Path to a Rich and Abundant Self

4 Money Beliefs That Limit Your Wealth Inside and Out w/ Kate Northrup 3 Secrets For .. What I found instead is validation that I'm on the right path. .. Even though it makes me feel self conscious, I also pick up money off the street and say.
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Would you feel luckier if someone would just stumble upon your creative genius and fund your next big project? What you need is a willingness to expand your social networks and meet new people , even if you are shy. And you need to promote yourself so that your creative genius is always on display, ready for people to trip over! Develop a healthy relationship with money. Drawing more wealth and prosperity towards you means having a good money habits.

Here are some signs that you have a good relationship with money:. Having a good relationship with money also means you know how and when to give it away to help others in need. What you give your attention to grows. If you focus your attention on how you save your pennies, those pennies will eventually turn into nickels and dimes, then quarters and dollars. Eventually, they'll turn into feelings of financial security and satisfaction. This attitude is critical if you want to attract more wealth and prosperity in your life.

When you believe in yourself, you tend to take better care of yourself. You eat well, exercise and assert your needs effectively. You know that you are here for a reason. You have talents and skills that no other person on earth possesses. And that means you will attract more wealth and prosperity to you. You get what you give. The more money you give, the more money you have. Your beliefs about money determine how you interact with other people and with the world in general. Align your beliefs and values with what you do for a living and you will never feel poor again.

Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they're all a projection of you. To comment on this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Yes it is true. The Law of attraction help us attract the desirable things and circumstances that we thing about in a positive manner.

Don't leave your happiness to chance.

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Do you often find yourself asking these money questions? How can I make more money?

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How can I get a raise at work? How can I save for my retirement? If so, you're not alone. We all want to live richer, more fulfilling lives. Here are some signs that you have a good relationship with money: You track your money You protect your assets with insurance and good financial advice You avoid debt and you spend your money wisely. Remember these key points for creating wealth and abundance in your life: Your physical health affects your financial health, so take care of yourself. Get exercise and develop a strong network of friends and family.

Strive for continuous improvement in all areas of your life. Keep learning and investing in your personal growth. Take a course in assertive communications. Attend a seminar on how to save and invest your money. Read books on money management. The more you know, the more you and your money will grow! Steer clear of toxic emotions that repel prosperity and happiness. Bitterness, envy and jealousy have no place in an abundant and affluent life! I think there is a lot of truth to this! Respect yourself and respect your money. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things.

I want to buy that now! I can wait until I have enough money. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. I also keep my money flat, facing the same way and in denominational order. I know exactly what I have and I can quickly find the right amount when i need to which matters when you have kids and you are trying to pay for things before they break everything in the shop. In Australia we have one and two dollar coins which are gold while everything lower is silver.

So I also keep my gold and silver coins separated in my coin section. Love this episode because I am always picking up change and celebrating the find. My family members make jokes about how I am always finding money. In fact after watching your episode I took a walk and viola there was a penny just waiting for me. This video was refreshing and I am just like you!!

I always find money in the street and pick it up. Funny, upbeat, positive, brilliant and beautiful. I love that you give the change away to the next person you see. If you find money, you should keep it. If the next person was meant to have the money, they would have found it instead of you. I do too pick up a penny with gratitude and thanking the Universe for increasing my wealth!! My mum taught me that when I was tiny, of course a penny was worth a lot more then.

I always pick it up for good luck. And so are these people and their comments. Amazing stuff is being shared, I love it! That sounds super helpful! Parting with money can be a source of stress for some people, so speaking positive affirmations aloud is a really great way to combat those negative associations when it comes to paying for something. My father taught me not to throw it away. If I encoutner it on the street I also find it a more suitable resting place.

Thank you so much for sharing. I think a similar strategy could be used here with how we think about money! Like you said, we should be thankful for what money we do have, and make it a positive relationship, not a negative one. Dear Marie, loved the segment on money! I have been finding and picking up money for years! Some call them Angel Droppings to let you know that abundance will happen if you keep an open mind. Today was 11 cents. That goes into an abundance and travel fund! It adds up surprisingly fast! Marie, I love how you honouring Money by always picking it up on the floor!

