I loved all the magical 4. I loved all the magical elements, surprises, and adventure, not to mention romance, along the way. Very much all the things I look forward to when starting one of her books.

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I am so excited about this series and truly can not wait for more. I loved the darker elements it had as well as the insta friendship between these six people. This is truly going to be a memorable series. View 1 comment. Oh and I don't feel guilty about it. Book One introduces us to American artist Sasha, a woman whose dreams have now overtaken her artwork. These visions encourage Sasha to head to the Greek island of Corfu where she is joined by two other women and three men. Turns out they are all seekers of an ancient prophecy and a goddess lurks in the darkness waiting to thwart them.

Not many authors can juggle multiple 3. Not many authors can juggle multiple characters and make them all fleshed out and intriguing to the reader.

SparkNotes: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Chapters 4–6

That is, unless you happen to be Russian or Nora Roberts. Oh yes, I am going there and still don't feel guilty. I am hooked into the story-ancient prophecy and romance and I am so glad I have books two and three ready to go. Dec 07, Liz rated it it was ok. OK, I really really wish that Nora Roberts would come up with a new theme in her trilogies. I am pretty tired of the trio or in this case 6 people with special powers battling evil to save the world, and truth to tell the stories are so similar it is very hard to differentiate between them.

I miss the stories of real life people dealing with real life issues When someone is often referred to as the world's greatest storyteller, you can be sure, even before you open her new book, that you're in for a treat. This always stands true for Nora Roberts, who is famous for her exciting plots, unforgettable settings and steaming hot romances.

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Regardless of whether she writes contemporary romance, paranormal fiction or even futuristic crime fiction as J. Robb, the underlying recipe remains the same. We meet six very different individuals brought together by fate itself for one common goal — to find three stars forged by three ancient goddesses and protect them from evil forces. Nora takes her time with these six characters, building each of them into such interesting well-rounded individuals. Her relationships always progress at a rapid pace, but she knows how to create strong bonds in a very short time.

The paranormal mystery itself has a lot more to give and the villain Roberts created is powerful enough to make us genuinely afraid for our group of heroes.

Dark caves and evil bats are just one of the hardships these six have had to face, with so much more ahead of them in the next two installments. Roberts has written hundreds of books, but it only takes one for a reader to become her loyal fan. Mar 28, TheCuriousOtter rated it did not like it Shelves: pnr , mystery , urban-fantasy , frustrating.

So, you think this is a book about cool characters and their powers and this interesting mission that they're on right? I felt like just as the book was finally getting somewhere, all the characters would go eat or drink.

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It became frustratingly annoying that i even created a 'bookshelf' and tagged this as "frustrating"!! The amount of times these words were mentioned Beer 47x Wine 51x Dinner 18x Breakfast 20x Meal 15x Lunch 15x Eggs 10x Combine all the food terms, So, you think this is a book about cool characters and their powers and this interesting mission that they're on right?

The amount of times these words were mentioned Beer 47x Wine 51x Dinner 18x Breakfast 20x Meal 15x Lunch 15x Eggs 10x Combine all the food terms, that's 78x Food is mentioned, and x for alcohol. Nora Roberts should call this book "Food of Fortune". This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. A wonderful book of fantasy.

You would think the Queen of Romance would make a fantasy complete with the regular occupants kinda silly, but you'd be wrong. This book is fantastical gold! Nora included a character that she hardly ever uses. I'm not talking about the werewolf, the wizard, the mermaid, the seer, the immortal or the time traveler. Nope that would be the truly rare duck in Nora's books I know, it's a shocker.

Nora stays away from the blushing virgin tropes. Her A wonderful book of fantasy. Her heroines are Women. With a capital W. Excellent book! Now I'm on to the Mermaid! While I'm still unsure about what the stars are supposed to do, I focused more on the developing romances between the couples and found Stars of Fortune was actually an easy page turner. Sasha and Bran are not my favourite of the three couples but this book turned out to be a much stronger paranormal romance than I first gave it credit for. Hopefully I'll enjoy it more now! And as far as the In Death series goes, I love that world so much that I could live there despite the massive serial killer problem and sky-high murder rate future New York clearly has!

But her paranormal romance attempts have always been hit and miss. I found the opening chapter to be quite confusing in terms of setting up the story. There are three stars or treasures? And how are the protagonists linked to the stars and goddesses if they don't even exist in the same reality? The couple for book one is stated to be Sasha and Bran but there was zero chemistry between them.

I thought Sasha seemed weak and pathetic while Bran was a bit sleazy and had more chemistry with the secondary female character Riley! I also struggled with Sasha's weird psychic abilities; at first I thought she had subconscious visions that she painted but then view spoiler [she saw what was presumably the evil witch at her window while sleepwalking, and somehow while asleep had the presence of mind to go to Bran's room for help hide spoiler ] and that doesn't fit in with her previously established psychic powers.

In the end I just gave up. This is only my second ever one-star rating for Nora Roberts and while I will definitely still be buying and reading her books in the future, I will be giving the rest of this particular trilogy a miss. The story involves six characters, each with individual gifts and secrets, that come together to find the fire star.

Friendships are formed and strengthened as their journey together moves on. However, with every attempt at bonding, a dark threat looms seeking to destroy everything that stands in their way of "Stars of Fortune", by Nora Roberts, is the 1st book in her "The Guardians" trilogy. However, with every attempt at bonding, a dark threat looms seeking to destroy everything that stands in their way of possessing the star.

Good vs Evil, magic, darkness and romance are all part of the storyline. A captivating read and I look forward to the next book in the trilogy. Nov 03, Julia rated it liked it Shelves: , own , favorites , nora-roberts , contemporary-romance , own-paperback-hardcover , paranormal , 3-star. Just finished my new Nora Roberts book. I thought it was a little slow taking off, but as it's the first book in her new 'The Guardians' trilogy, groundwork has to be set for new characters and storyline.

I like the fact that the author took the readers to a new locale and she introduced new "characters" I had a feeling about Annika but Riley was a total surprise. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series 'Bay Of Sighs'. Dec 25, Lakshmi C rated it really liked it.