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The Years Between is a play by the English writer Daphne du Maurier, better known as a novelist and particularly as the author of Rebecca This is one of two  ‎Plot outline · ‎Production history · ‎Background to the play · ‎Film review.
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Yet the next generation — Generation Z — is even more diverse. Beyond politics, most Millennials came of age and entered the workforce facing the height of an economic recession. Technology, in particular the rapid evolution of how people communicate and interact, is another generation-shaping consideration. Baby Boomers grew up as television expanded dramatically, changing their lifestyles and connection to the world in fundamental ways.

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Generation X grew up as the computer revolution was taking hold, and Millennials came of age during the internet explosion. In this progression, what is unique for Generation Z is that all of the above have been part of their lives from the start. The iPhone launched in , when the oldest Gen Zers were By the time they were in their teens, the primary means by which young Americans connected with the web was through mobile devices, WiFi and high-bandwidth cellular service.

Social media, constant connectivity and on-demand entertainment and communication are innovations Millennials adapted to as they came of age. For those born after , these are largely assumed. Recent research has shown dramatic shifts in youth behaviors, attitudes and lifestyles — both positive and concerning — for those who came of age in this era. Beginning to track this new generation over time will be of significant importance. Pew Research Center is not the first to draw an analytical line between Millennials and the generation to follow them, and many have offered well-reasoned arguments for drawing that line a few years earlier or later than where we have.

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Perhaps, as more data are collected over the years, a clear, singular delineation will emerge. We remain open to recalibrating if that occurs. But more than likely the historical, technological, behavioral and attitudinal data will show more of a continuum across generations than a threshold. As has been the case in the past, this means that the differences within generations can be just as great as the differences across generations, and the youngest and oldest within a commonly defined cohort may feel more in common with bordering generations than the one to which they are assigned.

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This is a reminder that generations themselves are inherently diverse and complex groups, not simple caricatures. In the near term, you will see a number of reports and analyses from the Center that continue to build on our portfolio of generational research. Today, we issued a report looking — for the first time — at how members of Generation Z view some of the key social and political issues facing the nation today and how their views compare with those of older generations.

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To be sure, the views of this generation are not fully formed and could change considerably as they age and as national and global events intervene. Even so, this early look provides some compelling clues about how Gen Z will help shape the future political landscape. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing demographic analyses that compare Millennials to previous generations at the same stage in their life cycle to see if the demographic, economic and household dynamics of Millennials continue to stand apart from their predecessors.

Yet, we remain cautious about what can be projected onto a generation when they remain so young. Donald Trump may be the first U. Bush and Barack Obama shaped the political debate for Millennials, the current political environment may have a similar effect on the attitudes and engagement of Gen Z, though how remains a question. We look forward to spending the next few years studying this generation as it enters adulthood. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.

It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.

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Du Maurier is more interested in the personal than the social ramifications of Diana's situation, but she's not always a clever enough stage writer to fully mine the seething emotions of betrayal, and the conflict between personal sacrifice and public duty that lurk beneath the clipped, polite voices. It's by no means a forgotten classic, but at its best, it's a reminder that winning the war is easy, it's making peace that's hard. Topics Theatre. Daphne du Maurier reviews. Reuse this content.

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