Thanks for sharing your person stories with us too! The essence of Money is love and provision, and I have a few rituals to connect directly with the essence of Money instead of those negative patterns and stories that have been imposed on us: In their fulfilment, I bring a message of light to everyone that I encounter. Money is here to support me living my purpose at each step. This are fantastic mantras, Yiye! I especially loved the last 3: Thank you so much for sharing the story about your money rituals. I also cherish my ritual of gratefulness and looking in the eyes of the person I am exchanging money with — giving or receiving.

Whenever I give or receive physical money I try to have an eye contact, and express my gratefulness with my look. Once again, million thanks Marie to you and your wonder team for being and creating. All the best for all of you. I was just going through the same process with a penny on my path last week!!

I went back to scoop it up and Remembered a little diddy from childhood:. I bet this idea is about gratefulness and abundance. I used to do this more when I was in England and every other step there was a tiny river or spring or some body of water I could toss coins in. This is almost the opposite of picking up money. I have a piggy bank still.. I look forward to putting money in my piggy bank. Having a piggly bank is so much fun! Dimes have become a symbol of abundance and enough-ness in my life. It is amazing how the universe sends me dimes regularly, in the craziest places to remind me that I have an abundant life and am cared about and provided for.

I have found dimes on sidewalks, car seats, precariously balanced on miscellaneous objects… all sort of strange and wonderful reminders, always when I need them. Ten times the abundance? Ten times the luck? I save all my loonies and toonies here in Canada. At the end of the year I turn them into the bank and buy my ski pass. I also keep all other loose change and cash it in once a year. It is like found money. I have always kept my money neat and tidy in my wallet.

I learnt that years ago from Suzi Orman and I pick up honest money. Sounds like I am on the right track. And seeing all the Syrian refugees coming to Europe with nothing has opened my eyes. With some friends we decided to help them. And I never noticed what you can win with coupons. I used every single opportunity to get more stuff for them. A few weeks later I saw a Syrian family with 2 small children asking for money in front of the building that I work. People just pass by without noticing them or ignoring them.

I went back to work and my boss calls me for a f2f.. He announced me that I will get a special commission for all the hard work I did. Which they never do. It was a hundred times what I have given to this family. I never saw them again soon hope they find their way. Money comes and goes. Your share brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much for giving to the Syrian refugees in your area and honoring their humanity. I have a fabulous resource to share! The book is called Wild Money. This is my guide to creating positive money rituals and identifying and understand the not-so-positive money thoughts, patterns or feelings around money.

I wonder if you have heard of it!? I loved this video, and pennies are sign from spirit so for sure pick them up: When I get in the pattern of stressing about money, I say to my self,. Its like feeling I got rich daddy and mommy and i aint got nothin to worry about! I have to admit I feel like someone else needs the penny more. I decided to pick them up for a while and see how that goes. I also write a gratitude note with love hearts on all my utility bills — thanking them for all that service provided for myself and my family.

I do the same thing with the notes in my wallet, all organised in order from highest to lowest denomination and facing the same way. Insightful episode as usual! I unfortunately had to learn the hard way with money by racking up some serious credit card debt and I am still paying it off. A few things that I have learned after making this mistake is to always carry cash. Maybe one day I will have a card, but at this point I am not looking for that. Every month I always have certain payments that are going to be the same amount which allows me to mentally set that money aside.

This app also allows me to cash checks without having to go to the bank, which saves me time and gas. By simply carrying cash, knowing my budget and using tools to get my bills paid on time, I have been able to simplify. There is certainly a lot of power in controlling your mind in a positive way. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. Many years ago my husband and I attended a Harv Eker Millionaire mindset seminar.

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I laughed out loud…not because of the content of your video but because I do BOTH of those same things! And I also am a bit self conscious when I stop to pick up a penny but I just feel compelled to do it! How can I pass up free money, right?! Thanks for having my back, girl! Marie, did you read my mind in the future? Wow,I just did an amazing group session last night and my money mindset issues reared their ugly heads again!

My goal right now is to do money EFT sessions every morning and to come at money from an abundance viewpoint instead of a lack one. Like the idea of keeping cash in your wallet. Someone else recommended I always pay myself first before anyone else. I also like Tony Robbins idea of thinking of money as a game. And my affirmation is that when I have more money, I have more money to give. Sometimes I save up for nice items I want as a reward.

I look at it like this. Hi Marie, I always say a little prayer when I pay for big ticket items. May it flow abundantly from me and to me. When we bloom we expose our inner beauty. Such a good practice! It helps you feel abundant when you know money is available everywhere and you come across it often.

Always encouraging to hear that others especially you are doing some of the same money rituals that I do. That way, not matter how much is in my bank account, I will never be broke. I can relate to that first weird habit. For years I have picked pennies and more off the ground. Love the video so funny about picking up the penny ever since I was a little girl when I was on walks with my grandma and whenever we saw a money on the ground she would tell me only pick it up if was heads up otherwise it was bad luck and to this day I only pick up loose change if it is heads up, but I never thanked the universe which I love because we should thank the universe for sending us little presents.

I am a banker and believe a lot of people will have that habit about organizing their money, one customer always tell me that his soldiers need to be marching in one direction. I love the metaphor of having all your soldiers marching in one direction. It feels so abundant. Not a wad of showy cash but something that tells the universe that money and I are are great friends: If someone looks weird, I just say: It makes me feel blessed, grateful and worthy of more.

As an independent business person, my money flows in to my account throughout the month, in differing amounts, rather than just one paycheck. Having that visual is super helpful! I had to laugh about the picking up pennies tip. My oldest son, who is now 13, has amazing abundance flowing through him. Every time we go for a walk, he finds coins and manages to make significant money every week, just from this!! I do the same thing with my cash! It makes a huge difference for me. I always try to keep 1 big bill in my wallet in the zipper pocket.

Usually a 20 but when someone gives me a hundred dollar bill, it stays there till I absolutely need to use it or share it. I also have a money ritual in that I have 2 piggy banks that are actual cute little piggies. One for bills and one for coins. That gets saved for vacation or Christmas. I do this thru out the year. I love these two rituals Marie!

After going through a year of struggle as a new entrepreneur, I have developed a deep respect and appreciation for money which used to come to me very easily when I had a cushy job in the corporate world. I now truly appreciate the value of money and have my own little rituals. When I get money out at the bank machine, I thank the Universe for providing this to me and when I pay my bills I thank the Universe for giving me the means to be able to do this this one I learned from your dear friend Gabby! I have quite a lot of money rituals. Thanking the Universe every time I make a payment either on line or with cash or debit.

My favourite is expressing gratitude for just everything. One night I was so filled with gratitude that I thanked everything in my bedroom including the floor, my clothes, my furniture, the handle on the closet! Sounds a bit weird but I was truly overcome with gratitude so I just HAD to thank thank thank everything. Great topic, thank you Marie, and all who have shared their rituals.: It humbled me and made me realize I need that same reverence for money coming in!

That makes us happy. I learned a trick from a very wise, eccentric women I had the pleasure of meeting some years back. She told me to physically treat money this way and my worries, if I had any — which I did — would be less. First, show respect for money by making sure its organized in my wallet. Like bills with like bills all facing in the same direction. Lowest amount to highest amount or vice versa — stewards choice.

No crunched up dollars. Wether it be paying for something at the grocery store or placing it in a donation basket. She did not say why or offer any other nuggets as we continued to eat our lunch together. So I decided to give it a shot. I had no idea the impact it would have on me for years to come. As I kept my money in order with spirit side facing up, this feeling of reverence grew stronger and stronger. Something in my mind and heart had shifted and more opportunities started to come my way. Through this funny little practice I began to realize money is not this illusive thing; that my intention — my motives behind its uses are most important, and is what brings its impact to life.

