Loose Ends

Loose Ends was a successful British R&B band that had several urban contemporary hits. The trio was formed in London in , initially comprising vocalist.
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The participle made famous by Elvis. You might've seen this one before.

Loose Ends

The story of an imaginary word that managed to sneak past our editors and enter the dictionary. How we chose 'feminism'. How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts. The awkward case of 'his or her'. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way.

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The dictionary has been scrambled—can you put it back together? Definition of loose end. Examples of loose end in a Sentence We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project.

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Jude tells his parents about his grades, and Cory goes home to his mother. First Known Use of loose end , in the meaning defined at sense 1. Another new introduction is the loose ends and trimmings, an outsized share bucket of the best meat pieces, including a variety of house smoked pork ribs, lamb belly, chicken wings, piri piri chicken and pulled pork all glazed with Lane7's house sauce. Upraded menu at Lane7 will really bowl you over. Rising star Hannah gets musical slot on Clive's Radio 4 show.

A few loose ends have still to be resolved but neither the club nor the player anticipate any insurmountable obstacles. Celts close in on Rami. Assassin's Creed III" lead writer Corey May said the latest installment of the series will tie up plenty of loose ends with Desmond's story arc. AN inquiry in to whether Conservative Party co-chairman Baroness Warsi breached the ministerial code will pick up any loose ends , Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday. Just this year, the Tamzin Outhwaite drama Paradox left loose ends when Beeb bosses axed the show after a single series.

Manmohan Singh has said that white paper will uncover the reality and after that loose ends will be figured out. Banerjee's white paper will uncover reality: Matheny said May 1 was the business's last day and he has been tying up loose ends. It required a good combination of technical skill and good relaxed mental game. We did it in 3 pitches. The layback in what was P2, after the finger crack, was the highlight of the climb.

Stay relaxed, and try to execute each move with good posture and self composure. There is a piton that can be clipped as well. Pitch 1 of this route has become one of my favorite 5. Haven't done pitch 3, but pitch 2 is fun for sure. The other day I left two biners on the rap slings at the top of the pitch one corner, there were some on it like a month ago, and when I came back last week, they were gone. I don't know if this is necessarily what people want, but I think it's worth having the option to just do pitch one of this.

Eric and Lucie Boulder, CO. I don't think it is a good idea to encourage the use of this pitch as a single pitch TR. If you leave an anchor at the top of the corner to bail, that's fine, but expect others myself included to clean this anchor off when we pass through, just like any other bail anchor.

Loose Ends - Hanging On A String

Pretty positive the cord that's been fixed at the top of the corner was left to facilitate a belay for those linking this into J-Crack. It's pretty beefy and appears to be more than just a bail anchor. Conveniently it also allows for a quick lead lap on the corner if one desires at the end of the day.

I've never known Lumpy to be a place where people go and top-rope session a bunch of pitches nor is that the intent of the anchor to my understanding. A lot of routes at Lumpy have these mid-stations where you can rappel from, for example Melvin's Wheel, which has an anchor after pitch 2 that you can rap off to bolts at pitch 1 to descend to the ground but that pitch 2 anchor was also removed the last time I was there , and Pear Buttress has a fixed anchor below the third pitch that you can rappel from.

White Whale has slings on the tree at pitch one. Conad's has a fixed rappel. These things aren't uncommon here. I assumed stupidly they would still be there the other day when we wanted to give just the 1st pitch a go as it was late in the afternoon. Anyway, I traversed far left to try to find them and ended up having to leave a BD double length sling and carabiner around a horn right around the end of the 1st pitch of Pear Buttress to rap off.

Pink Thunder Sacramento, CA. There are now two fixed nuts on the first pitch, thanks to a couple of solid lead falls. Kudos to anyone who can booty 'em. Showcase climbing routes on your site. Hiking Project Better Data. Alien Algorithm T,S 5. Campground, The T 5.

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Cave Exit, The T 5. Cavity, The T 5. Endless Crack T 5. Fascist Drill in the West T,S 5.

At loose ends: resecting a double-strand break. - PubMed - NCBI

Happy Camper T 5. Loose Ends T 5. Mission Accomplished T,TR 5.

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  • loose ends.
  • loose ends.

Mission Impossible T 5. Monkey on a String S 5. Pear Buttress T 5. Pizza Face T 5. Stretch Marks T 5.

You & This Route

Turn the Page T 5. Visual Aids T 5. Weekend Warrior S,TR 5. Ben Mottinger on Dec 31, Jul 10, Beta: Feb 24, Beta: Mar 13, Beta: Apr 9, Beta: Sep 29, Beta: Sep 30, Beta: Oct 17, Beta: Apr 6, Beta: Aug 2, Beta: Sep 9, Beta: Jun 28, Beta: