In The Absence Of Men

In the Absence of Men has ratings and 43 reviews. Vic said: Occasionally, you pick up a book not quite knowing why you chose to read it in the first.
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You will need warm things for Melbourne and summery things for Perth or if you go up north! Lisa Hill on April 6, at Reblogged this on penwithlit and commented: I try to read German and French glaringly. Even though not fluent, the foreign modes of expression I find haltingly beautiful.

The book is of course about a gay relationship. But also, during WW1 so many men were away fighting the war that in many places there was indeed an absence of men. Lisa Hill on April 22, at 1: Time for another try I think less than three years to my 70th in Paris. I think the big mistake was when they dropped the requirement that you had to have a foreign language to enrol at university. Have a look at an app called Duolingo on your phone… that will get you started again: Lisa Hill on April 25, at 9: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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Christian Hicks as Politician. December 1, Full Review…. January 5, Full Review…. Gangster Land is amateur hour. November 28, Full Review…. View All Critic Reviews 5. View All Audience Reviews. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Best of Netflix Movies and shows to binge now. Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. Un amico di Marcel Proust , accattivante titolo italiano del francese En l'absence des hommes , vanta, effettivamente, la straordinaria partecipazione di Proust. Personaggio del romanzo, ma soprattutto spirito guida: A costo di rimaniele dilaniato dagli opposti inconciliabili eppure inevitabili della vita.

Splendide le pagine dedicate a Marcel Proust, innamorato mai amante, il cui ritratto pulsa e affascina. Meravigliose le pagine del diario di Vincent, infuse di un lirismo assoluto. E infinitamente struggenti le parole di Arthur, che sconta da vivo una condanna a morte, che cerca nell'abbraccio di Vincent una panacea per gli orrori della guerra.

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Una scrittura bellissima, uno stile grandissimo che si accompagnano a delle scelte narrative azzeccatissime: View all 4 comments. J'ai rarement lu des descriptions de relations ou de sentiments humains aussi parfaites.

In The Absence Of Men by Philippe Besson

Une fois de plus, j'ai presque envie de relire le livre avec un carnet en main pour prendre en note certaines phrases. Le texte est un vrai bijou. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Racconto poi un aneddoto: Un giovane bellissimo, smaliziato, nobilissimo nei modi. Vincent lo ricambia con assoluto, totale trasporto: Ha dalla sua "la ragione dei suoi sedici anni".

Nel rapporto tra l'intellettuale e il ragazzo verrebbe scontato tirare in ballo "La morte a Venezia" di Mann, ma siamo su livelli e approcci completamente differenti. La seconda parte del libro assume le forme di romanzo epistolare. Si rende conto di amare davvero Arthur e che la sua assenza lo logora, lo distrugge.

Arriva al punto da parlare alla madre di lui per cercare di riafferrarne un pezzetto. La lettera arriva a destinazione troppo tardi, un giorno dopo la morte di Arthur. Le lettere di Marcel sono forse la parte meno riuscita del romanzo: Con grande tatto e immensa grazia racconta l'amore, in ogni sua declinazione.

Magistrali gli incontri fra Vincent e Arthur, fra i loro corpi e le loro anime.

En l’absence des hommes (In the Absence of Men) by Philippe Besson #BookReview

Un ricordo consolante, ma pur sempre sull'orlo del vuoto. Je crois que la vie est plus forte. Mar 23, Auri rated it it was amazing Shelves: La plus belle histoire que j'ai lue depuis bien longtemps Je le relirai encore, sans aucun doute. Le silence, d'ailleurs, qui occupe une place primordiale dans ce texte, un silence qui exprime beaucoup de mots. Par contre, n'y cherchez point d'action ou de rebondissement, car ce roman, c'est un roman de paroles, de mots, de silences, de confidences.

La plume de l'auteur me fascine. Ici, sa plume est confidentielle, profonde, sensuelle, sensible, tout autant que dure, percutante, tranchante. It has taken me ages and ages to read this book because it was a handbag book: I read it in coffee shops, in waiting rooms and on trains.

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I read it that way because I read the French edition, and I wanted to stop myself from consulting the dictionary every time I was stuck for a word. And even though this means I mainly read it at plot level and probably missed some of its nuances, I still loved reading it because it is a beautiful book. Doomed b It has taken me ages and ages to read this book because it was a handbag book: Doomed because the story is set during WW1 when Vincent is 16, and his first love, Arthur, is destined for the carnage on the battlefront.

The story begins in Paris with Vincent meeting an esteemed middle-aged man of letters called Marcel. Although never named specifically as Marcel Proust, this character resembles the great author in many ways and Vincent is suitably intimidated.

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Arthur is a little older than Vincent and has yearned for him in silence for years. To read the rest of my review please visit https: Apr 04, Jamie rated it liked it. In The Absence of Men we are told the story 'I am Vincent De L'etoile, I have green eyes, black hair, I am as old as the century' so many times that there's an inherent beauty in the repetition.

The language, whether that of Besson or whoever translated the work into English, is sumptuous and velvety. At one point the narrator says 'this is my terrible, my great, my paltry, my marvellous secret,' the novel is a great blend of the beautiful and mundane. After all, what can be paltry and marvellou In The Absence of Men we are told the story 'I am Vincent De L'etoile, I have green eyes, black hair, I am as old as the century' so many times that there's an inherent beauty in the repetition. After all, what can be paltry and marvellous?

Vincent is a compelling obsessive narrator with no moral compass.


He has a great friendship with the novelist Marcel Proust, although his carefree nonchalance can be cloying at times such as when he calls Proust ugly in a letter. Vincent, an aristocrat, is also having a love affair with a commoner soldier on the front. The first section of the novel chronicles these two relationships. However, the novel is like a triptych painting that starts with splendour and descends like a sunset into something murkier.

The second section of the novel is written in letters that feel contrived. The nail in the coffin is the final section after the soldier dies if you didn't see that coming then you must be exemplary in your stupidity.