I was in two minds to pick it up or leave it there. I picked it and took it to the local police station. I was surprised a few months later to receive a cheque in the post for the exact amount because no one claimed it. What a great story! Totally feel if I disrespect money, it will disrespect me and leave! I even have dreams where I see tons of change on the ground everywhere, and people walk right by and ignore it.

In short I created a belief in my mind that one side of the money was more worth that the other. Bare with me here…. Then I started putting my money in my wallet so that the more value side faces me when I open it. In this way I would say to myself I have more value for this money than anyone else. Strangely enough I received unexpected discounts, lower bills and I even found out that I had about 30 bucks more in my wallet than I had thought.

This happened throughout the course of a week. I used to live in Macao and one of my favorite things was to explore the different temples with friends. At one temple, after having my fortune read, they gave me a special tiny red envelop this sucker was really tiny! I had to fold my bill five times and told me to put in some money. Keeping this money in my wallet forever would alway bring me more. I still have it.

So far, SOO good. Hi Marie, love this episode. My budget has been super tight and I am also trying to develop my music career. I wanted to start a money ritual that would train my brain to connect money, savings, aspirations, joy, music and travel as I very much want to take my music to countries and work with musicians outside my UK home. So every morning, I put a golden one pound coin into a beautiful black coffee pot with a golden phoenix on that belonged to my mum.

As I do it, I sing: Since I started doing it, I have been promoted at work and increased my salary and have two new wonderful bosses. Some of my music has been chosen for a dance film. Saving money and making honest money has become much easier. And I have begun to work with musicians in Cadiz and Paris. All this without really trying. It sounds like showing respect and gratitude for money has poured over into other areas of your life as well.

Congrats on all these fantastic opportunities! I lways thought my mum taught me that rhyme, but recently I picked up a 10 cent peice right in front of her and said that little ditty and she thought I was super quirky and swears shes never heard that saying before. I also have to have my money neatly organised, in order largest to smallest, all facing the same way and with no folds and creases.

I like to think that I want to face my money with the birds nz money facing me but for some reason its always the faces. Not sure what thats about. I just remembered another habit, I carry around 2 fake bills in my wallet, so that whenever I look in my wallet there is always a couple of hundred in there. They are getting a bit tatty now tho. This so timely today! I, too, from my bartending days keep my bills all facing the same way. Part of being organized. Our overseas move has cost us a lot of money, but gained us a lot of new experiences and new friendships, a perspective that we have to remind ourselves of each month as we move forward!

Thanks Marie, Team Forleo, and all the comments, too! Colored notes would make organization easier. I went to the pharmacy and while I was looking in my pocket for a 10 EUR bill to pay for my medicines, I noticed a shiny new 1 cent coin at my feet. While I was having this thought, I hear the pharmacist who was looking to give me the change saying: At the end of the day, I made sure though I wrote in my gratitude journal that I was grateful for that shiny penny, which now is in my ladybug piggy bank in the wealth corner of my apartment.

Hello Marie… this episode is timely indeed. One of my rituals are when I find myself in finical despair I repeat the mantra;. Being broke is a temporary inconvenience; Being poor is a state of mind. I put money under my bedroom floors when I had them done. Love the books that were mentioned will look into them. Thanks Marie for your relentless commitment to moving people like myself forward.

Hi there everyone, So many comments.. Thank you Marie for always being so open and revealing your wacky qualities! And remember fondly 2 moments with money-encounters. He spotted a dollar floating in the water. A guy walked over and asked if we had any loose change for him.

My friend explained to the guy that he had a rule. Whatever he had in his pockets at the moment, he would give. The guy had a huge, slightly uncertain smile asking if my friend was sure about this. Sometimes you have to learn to trust the universe. I also have a few rituals regarding money that have changed my sense of lack years ago. I was just getting into my car two days ago in a parking lot, where I saw a penny right in front of my car door. So I did, as I always do.. Anytime a little scarcity thought starts to creep in to my thoughts, I say to myself: I am so grateful to the Universe for sending me this new client that I am able to be creative and get paid for it.

