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The Solar Bridge:The Uninte The Solar Bridge:The Unintended Consequences of Time Travel. avg rating — 0 ratings — published Want to Read.
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It seems Ms. The reality is that the climate changes may impact our life styles, but they are going to 'kill' earth. It is interesting that Ms. Madigan claims the Climate 'scientists' justify hear rationale, but many of the Nobel laureates disagree with Ms. Madigan's claims, they describe it will be nearer to years before there will be data that could prove when humans' impact are significant to affect the dynamics of the climate. Duane - based on your knowledge of the Earth's history, you are correct in the assertion that the Earth's climate has changed before.

But it hasn't changed at the current rate humans are causing it to.

There has long been proof ie. Plain and simple, this is undeniable.

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Rather than attacking the author of the article and jumping to conclusions about her motives, time is better spent reading up on what climate scientists are actually reporting. Since you claim it undeniable, please describe the mechanism that or ppm of CO2 controls the temperature within a fluctuation of 0.

How does the CO2 molecule prevent energy transfer from the rest of the molecules in the atmosphere, how does it alter the thermodynamics of the atmosphere? My question how do we know what is the cause when people who are skeptical of the CO2 are being belittled, 'bullied', ostracized, and in other ways discouraged or denied to participate in the scientific debate?


Show us the quotes that support your assertion about Nobel prize winners, I could not verify what you said. If I can show you that there are Nobel laureates in the sciences who question the cause of global warming, will you begin questioning the science of global warming or are you unwilling to be skeptical about what the media promotes? I hope our earth has food, water and breathable air for those of you that have not spent the last 20 years researching and trying to save our earth.

Keep denying it people. Your children and grandchildren will have to clean up our mess and it might be too late. It is much easier to deny climate change than help work on a solution. Denise, It isn't denying climate change, because the climate is dynamic and always changing. The issue is about cause, is it natural or is because of the mathematical models being use to predict the impact of climate change and the cause of climate change. Have you forgotten Al Gore who won the Nobel PEACE prize for his claims about it being man made [his movie 'Inconvenient Truth' and all the predictions for climate change that did not happen]?

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A media headline is easy and travels fast, but seldom if ever do they get followed up on and shown to right or wrong. A former employer of mine set goals [paying bonus for such success] to reduce energy use [reducing it by the tons of fossil fuel equivalents each year for years] or creating products and services that help home owners and businesses to reduce their energy consumptions. What you should do is pause and consider that the media may not be as knowledgeable as you want, and that private companies employ technically educated capable people that make the systems more efficient and effective each year so the employers and their products will be sustainable.

Have you ever considered what if you are wrong and what the cost to society will be, what the cost to individuals will be? Experience shows that when you fail to consider the unintended consequence you will experience those consequences and the price will be greater than you could have imagined. This world of ours has been changing since the beginning of time. Swamps in the southwest that safe deserts now etc.

Al Gore had us all frightened the world was going to end and he had scientists to supposedly back it up.

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Solar in Michigan? The sun hardly shines at all in winter. Another ploy to tax us more and charge twice as much for power which happened last year because of all the windmills we have to pay for. I for one will take my chances. Wouldn't believe anything that comes out of a politicians mouth. They are all bought and paid for. In , Germany, which is much smaller than the United States, and with a climate very similar to what we have in Michigan, produced four times as much solar energy as did the entire United States. Where there is a will, there is a way. The Climate Change entrepreneurs seem to dismiss the 's "scientific" claims that the population would outgrow the food supply and there would be mass starvation in the 's.

That didn't happen either. The sky isn't falling. Anyone that carps that "the climate has always changed" as a defense for taking action on climate change is missing a key factor. Yes, the climate has always changed - but those natural changes have all taken place over EONS to put a finer point on it - over tens of thousands of years. Look at any chart of historical Earth temperatures and you'll see that there is something unnatural about what's happened in the last years. The concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere has skyrocketed. We have burned millions of years of locked up sunlight in the form of coal and oil - fossil fuels in the span of years!

Just imagine that. We have changed the climate of the Earth by burning this carbon store so quickly! All this extra carbon is trapping heat and warming the planet, melting the glaciers, changing the weather, etc. Yes, the climate has always changed. Please try and wrap your mind around what is different this time. We must stem the flow of carbon from fossil fuel into our atmosphere. I challenge you to read and try to understand the science of all this. The article you linked in the "Effect' section to doesn't describe or explain the mechanism that CO2 is causing the climate to change, it simply says it is a significant contributor to global warming.

What I am trying to learn is how does ppm of CO2 blanket the thermodynamics of earth's atmosphere.

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Does the ppm create a blanket over the earth that controls the radiation of energy from earth and the other elements of in the atmosphere? Does the ppm disrupt the contact of oxygen, nitrogen, water molecules preventing the transfer of energy between the molecules? Does the ppm of CO2 prevent the movement of the molecules in the atmosphere and movement of energy throughout the atmosphere? See also: Parallel universe fiction , Future history , Alternate history , and Category:Multiple time paths in fiction. See also: Time loop and List of films featuring time loops.

Further information: Temporal paradox. Main article: Time slip. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See also: Category:Temporal war fiction. Eternal return Future history List of games containing time travel List of time travel works of fiction Time viewer. New York: Springer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved Prose: Literary Terms and Concepts 1st ed.

New York: Britannica Educational Publishing. The Guardian. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved 30 September Retrieved February 20, Origins of Futuristic Fiction. Athens: University of Georgia Press. Eating the Dinosaur 1st ed.

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New York: Scribner. New York: Routledge. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 4 January Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Episode 8. November 16, Event occurs at 36 minute mark. April American Journal of Physics.