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The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age Susan Jacoby an outgoing personality and a “young at heart” attitude for an old woman to find another man wants sex, he can marry or live with a woman twenty years younger without If he can be aroused only by a much younger woman, he can, if he has sufficient money.
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She was probably wondering if she was going to be raped and how she was going to get home. When we drove her home she opened the door and shot out, running up the walk to her front door. I know, honestly, in my heart of hearts, that I never really intended to carry out any of this.

I wish I could have apologized to her but circumstances prevented that because I left Denver for 25 years. I dropped out of high school after what happened; the story of that night ended up more or less being a case of the last straw.

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I believe I have lived an exemplary life since that era, but during my teenage years, I did some nasty things. They got me into trouble with the law, which resulted in my joining the U. Navy just to avoid the slammer. My point is that I believe it is entirely possible for people to mature and be good citizens and to leave behind youthful bad behavior.

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But to do so requires admitting to wrongdoing. If I were to see her today, I would apologize sincerely with no excuses. I was in the U. Air Force, age I was in a relationship with a woman two years older than I was; we were sexually involved, but not having intercourse — I was committed to being a virgin until marriage.

Our sexual life was frustrating for both of us. One night, I urgently tried to convince her to give me oral sex. She did not want this. I did not coerce her physically, but I urged her to do something she rejected, and I played on our emotional entanglement until she did. This was wrong, harmful to her, and I knew it. I have thought about that night ever since, repelled by my behavior toward a young woman I cared for. I am now in my 80s. I think standards may have changed, but I think many young men still act as I did.

Second year, community college, upstate New York. I was with three other guys; we all went to school together.

Women and desire: the six ages of sex | Life and style | The Guardian

One I knew very well — we often freestyle rapped together; the others were acquaintances. We got there, she let us inside. Her girlfriend was there. Yes, but not this time. Her demeanor was different, sadder than usual. Clearly she had decidedly changed, and said as much. Still, my party immediately started coaxing her verbally. I sat back, unsure of exactly where this situation was leading the six of us. She was consistently standoffish, but they continued to lead her into the dark pantry. She did not want to go. I was frozen. Frozen together, I now realize.

The girlfriend must have felt I was keeping watch; and though I was not, I was complicit because my party must have also thought the same. I was and am definitely ashamed of what was happening around me, but this was not why I froze. If that point were reached, heard or felt where we stood, I cannot say what the girlfriend or I might have done. I never talked about it afterwards. Would I be frozen in that situation again? Definitely not — if it happened today, I would intervene. When I was 21, a woman I worked with asked me to take her daughter to her senior prom.

She protested, and I persisted. She was very uncomfortable and somewhat distraught. I felt guilty when I saw her mom at work that next week and felt her mom knew something had happened.

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I felt I had ruined the prom for this young woman. And I felt sad I had done that. It still haunts me a bit.

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And sex when conception is a possibility is different from regular shagging. Getting back to it after another baby is born sometimes feels like clearing out the attic.

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It seems exhausting and messy and unnecessary when you contemplate it, but then you get started and suddenly you want to move into the attic and lock the door and just lie there naked all the time. This makes me happier, and generally when I am happy, sex is better, more generous, more uninhibited. Of course, through all this conception and pregnancy, my body does not always work as I want it to.

I have had three miscarriages among my pregnancies, and two horrible bouts of postnatal depression that were far more agonising than childbirth was and lasted months, not a few hours. When sex is about reproduction rather than purely recreation, the loving and hurting are bound very close together; few people have a completely easy ride through conception. Most of us who want children at this age will have had to manage some degree of disappointment or sadness.

Miscarriage and postnatal depression hurt a lot, but so does the uncertainty of IVF or traumatic childbirth, for example. The consolation is love, if you can hold on to it. The demands of our life also mean there is absolutely no slack. I know about the theory of date nights and scheduling sex.

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But achieving those things is often impossible, because when the unholy trinity of a work deadline, the school play and having sex are all vying for my attention, then sex will always be — has to be — the thing that falls to the bottom of the list. This is frustrating. Sometimes I sit on the sofa as the kids come in, each with their own version of breaking news that needs my absolute attention, and feel as flat as a piece of paper. My elder children are 13 and 16 so I know that all these things do finally pass.

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  • But my fear is that by then another life test will rear up oh menopause I hear you galloping up behind me and right now I want more sex. I want a lot more than my life gives me at the moment. I felt a shiver of shame recently, noticing the well-honed curve of a bicep and olive-skinned perfection of a theatre companion. Sex in our 50s? We are way too busy trying to save our marriages, panicking about our financial futures and wondering how to keep our jobs post In youth sex is an adventure. Could that driving force post puberty, the all-consuming passion that kept us in bed all day and up all night be one of the devastating losses to be endured along the road?

    If so, those now hazy decades past of coupling take on an entirely new pallor. Dirty deeds, rather than regrets appear time well invested in anticipation of the perceived desert of passionless middle-age. Your once-favoured pastime loses status in your 50s, becoming an also-ran in the steeplechase of life, or, more corrosively, a battleground, where daily skirmishes are played out. The minor irritations and major annoyances of an enduring relationship all find expression in the bedroom with the regularity, or infrequency, of your love-making, serving as a rough guide to the state of your union.

    The satisfying, unifying rewards of making love — increased intimacy, better sleep, less stress — become a treat to be traded rather than a part of our daily routine. I think I just praised sex as a sleep aid. I must be getting old. Young bodies are made for tossing inhibitions to the wind. In your 50s, if you are having it, the last thing you want to do is boast about it. In midlife, careering from one sexual tryst to another merely smacks of desperation. So why the gulf in perception?

    For many, pornography becomes a useful tool to spark immediately accessible sexuality, though arguably creates as many casualties as it does satisfied customers. Also note how seldom it is with age-appropriate partners. So is 50something sex also a casualty to everyday sexism? Refusing to allow sex to become a memory, no matter how mundane the mechanics, is how we learn to marry wisdom to maturity. Even that beautiful bicep pales in comparison. I have been highly sexed all my life. I believe sex and our life force are one and the same.