Thanks Marie for sharing your video clip, that makes me laugh, as always! Next time I see a penny lying there on the ground ready to be picked up, I will think of Abe talking back to me! I have to say Marie, I do both already! SO, thank you to all of you commenters before me that mentioned that. My income is not steady yet being an entrepreneur, and having only been serious about pushing my new business forward for the last couple months- but, I am SO grateful for what I do have, and any little bit I do get.

I always pick up change when I see it on the street. My daughter and I have been through a rough year, and on two occassions I found two two pennies on the street when we were out together. Got great gems out of this one!! I do pick up all the money on the street as well. I love this Marie! I always pickup found money and sometimes the people with me laugh but hey money is money and I invite it in! And yesss… money organized in the wallet! I have a post it note in my checkbook.

I need to work on balancing my checkbook next so any feedback and ideas are super welcome. I do BOTH of these things! My wallet is neat and tidy — always with the bills flat and facing the same way. The second part is that I feel it helps keep me a bit more frugal. Look at all the money I have to blow! Jennifer, I organize my money the same way you do. I also like paying in exact change and get a little thrill when my cost ends in a 9 and I have the four pennies.

Hi Marie, This is sooo magnificent. I like to smell my money. I am kinda embarrassed to say it. They were musicians and worked late. So going to bed and getting up without them was normal. Anyway, I could tell by smelling the bills which parent gave us our lunch money, either my Dad or my Mom. I think every bill takes on a smell.

I have to say I have never smelt a stinky one. I like to see every bill as something special. Love you for giving your tips s freely! My mother was working at a second hand shop this summer and picked up a jacket that she thought would be perfect for me. I grew up in a family that until now, they live constrained by money and we always had some sort of fear about it. The idea being that by doing this, we would attract money for the rest of the year. Funny thing, that never happened and both my parents, and now myself, always live constrained by money and I never have enough of it.

I got pretty crafty. Now that things are better, I try to remember to appreciate all the money that flows into my life. I keep a little bowl with notes about unexpected income, raises, savings, gifts, etc. Every once in a while, I go through the bowl. I slept on it and this morning woke up with the idea of selling seedlings and plants from my front yard. Really simple, a very small first action, but a way for me to practise selling. The money habit I picked up because I got tired of paying overdraft fees and feeling like I was paying for my lack of discipline is spending my money on paper at the beginning of the month.

Doing that relieved a lot of the stress I had just swiping my card away and having no idea where my money was going. Spending my money on paper made it very clear to me where I needed to cut and what else I could afford to pay cash for. Telling my money where to go as opposed to being surprised set me free. I do the same Marie! However, for the 1st one the reason is different for me. This man was a millionaire: Thank you for putting this out.

I do both of those funny money rituals. That builds up to quite a sum over time. This money I use for something special as a reward, eg. Hi Marie, I love the idea of being grateful for any money, even small change, that comes your way. I will never overlook spare change again. In fact, I always have lots of it at the bottom of my handbag, just going to waste. Every little helps right? This is my way of showing gratitude for everything I have received, and of attracting more into my life. I organize any cash I have in my wallet also, Marie. Would you believe my ex used to throw pennies out the window while he was driving and he would throw them in the trash if he was at home or out walking around somewhere????

Even after I pointed at that ten pennies equal a dime and ten dimes equal a dollar and so on. Marie, I have the same two money habits as you. More recently, I have been practicing honoring my money by saying a small blessing every time I clear the change out of my wallet and transfer it to my little coin bank. Thank you so much for the new perspective on picking up pennies!!

