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The Fundamental Things Lyrics: Let's run naked through these city streets / We're all captives of captivity / Let's wear madness like a crucifix / Let's tattoo Bible.
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"The fundamental things apply as time goes by" | Journal of Chemical Education

We often tend to think of leadership only in terms of senior management, but in fact it resides at all levels. Effective leaders thrive on the success of their people and teams, and realize that such success more than anything reflects well on the leadership above. Whether that focus is tomorrow's stock price, short-term profitability or bonus, it's rarely a sound way to manage a business or department for the long haul.

A tsunami of short-term thinking, for example, led us up to the financial crisis of But to return to the example noted above, the damages of and well beyond are a prime example of what can happen when awareness of risk is nowhere near the forefront of managerial consciousness. Strong managers at all levels recognize that vigilance toward risk is an integral element of the management process. When leaders grow overly confident, and start to feel that the same rules that apply to others don't apply to them, it's a good bet they won't be managing their operations with the perspective and caution needed.

Which brings me to my final point - why it's always beneficial to:. Good leaders focus on others: their employees, their clients, their shareholders, etc. We made changes to the block types, edited the textures and altered the constants to change how the game plays.

There's a video of it in action below:. We also coded on a Microbit , a tiny programmable computer that was built specifically for this sort of audience. We used it to code a step counter trying to imitate a Fitbit, made a variation on Harry Potters sorting hat which randomly picked them a house, and for me the most interesting task was using multiple Microbits to create a interactive treasure hunt on the school grounds. Each Microbit was a beacon giving out a signal which would be picked up by the listening Microbits, these would be sent a new clue which the kids had to solve to find the next beacon.

It was a really fun exercise which really showcased what can be done with a little imagination. I'd like to give massive thanks to Tech For Life for running the event, it was free for all attendees. Any parents out there who think this would be something their child would be interested in, take a look at their site and any upcoming events they have planned. Lastly, if you're still on the fence about volunteering, give it a try, don't wait as long as I did!

This post was originally published on my personal blog here. Go to the "misc" section of your settings and select night theme. Please help our cause against modern-day discrimination Navigation menu. A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily: an information booth staffed by volunteers; hospital volunteers. Getting ready As the main technical volunteer it was up to me to lead and present the material.

That fundamental thing! What did we do? Share to Twitter. Share to LinkedIn. Share to Reddit. If she had paired the bell sleeved blouse and argyle sweater vest with plain black pants or jeans, I might have let this outfit slide, but the seamed skirt and mid-calf boots sent my rage through the roof.

Most irritating Rory or Lorelai moment: The opening scene of this episode is fucking bizarre, even by this show's standards. Rory comes home from Yale to find Lorelai out in the front yard, "planting" bulbs that were gifted to her by Babette. Lorelai has a little trowel and uses it to haphazardly hack holes into the lawn. Rory throws a bulb at Lorelai, Lorelai throws a bulb at Rory, then the gals spend the next thirty seconds rolling around on the ground and screaming.

Rory treats the bag of old bulbs like a satchel of dog turds. I understand that they're supposed to be moldy, but gf needs to get out more if she thinks this is the pinnacle of nastiness. Number of times Rory or Lorelai treat their bff like shit: Neither are particularly bad friends. Thankfully, Sookie puts her foot down and forces her friend to act like a mature adult instead of a teen girl. Lane only shows her face for like 5 seconds to load up on pizza before her Mrs.

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Kim sanctioned okra binge. Best literary or pop culture references : Can you imagine Emily watching "Sex and the City? After she finds out about Rory's date and expresses her disappointment over the ask-out logistics , the ladies have this exchange:. Lorelai : What are you gonna wear? Rory : I don't know.

The Fundamental Things

Lorelai : Do you want to borrow something of mine? Emily : No, she does not. Lorelai : What does that mean? Emily : It's bad enough that you haven't taught your daughter how to interact with the opposite sex. You will not dress her up in one of your "Sex and the City" ensembles and send her out to tell the entire campus, "Don't worry.

It's a reality and it's scale-able

I'll ask you. Stars Hollow weirdness: Babette's bulb gift is the only townie weirdness. She tells Lorelai,. You're gonna wake up one morning, walk out, and pow - color coming out of your yin-yang! Sharpest insult or one-liner: I love all of Lorelai and Luke's interactions during movie night. She manages to playfully rib him without devolving into "complete dick" territory, which is rare. After he offers up some suggestions to ameliorate Rory's date night weirdness, he and Lorelai discuss the situation:. Luke : I wouldn't trade places with her for the world.

Lorelai : Really? You wouldn't want to go out with a boy named Trevor?

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  • The fundamental thing I learnt my first time Volunteering.?
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You might want to wait and see his picture. Luke : I mean dating. It's a horror. I like that Luke, a character with mild homophobic tendencies, just brushes past this comment with a simple clarification. I love this song, but always associate it with rejection thanks to this scene. Thoughts : If there were ever doubts about Rory's social awkwardness, this episode proves that they are unfounded. After a cutie named Trevor David Rogers defends her comments about "The Sun Also Rises," Rory turns down his date invitation because a he carries a water bottle and b there's no relationship potential since he's studying abroad in Barcelona next year.

I appreciate her pragmatism if a relationship is solely what she's after, but I agree with Lorelai: casual dating is nice!

It's important to see how many assholes and boring people are out there so that when you finally do stumble upon someone interesting and worth your time, you recognize and appreciate them. If I hadn't spent five months dating some jackass with a cat allergy and a penchant for cocaine, I might have said, "Eh, a long-distance relationship isn't worth it" after meeting my now-husband. After Lorelai's pep talk, Rory decides to give this dude a chance and has an awkward, circular conversation with him where she makes her availability known but refuses to be the initiator.

Rory : I can't believe we sit around and talk about books and get graded on it. I mean, there's almost nothing I like more than talking about a good book or a bad book or a really thick magazine.

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Trevor : Mmhmm. Rory : Hey, Trevor. You know what else I like to do besides talk about a really good book? Isn't that weird? And, actually, for me, they're linked. It's true. When I talk about a book, I get really hungry - starving.