The Practical Peacemaker: How Simple Living Makes Peace Possible

How Simple Living Makes Peace Possible. Kate Lawrence The Practical Peacemaker shows how compassionate people concerned about violence, inequity.
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He walked the talk in his personal life as well; he refused to travel by horse or mule-drawn conveyance, which meant that everywhere he went in London, he walked. Horses— numbering in the hundreds of thousands—who pulled carriages, wagons and streetcars, were often whipped and driven until they died, their needs for rest and sufficient food and water ignored in the name of profit. Beyond London, Gompertz went only to places within walking distance of a railway station.

Lantern - The Practical Peacemaker: How Simple Living Makes Peace Possible

The Practical Peacemaker web site has undergone extensive renovation in the past couple of days. It is now back up and running. Thanks for your patience. Three brief excerpts minutes each from an interview I did about my book The Practical Peacemaker are now posted on YouTube. Click on photos below to start each of these excerpts.

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Yale University Press, How fortunate we are to have a practical philosopher as articulate as Peter Singer! I especially like that he does not limit the good we can do to helping people, but includes animals as also worthy of our consideration. He points out that we can prevent a great deal of animal suffering for a very low or no cost, e.

I also like that he encourages simple living in order to have the maximum amount of our income for charitable giving. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem?

Simple living and veganism in a world of limits

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Practical Peacemaker by Kate Lawrence. The Practical Peacemaker shows how compassionate people concerned about violence, inequity, and environmental destruction can, by living simply, transform their lives into an effective statement for peace.

Kate Lawrence on media overconsumption

Everyday choices, if arising from ethical intention, can make a substantial difference. Written especially for those who have despaired of being able to make any meaning The Practical Peacemaker shows how compassionate people concerned about violence, inequity, and environmental destruction can, by living simply, transform their lives into an effective statement for peace.

Written especially for those who have despaired of being able to make any meaningful response, The Practical Peacemaker empowers as it outlines a broader vision than has been articulated by previous books on simple living. To become peacemakers, we need to pay as much attention to what is happening in our thinking as we do to downsizing our budget or clearing our clutter.

  1. Kate Lawrence on media overconsumption | Compassionate Spirit!
  2. Keep Posted!.
  3. Le Colonel Chabert - French - Français (Grands Classiques Français) (French Edition).
  4. The book examines such peace-destroying personal habits as careless eating and drinking, overbusy schedules, seeking instant gratification, and anger. It goes on to consider societal obstacles to peace, such as advertising, media saturation, rudeness, prejudice, environmental degradation, and overpopulation. At both the personal and societal levels, readers are shown specific positive actions they can take, without waiting for others to change, which will further the cause of peace in themselves and in the world. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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    To ask other readers questions about Practical Peacemaker , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jul 12, Bob Stocker rated it really liked it. Everyone recognizes that the resource is being used up, but people are unwilling to reduce their use of the resource because someone else will surely use whatever they don't.

    The tragedy continues until the resource is exhausted or everyone's behavior is changed either by the imposition of external controls or by changes in people's attitudes. Though not cast is this way, Kate Lawrence's book The Practical Peacemaker is, at least in part, an attempt to save the commons that all of us on Planet Earth share by changing people's attitudes. Her suggestions are practical — things that each of us can do.

    The Practical Peacemaker

    Her hope that peace and goodness will catch on if we set good examples for our fellow humans may be less practical. Fortunately, striving to live a life that has less impact on our commons, the Earth, may have its own rewards. Practical Peacemaker is a thin volume pages , and several of its points feel abbreviated. Many of these could have been expanded. I wanted to read more of what Lawrence has to say; she astutely puts into words what I'm certain many of us feel.

    Environmental Standards Lantern is honored to be a recipient of the highest standard in environmentally responsible publishing from the Green Press Initiative. The Practical Peacemaker How Simple Living Makes Peace Possible Kate Lawrence The Practical Peacemaker shows how compassionate people concerned about violence, inequity, and environmental destruction can, by living simply, transform their lives into an effective statement for peace.

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    • Inspiring authentic transformation in people for a kinder, healthier world.?
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    • Practical Peacemaker: How Simple Living Makes Peace Possible by Kate Lawrence.

    Everyday choices, if arising from ethical intention, can make a substantial difference. Written especially for those who have despaired of being able to make any meaningful response, The Practical Peacemaker empowers as it outlines a broader vision than has been articulated by previous books on simple living.