It made me realize I have this ridiculous belief that picking up a penny is bad luck for me. As for keeping the cash tight, I already do that, but had to up my game when cash was being skimmed out of my wallet. Now I wrap my bills in a long, lined post-it, and write all transactions and balances there. I do both of these things Marie. Especially putting money in my wallet all facing the same way. Now I get a bit annoyed when my husband or children put the notes back in the wrong way. I remember as a kid a saying ,that if you put the notes facing all the same way your money will always come back to you!

This is my first time watching a video. I already do both things mentioned here. Not sure what to gain from these, but will say Maria, you are obviously a wealthy woman. The dress you have on says it all. Personally I have a hard time learning from people who are so wealthy. Life does not always give us what we earned or deserved. Kinda like law of attraction…he ended up charged as a criminal. People have to be careful when believing all they hear and read. Hello Marie, I selfishly especially loved this episode. And here it is… after 5 years ;.

I have partnered with the penny as a symbol of Gratitude and Mindful Change. Mindful Change is the idea that anyone can change the outcome of their life if they are aware they have a choice. We tell a story with every piece using penny history, folklore and sentiment. I research the heck out of this amazing little coin. There is a zen belief; if you pass by a penny you are passing the opportunity for abundance in your life. And there is great power in One, after all that is what it all boils down to. I am especially grateful for this episode because you speak to the very thing that I have devoted my life to.

A a habit that i changed after a friend suggested it was also having my money facing the same way in my wallet. B a student of mine thinks that money should be exchanged from one hand to another, but first be laid on a table or cashier, so that the other person picks it up from there, not from the hand. C as a child and student, i loved collecting one coin each with different motives — loved sorting, counting, appreciating them the euro-coins have different motives according to european countries — some really very beautiful.

Ambreesh, thank you so much for watching! Wow, I am so inspired. I hope I implement all this. I really need to change my money beliefs. Thank you Marie and team. Yes, you have done it again Marie! What a Thrilling episode. I do not have Money rituals but would love to have them. Keep shining guys the stories you share on this Blog mean a lot to me. Am glad to be in this Community.

Thanks to this episode I am going to be grateful that I am certain we will get past this. What a thrilling episode with lots of insight. As of now i do not have a money ritual that has made a difference in my but i liked as i read stories from others. And your story about being respectful of paper money reminds me of experiences in Japan: I write love letters to my money — a tool I learned from one of my coaches, Jennifer Longmore — and, honestly, it may sound strange but over the course of the last three years since I started writing those love letters , I have quadrupled my business!

Kind of like getting the love on with organizing cash dollar bills. My new favorite money idea is: I love this principal. I believe that giving gratitude for paying will generate abundance. And I am truly grateful for the service or thing I have acquired. This was some really good insight. Really good food for thought!

Thought this was so insightful! As always, thanks for the way you inspire us all! I absolutely love the idea of treating money with respect and humility. Those two factors will take you far in life and business. One thing I always do with my money: Of course, with common reason. I never want to allow my fear of not having enough for myself keep me from doing good to another.

And I love what you expressed about never letting your own fear of not having enough for yourself keep you from doing good for others. Marie, Have you read the book: Gratitude is of course a main tool but I really like the way the author goes into detail about really appreciating every situation when we catch ourselves in the fear of not having enough. Love your videos and I am a proud graduate of your B-school currently applying the knowledge from last year. If you do not honour the penny you are not worthy the dollar. However, I abandoned cash many years ago. So, in my handbag you will only find a coin for a public toilet or shopping trolley.

Except for the summer season, when I want to buy fresh strawberries I could bath in strawberries from the local farmer, I manage pretty well with two major credit cards neatly kept in a tiny leather purse. For me, this is part of my ongoing goal of simplifying my life. I pick up pennies, too, and for the same reason! I thought it was just me! Going to change that right now. If someone gives you a compliment, or a gift, accept those with all your heart as best as you can. It can be so difficult to fully open our hearts and accept gifts and blessings.

This will help you feel and become even more abundant. Next time, try it and see how you feel! I live my life with the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking. That message really spoke to me. Haha…I do the same thing! One day I was going on a new job interview and found a quarter on the ground as soon as I got out of my car. I thanked the Universe for all the abundance it brings me and I got th job!! Whenever I buy something, I thank my money for having been with me and for helping me get the things I wish and I wish them all the best for their future and that we may soon meet again.

