Manual The Truth About A Lie: . . . each lie steals a sacred part of you . . .

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steal, which is ''to take something that doesn't belong to you. The goal of this paper is to provide evidence that lie, steal, and cheat are the only concepts rather to be an utterance of more or less truth value, their solution is a prototype analysis . Instead, we have to rely (in part) on culturally agreed upon stereotypes to.
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Language and words are a means by which humans convey information to one another in semiotic associations, and the method used to recognize a truth is termed a criterion of truth. There are differing claims as to what constitutes truth, what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false, how to define and identify truth, the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play, and whether truth is subjective or objective, relative or absolute.

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  • Question 110. The vices opposed to truth, and first of lying;
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Look up truth in Wiktionary , the free dictionary. Category : Themes. Namespaces Page Discussion. To include this among your family of archetypes, however, you would have to find a life-long pattern or exorcising the negative spirits of others or of social groups or society.

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The shadow Exorcist attacks the evil in others without having the courage to face his own demons. This archetype combines a talent for creating or initiating with the ability to oversee others, whether a biological family or a group of creative people. The shadow Father emerges when that caring guidance and protection turns into dictatorial control or abuse of authority. You will need to uncover a life-long attachment to the role of family patriarch, however you conceive of that family. The female counterpart of Don Juan sometimes adds the twist of killing her conquests as an expression of her ability to dominate, thereby reversing the conventional sexual stereotypes.

As with Don Juan, the Femme Fatale represents highly refined skills at manipulating men without investing personal emotion. The Femme Fatale is a sexual and a financial archetype, and either comes from or is drawn to money and power. Seducing men with money and power and for the sake of personal control and survival is a classic part of this archetype, although the Femme Fatale is not looking for a home in the suburbs and the pleasures of family life.

Her name is Zeleikha in Islamic tradition ; Tapairu Polynesian nymphs who inhabit the waters that lead to the underworld. The goddess of death employs them to seduce men away from the earth ; Lorelei in Teutonic myth, a beautiful maiden who drowned herself after being spurned by her lover, and was then transformed into a siren whose hypnotic music lured sailors to their death. The Gambler is a risk-taker who plays the odds.

This archetype has far more aspects than are commonly considered, including not just card sharps and racetrack gamblers, but also drug addicts, entrepreneurs, and day traders. From an energetic perspective, gambling is an attempt to outrun the speed at which ordinary change happens.

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Acquiring great wealth in a casino in one throw of the dice or by winning the lottery is a spectacular experience not only because of the money but because of the experience of the compression of time. From real estate ventures to scientific research, hunches have often yielded successful fruitful outcomes. To assess whether you are a Gambler, review your ability to follow your intuition and what others might consider risky inner guidance.

Ask yourself how many of your decisions are based on gut instinct rather than facts and figures. You can evaluate your relationship to the shadow Gambler according to whether you have a compulsion. Some people who are obsessed with winning lotteries and striking it rich at casino tables—or in get-rich-quick and pyramid schemes—may spend relatively little money compared to professional gamblers, but their focus on finding ways to beat the odds is a central part of their life.

1 :: Because You Have Not Failed Enough

A related form of gambling may affect the way you are focused on looking for lucky breaks in your relationships, rather than doing the hard psychic work needed to make them succeed. Whether a great worldly power or a great physical specimen, the God archetype represents the ultimate in male dominance. On the positive side, a God can be benevolent and compassionate, willing to use his powers to help others out of love for humanity.

The shadow God easily becomes a dictator or despot, oppressing others with those same powers, or using his physical attractiveness to get what he wants without ever returning the affection he elicits. To claim this archetype among your support circle of twelve, you need to have a life-long sense of great power, used either selfishly or selflessly. The oldest religious tradition on earth may well be Goddess worship, which some archaeologists trace back further than 30, years. It was certainly natural to worship the archetype of woman as the Source of all life, especially in the age before male warriors replaced Her with their combative sky gods.

The connection of fertility with exaggerated sexual attributes found in ancient statues of the Goddess survive in modern worship of screen goddesses such as Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield. The Goddess can be inspiring to women, embodying wisdom, guidance, physical grace, athletic prowess, and sensuality.

Eloisa to Abelard

The shadow side of the Goddess emerges from the exploration of the feminine power, including the exploitation or over-indulgence of movie stars and fashion models. Identifying with a goddess figure as a major archetype in your chart requires that you review life-long associations with the image and personality associated with it. The energy of Venus Aphrodite is prevalent in women who form their self-image strongly around their sexuality.

Besides those mentioned above, you can choose from Tara and Quanyin Tibetan and Chinese bodhisattvas of compassion ; Amaterasu Omigami Shinto Sun goddess ; Shakti Hindu personification of energy as Divine Mother ; Branwen Celtic goddess of love and beauty ; Oshun East African Yoruba goddess of pleasure, love, and beauty ; Pan Jin Lian Chinese goddess of prostitution ; Frigg Norse goddess of marriage, motherhood, childbirth, and midwifery ; Turan Etruscan goddess of love, health, and fertility.

