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Changes to Facebook Lookalike Audience Creation

The project outcome includes the proposal for a funding scheme providing the conditions to support the transition toward a sustainable conservation process. The aim of the Parade was to provide more visibility on JPI-CH activities and give a new impetus to cultural heritage dedicated research, by presenting most recent results. International Conference in Versailles. International Conference in Leuven.

International Conference in Monza.

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In the lookalike creation window, the 3-day website custom source audience will already be selected. The only thing left to do is choose your audience size and click Create Audience.

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  7. WORDS - 84.

The next Facebook lookalike audience targets people who have engaged with your Instagram business profile. This uses the target audience from an engagement remarketing campaign as the source audience. To create the source audience of people who have engaged with your Instagram profile, go to your Audiences dashboard and create a new custom audience.

Benefits: report a change in your circumstances

Instead of selecting website traffic as the source, choose Instagram Business Profile. Compared with purchase website custom audiences where you want to build the largest source audience, this time you want the most relevant source audience. Change the audience duration in the creation window to 90 days and then name your audience.

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  • Now in the Audiences dashboard, click on Create Audience and select Lookalike. In the lookalike creation window, search for the Instagram engagement audience you just created, choose your audience size, and click on Create Audience. In the website creation window, choose Purchase from the event drop-down list.

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    Make sure the Contains condition is also selected. Change the audience duration to days because you want to create the largest audience to produce the best-quality lookalike. By using the content ID condition and the Purchase event action, this audience will group anyone in the last days who triggered the Purchase event and whose order contained that particular product.

    Click on Create Lookalike. In the audience creation window, the custom audience will already be selected in the source field. For short-term revenue generation, you can use lookalikes in what I call cold purchase tests. This is where you present product or service offers to these audiences with the aim of generating immediate sales.

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    Note: Depending on how good your ad-to-audience fit is and the relevance ranking of your ads, result periods for cold purchase test campaigns can be short. For longer-term goals, you can use lookalikes as the foundation of your advertising. Start to warm up these cold audiences and convert them into warm audiences by engaging them with content-based ads, as opposed to sales-based ads.

    You can then remarket to your engaged audiences with product or service ads via page engagement or video engagement custom audiences.

    This article covers four very different but equally effective lookalike audiences you can use to drive immediate sales or start the nurturing process with your potential customers. What do you think? These factors include the subject matter of the video, whether the video has an emphasis on kids characters, themes, toys or games, and more.

    Here’s What’s Changing

    YouTube will also use machine learning to automatically identify content made for kids. Since these changes were announced back in September , creators have been waiting for an answer as to what would happen if their content was wrongfully identified as being made for kids. Now, YouTube has some answers. YouTube will not contest a creator designation unless abuse is detected.

    XXXTENTACION - changes

    Channels that make content for kids will not entirely lose their ability to serve ads.