And whenever I get paid, I welcome every single cent by introducing myself and by offering my friendship to them. Talk about feeling abundant — and it becomes a magnet for more! My weird habit is that when I travel to another country with a different currency and enjoy it. Question about honest money: Do I have to accept it? In fact, that really could be a great example of abundance, since you could refer those clients to others … in other words, sharing your abundance. I have a little mantra that I repeat to myself when I start getting really stressed about money or an expense.

Especially those, need to do it, unexpected ones like having to buy new tires. I was strapped for cash, but not in debt. But having to pay my way just freaked me out at every turn. I had and still sometimes have bag-lady syndrome for sure. Marie- i have the same money ritual! This post really resonated with me.

When ever I find money on the streets, I see it as a sign of good luck! Keep picking up those pennies, Niki! So not cool of your boyfriend teasing you for that. I save all denominations of crispy new bills in a hidden stash, that adds up quick and looks so pretty!

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I also keep my currency in my wallet in order and facing the same way. That emphasizes the Spirit more than the government. I work with my clients to reframe money as currency — a blend of cotton and linen, and literally currency — an energetic current. Each have individual thoughts and needs, so the specifics vary from one person to the next, but the overall idea is the same. Thanks, Marie, for all you bring into the world! Awww thank you so much, Dr.

Thank you, Marie for this video. It reminded me that money can be seen as a useful tool to achieve our real goals. I come from middle class family but both my parents have always been connected to money focused jobs insurance agent manager in a coffee company and I just always thought of that as being shallow. I always focused more on love, respect, empathy and helping others but it never occurred to me that money can be used to put all of that into practice and make even bigger impact on the world.

So big thank you! I am definitely going to treat the money with a bigger respect which it deserves. For books, I would also recommend Tapping Into Wealth: For those who are into or are interested in EFT. My dad taught me from an early age that if you respect your money, money will always seek you out! Like you, I pick up coinage and I keep my money tidy in my wallet. My two favorite little money habits are: I tip the amount of the bill, for example, or I ask someone what problem they prayed would be solved today and give them the money they would need to solve it.

One time, I asked the waiter in a restaurant that question and he said his baby needed medicine and he was hoping to earn enough tips that day to cover it.

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It was 4 times the tab. He was astonished and I was blessed to be the blessing in his day! Ohh what a fun episode. I think I do both of those things unconsciously — but will now do them consciously. This is such a great episode! I also keep my money all facing the same way and nice and flat in my wallet. I will definitely start paying more attention to pennies on the street.

Marie, thank you so much for this video. Talking money and abundance is one of my all time favorite topics to talk, share and uplift one another about. Money gets such a bad wrap. I LOVE that you talk about the importance of respect and appreciation for it. If we think and talk bad about it, it stays away. So, what we focus on positively, expands positively. Blessing money, and those who house and have it in abundance, positively expands it in our businesses and lives!

Talking money and abundance is also one of my favourite topics. I am currently practicing the law of attraction and I just discovered manifestations. So still a newbie at that but I am very very passionate about teaching people about money, the laws of money and abundance. I am a single parent but I have managed to turn my life around and I get support from absolutely no-one financially. Anyway enough rambling- my money ritual is the following: I now want to step out into business. Thank you to everyone for sharing their money rituals- I will def be adding a couple more to mine, like paying the bills and sending out blessings when I do so, because I do have abundance.

Even when my folks ask me for money, I still have abundance and lack for nothing. That is such an awesome feeling to have!!! But in the meantime, thank you so much for sharing your money ritual. What about the joy of generosity. My husband and have had added alot of joy by putting out quaters nickels and sometimes dollars for someone to find. Be the abundance in the universe. Thanks for that tip about keeping a tidy wallet. Guaranteed to bring some in! Never been someone who focused on getting more money, but now realise that is okay to make it and share it.