The Guide takes the role of Teacher to a spiritual level, teaching not only the beliefs and practices that make up established religions, but also the overarching principle of seeing the Divine in every aspect of life. Clearly you do not have to be a professional Preacher or Guru to have this archetype, as we can all learn to lead others spiritually through developing our own intuitive spiritual awareness and passing on whatever we have learned with genuine humility.

To count this archetype as part of your support group, however, you will need to discern in your life a continuing pattern of devoting yourself to teaching others from your own spiritual insights. This presupposes that you have gained wisdom through some combination of self-disciplined practice and study and perhaps spontaneous spiritual experiences.

Wisdom also comes with age, and so the Crone or Wise Woman represents the ripening of natural insight and the acceptance of what is, allowing one to pass that wisdom on to others. The shadow aspect of the Guide is visible in many modern televangelists and gurus of various traditions who are more interested in financial gain and controlling their followers than in imparting genuine spiritual insight. The Healer archetype manifests as a passion to serve others in the form of repairing the body, mind, and spirit. Some people, by their very nature and personality, are able to inspire others to release their painful histories or make changes in their lives that redirect the course of their future.

Regardless of the shape of the wound, the challenge inherent in this initiation process is that one is unable to turn to others for help beyond a certain degree of support. Only the initiate can ultimately heal the wound; if it is an illness or accident, it will frequently be one for which there is no conventional cure. The Wounded Healer archetype emerges in your psyche with the demand that you push yourself to a level of inner effort that becomes more a process of transformation than an attempt to heal an illness.

If you have successfully completed the initiation, you inevitably experience an exceptional healing, and a path of service seems to be divinely provided shortly after the initiation is complete. The shadow of both the Healer and Wounded Healer manifests through a desire to take advantage of those who need help, including claims that you can heal any and every illness a person has. As scientific reserach has shown, pleasure can improve our health and extend our lives and needs to be part of a balanced life. Indulging the self is central to the psyche of this archetype, whether treating oneself to a health spa or learning the nuances of lovemaking.

That the Hedonist is generally thought of as someone who pursues extremes of self-indulgence is more a reflection of our Puritan heritage than of the archetype itself. It also challenges in a positive way the collective archetypal fear of being seduced and losing control in the physical world.


The search for physical ecstasy parallels the search for spiritual transformation, a truth that is apparent in the dual identity of the famous Greek icon of pleasure-seeking, Dionysus. Besides being a god of wine and fertility later adoped by the Romans as Bacchus , Dionysus also represents the goal of mystery religions, like those practiced at Eleusis: ecstatic delivery from the mundane world through the physical or spiritual intoxication induced by secret rites.

See Mystic.

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The sacrament of Soma also a god of the Vedic pantheon played a similar role in ancient Indian spirituality. Choderlos DeLaclos. The Hero is also a classic figure in ancient Greek and Roman literature, often portrayed as one who must confront an increasingly difficult path of obstacles in order to birth his manhood. Today this archetype holds a dominant position in the social mind as an icon of both male and female power, from the Superheroes of comic books, such as Superman and Wonder Woman, to television and countless movies and popular novels.

The Self emerges as the Hero faces physical and internal obstacles, confronting the survival fears that would compromise his journey of empowerment and conquering the forces arrayed against him. The Hero then returns to the tribe with something of great value to all. From a shadow perspective, the Hero can become empowered through the disempowerment of others. The manner in which the Hero uses his physical power is a reflection of the spirit of the Hero, represented through authentic acts of heroism.

The template for the Judge archetype in Jewish-Christian culture largely derives from King Solomon, who was notable for balancing justice and compassion. Those who manipulate or disgrace justice or violate this creed are held to be social and moral criminals, having damaged the honor of the courtroom and the nation, and the archetype itself.

For that reason, this archetype should be understood as one that has the vision to manage the fair distribution of power in whatever form it takes, from violating military codes to breaking marriage vows. One need not be an attorney, judge, or critic by profession to identify with this archetype.

If you are a natural mediator or involved in interventions between people, you may carry this archetype in your psyche. Personal qualities that inspire in you a commitment to lead a life with high standards related to justice and wisdom as well as the manner in which you interact with other people are very reflective of a strong connection to this archetype. Prolonged suffering from having been misjudged—an experience that walks hand-in-hand with learning forgiveness—should also be considered an expression of this archetype in your life.

But as with all other archetypal evaluations, you are not looking for one experience of having been misjudged or misjudging another, but rather a life-long learning process that is centered around the learning of justice and compassion. The shadow Judge manifests as consistently destructive criticism, judging without compassion or with a hidden agenda. Legal manipulation, misuse of legal authority, and threatening others through an association with the law are other expressions of the shadow. Such manipulation includes the misuse of business authority as well as conventional legal and criminal authority.

Fiction: Billy Budd, Foretopman Capt. The King is an archetype of major proportions, representing the height of temporal male power and authority. Both benevolence and cruelty in their extreme expressions are associated with this archetype. Classic to the cruel King is the collective hope of his kingdom that he should fall from his throne.

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The King is associated more with the royal blood and inheritance, whereas an Emperor can arise from common society, as did Napoleon. A resistance to criticism, questioning, and challenges in decisions about controlling his kingdom. Throughout history, the pendulum has swung from good Kings to evil, from benevolent, even saintly rulers to greedy, gluttonous criminals.