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Most famous propellantless methods are the gravity assist maneuver or the planet it orbits, through the gravitational field, or beam- powered propulsion using Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace.

Reactionless propulsion ? Anti gravity ? 『 Thrust generator USNFM-500 』

Although general relativity theory appeared to prohibit anti-gravity propulsion,.. The device is similar to asymetric capacitor apparent reactionless thruster, tested.. Does every planet have magnetic poles as in earth during planet formation? I think there will eventually be spacecraft capable of continuous Earth Gravity.

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Powered by a model aircraft engine, the entire device due to vertical thrust.. Laithwaite's reactionless drive is an extraordinary machine; a machine that of propulsion that proves there are more things in heaven and earth than are. Propulsion Examples of tether propulsion in orbit without use of reaction ma.

The tether is mounted on a reel with a motor which can pull it in or let it out. If it truly works as advertised, it violates the laws of physics.

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But there's a possible loophole: perhaps there is a reaction, and we just don't detect it. According to the standard model of cosmology, the majority of the matter in the Universe isn't in the form of atoms, or of any known particle.

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Rather, the overwhelming majority of mass -- by a 5-to-1 margin -- is in the form of dark matter. Dark matter doesn't collide, annihilate or otherwise interact with either itself or other, normal matter under any known circumstances, but rather interacts only gravitationally. After This means, all told, that dark matter permeates every square centimeter of our galaxy, including existing -- albeit in small densities -- inside every object on Earth, including our own bodies. Photons and axions can couple together under the right conditions, in theory, and may potentially be Under the right conditions, however, dark matter can be coaxed to interact with either itself or with normal matter, dependent on its nature.

NASA says puzzling new space drive can generate thrust without propellant

If dark matter is made up of WIMPs weakly interacting massive particles , then it has an annihilation cross section with itself and a scattering cross section with protons and neutrons that may render it sensitive to detectors. If instead, it's made up of very light, low-mass particles known as axions, it may couple to photons under the right conditions. One of the experiments designed to search for axions is known as ADMX: the axion dark matter experiment. Twelve years later, ADMX grew out of that research, and scientists have been searching for the axion ever since using that method.

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The cryogenic electromagnetic cavity being inserted into the chamber, as used by the ADMX To date, unfortunately, searches have come up empty. It's possible that axions do not exist or, if they do, are not the dark matter, but it's also possible that they simply exist with different parameters than what ADMX is sensitive to. Woodward has theorized a propulsive device of his own called the Mach Effect Thruster, which the Dresden group also tested.

That sounds like a blow to the concept of the EmDrive, but Woodward is not ready to close the case on the contraption just yet.

Reactionless Drives - Atomic Rockets

So, perhaps an even more powerful test is what the space doctors ordered to help settle the debate. Read Caption. An illustration shows what an EmDrive looks like. By Nadia Drake.