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Charlie Brown is the principal character of the comic strip Peanuts, syndicated in daily and .. The greatest of Charlie Brown's virtues is his resilience, which is to say his courage. Charlie Brown is ambitious. He manages the baseball team.
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Crestfallen, Cohn applied to other graduate schools instead, supporting himself in the meantime by drawing comics. As the years passed, his pile of grad school rejection letters grew. After four years of such replies, Cohn was close to giving up. Cohn worked up the courage to send a second letter.

Charlie Brown - Peanuts

To his surprise, Jackendoff invited him to earn a Ph. In Cohn came to Tufts and began his experiments. To test his hypothesis that the brain uses a visual grammar to make sense of comics, he designed a series of experiments that updated some classic language studies. In one set of experiments, subjects read sentences in different forms while wearing an EEG cap.

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Some of the sentences were grammatically correct, while others were scrambled. When subjects encountered a sentence with an unexpected grammatical error, EEG readings picked up a distinctive signal: The voltage in an area of the left brain briefly dropped. In other cases, Cohn jumbled panels from different strips so that they had none of the ordinary structure found in comics—the visual equivalent of stringing together a randomly chosen set of words. Cohn found that subjects experienced the left anterior negativity effect when they were shown the random panels, just as if they were reading sentences with grammatical errors.

They were the equivalent of grammatically correct but meaningless sentences. The result suggests that although participants struggled to understand the panels, they still recognized an underlying logic to them, supporting the idea that we depend on a visual grammar in comics in order to make sense of them. Cohn has gotten similar results from other experiments in which people had to press a button every time they saw one particular panel in a strip.

It took them longer to hit the button if the strip was a random jumble than if it was in its original order. Cohn hopes his research will bring a deeper appreciation of comics as more than entertainment.

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He sees them as windows to the evolution of fundamental structures in the human mind, which is wired to use strings of signals to communicate. Sometime more than 50, years ago, our ancestors evolved the ability to string spoken words together. Much later, they used that ability to create written language. But Cohn has shown that the same cognitive processes also gave rise to a visual language—one that can be found on the comics pages in American newspapers, in Japanese manga, and in many other forms.

English and Japanese are not identical, of course; despite being based on the same underlying rules of grammar, they have developed into different languages. Cohn sees the same cultural changes driving different styles of graphic storytelling.

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When he is not recording brains, Cohn is comparing comics from different cultures to learn how this diversity springs from a universal biology. X Account Login Forgot your password? Register for an account X Enter your name and email address below. X Website access code Enter your access code into the form field below. Apply code If you are a Zinio, Nook, Kindle, Apple, or Google Play subscriber, you can enter your website access code to gain subscriber access. The Sciences.

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  4. I think it kind of transcends all time. There will always be character like that. There will be "Peanuts" scenes projected on the screen. There are three movements.

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