I really love the idea of wishing someone abundance when you hand money over. And I do something else: I live in Germany. I also try to speak to him and to remind him to get engaged into something. If he makes efforts he will have — sooner or later — enough money. Nobody can ever have enough money without the right attitude! In this case it means — at least to me — that for getting something you have to give firstly. And whatever it is and even if that is the smallest thing , as long as it is something good, you will get something good, too.

When the jar is full, that money goes straight into the savings account. I too am a collector of found money. I figure for the price of bending over, I gain a small treasure, pennies from heaven. Someone once told me that when you find a penny, it is your guardian angel reminding you they are with you. Why would I ever pass up a penny? I cash in the money and purchase gift cards to hand out to the homeless in my city.

I am also one to iron my money. Originally, you could only pay your fair in cash and if your dollar bills were too flimsy or crumpled, the machine would not accept your cash. Frustrating when you are trying to purchase a ticket to get to work. Since currency is made of linen, ironing works well. After the BART system started selling large denomination tickets and accepting credit cards, the need for crisp money for the train dissolved.

2 Weird Money Habits That Train Your Brain for Abundance

However, I came up with a new strategy for crisp bills. Now, whenever I receive a crisp bill as change or from the ATM machine, I save it to my emergency fund. Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are always on the alert to an earthquake. If ATM and credit card machines are not working, cash will be king. By setting aside my crisp bills, I have amassed a tidy sum hidden away in case the need for cash arises.

Love hearing those habits, Teresa. We hold onto our possessions very lightly. There was a time when my husband and I owned a lot, but then we made bad decisions and lost it all.

Hypnosis for bringing wealth, abundance and wellbeing - A meditation and hypnotic path to money

Now, we travel and take very little with us into the countries we stay in. When we leave, we give away most of it to the locals. There is no point in holding onto things. One of my weird habits is to make sure I limit my expenses when my account drops bellow a certain amount. I really love,love your work! About money…in my country it is an old saying that when you find a coin in the street means that you have found your luck, so I never ever live my luck behind.

Love that saying, Carmen! I only pay with cash, paper and pennies. I save all my silver change and put it in a box at home. These are certainly food for thought! I agree — pretty much everyone has some sort of money complex. I thank every bill coming to me. I have pleasure to pay my bills.

34 Inspirational Abundance Quotes

It keeps me in a positive and thankful position to the world. Something else I have been doing recently is wearing a bracelet that has a penny attached to it. Having such a visual reminder of abundance sounds like a really power thing. I always find money in the oddest places and it is usually in large sums. People have also re-appeared into my life and given me money in the thousands as a gift.

But I do the following on a regular basis:. This is beautiful, Naz! I consider money as representation of Lakshmi and a gift from the goddess of wealth directly. I loved this post about money. I realized when I was growing up I did not have any respect for money. Just the other day I spotted a Washington laying on a city sidewalk, folded in two and flapping back and forth in the breeze as if waving me over to pick it.

I had my purse stolen the first time when I was 16 while shopping with my Gram who was watching it, 2 purses were stolen at two different jobs, a wallet was stolen with my car out of my driveway while I was unloading the trunk, 1 was almost stolen on my first night in a new state where I started a new job the next day, and the last purse was stolen during an attempted abduction and felonious assault. So be safe with your money too. Another thing I do is keep 4 quarters in my wallet.

Any extra change that accumulates goes into a jar and gets deposited into savings times a year. Adds up to a couple hundred bucks a year. Its like free money! Thank you so much for sharing your tips with us, Alanna. How scary that you had your purse or wallet stolen multiple times. Hi Marie…I too keep my money right and tight. Marie, thank you for this video! I have heard before about being more respectful and grateful for money and I started implementing that in little ways by thinking about what I spend money on and saying thanks for what I have instead of being sad that it may seem like chump change compared to what others may have.

Your ritual of never saying no to honest money really stood out to me. Messages like yours make me feel like I have permission crazy, right?