The Rise of the Anti-Corporate Movement: Corporations and the People who Hate Them

The Rise of the Anti-Corporate Movement: Corporations and the People who Hate Them [Evan Osborne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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Not quite, says Evan Osborne. He sets the record straight, explaining how corporations work and how they have evolved in the context of other institutions. He outlines the net benefits that corporations provide and where increasingly strident antibusiness arguments fail to stand up to scrutiny. The text investigates corporate influence over politics and the government; corporate influence in the media; corporate influence through marketing; some of the pros and cons of globalization; the extent to which business has responded to public demands for social responsibility; and the extent to which free commerce improves society.

The result is a fascinating commentary on our love-hate relationship with business. Read more Read less. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encou Take your team to the next level with these tools to improve staff morale, create a more positive workplace, and increase employee engagement.

A comprehensive summary of Steven R. Gundry's 1 bestseller "The Plant Paradox". Book 1 in Career Savvy People Skills. Understanding the Internet 2.

  • "The Rise of the Anti-Corporate Movement: Corporations and the People W" by Evan W. Osborne?
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The rise of the anti-corporate movement : corporations and the people who hate them

A book for you, your team and organization. Review "[Osborne] presents a reasoned, forceful rebuttal to [Anti-Corporate Movement ACM ] assertions, nevertheless arguing that corporations are not perfect, nor is government regulation. Stanford Business Books Paperback: Stanford Business Books; 1 edition March 26, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.

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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I bought this book as research for my own: I am a middle roader, or rather, baby not bath water type, when it comes to corporations. I agree with many points, and disagree with many.

The Rise of the Anti-Corporate Movement: Corporations and the People who Hate Them | Evan Osborne

Some of my "assessments", as are Evan's, are subjective, others more objective. At times, Evan's assessments make sense, as when he shows just how much corporations have brought about material progress more than a politically controlled and regulated economic model could.

Moreover, they are an essential engine of human progress, and longstanding legal principles are more than adequate to address their flaws. And that makes the rising tide of anti-corporate sentiment dangerous. Look at the facts: Large corporations inspire both awe and fear. On the one hand, they create jobs, introduce scientific and technological breakthroughs, open up borders through trade, and provide indispensable products and services that make life easier.

On the other hand, many think they undermine the will of the people, encourage bribery and corruption, finance oppressive regimes, ruin values and culture, befoul the environment, and encourage economic inequality.

It was no accident that the terrorists of September 11 targeted the World Trade Center, an iconic symbol of American financial power. Don't have an account? Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. Some features of WorldCat will not be available. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. Your list has reached the maximum number of items. Please create a new list with a new name; move some items to a new or existing list; or delete some items. Your request to send this item has been completed.

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