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Memento Mori. The Latin words for remember death serve to remind us that we live a very short life on this Earth. What are you doing with your life? Are you living the exceptional and heroic life, or do you find that your life is rather dull and.
Table of contents

While psychologists acknowledge that many different traits such as IQ, creativity, talents, interests, and personality dimensions influence greatness, no sensible scientist claims that any of these traits are completely deterministic. Also, no sensible scientist would argue that just because a trait has a genetic contribution, it is immutable.

“Strive for Excellence, Not Perfection”

Something can have a very large heritability coefficient and still be very amenable to change. As it turns out, the way genes influence greatness is much more nuanced and fascinating. Also, the pathway from genes to talent to greatness is often very nuanced and complex. Genes pull us subtly, and not so subtly, in various directions and influence our decisions.

The environment can cause exaggerated differences, such as when children pick the taller kid for the basketball team in elementary school, but the slightly more talented and passionate musician can also make decisions throughout his or her life that compound into larger differences down the road. Also, many seemingly environmental effects, such as parenting style, have turned out to have large genetic components.

Certainly parenting matters. It turns out that parenting is important for child development in ways different than originally assumed. Genes influence parenting because, like any other behavior, parenting behaviors are influenced by genes. Parents play a crucial role in supporting the expression of genes, as do peers and teachers. Further nuance is introduced when one looks across domains of greatness. Many different traits contribute to greatness, in differing degrees and combinations depending on the domain Simonton, b. Even within domains there are different skills and dispositions required.

Think about the difference between poets and science writers— both are writers but seem to come from a different species sometimes! By definition, very few people reach excellence in a domain, and no two paths are exactly the same. Some people actually invent a whole new path of deliberate practice for others to follow!

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The fact that two people can obtain the same result through a very different route opens up a new can of questions. Do all domains require creativity for greatness? Can someone, such as the gold-medal winner of the meter dash, be great simply by running faster than all other competitors that year? Likewise, some domains such as mathematics may demand more domain-specific talent, whereas for others such as dart throwing , intense deliberate practice may play more of a role. Must all paths to greatness require extraordinary talent?

Also, it can be tricky differentiating expert performance from great performance. Is greatness reserved only for the gold-medal winner of the meter dash, or is the runner-up great as well?

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What about the full range of life experiences and early developmental experiences— many of which are quite harsh and traumatic —that shapes drive and passion Ludwig, ; Simonton, b, a, b? What about opportunities and just sheer luck Gladwell, ? How do all those factors contribute to greatness? Lots of questions. These are all thorny issues that must be dealt with when scientifically studying greatness. The topic of greatness is one of the most fascinating in all of psychology and has relevance for every single human being on this planet. As it turns out, the truth is far more nuanced, complex, and fascinating than any one viewpoint or paradigm can possibly reveal.

Greatness is much, much more. Which was the spirit behind my edited volume, The Complexity of Greatness: Beyond Talent or Practice , available for purchase today on Amazon.

University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons

My aim in assembling the stellar list of contributors was to put together a well-balanced review of the latest research and thinking on greatness that could serve as a valuable resource, not just for scientists but for anyone who wants to get a broader, more complete understanding of greatness.

Hopefully this volume also stimulates thought and leads to new, testable hypotheses and research programs. Samuel D. Whither Cognitive Talent? James C. Aronson, J. Growth mindsets in the laboratory and the real world. Subotnik, A. Robinson, C. Gubbins Eds. Beilock, S. Choke: What the secrets of the brain reveal about getting it right when you have to.

Candolle, A. Geneva, Switzerland: Georg.

What Is an Expert?

Ceci, S. Developing childhood proclivities into adult competencies: The overlooked multiplier effect. Grigorenko Eds. Beneficial effects of contextualization, personalization, and choice.


Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, — Coyle, D. New York, NY: Bantam. Dryden, J. Epistle to Congreve. Saintsbury Eds. Edinburgh, Scotland: Paterson. Original work published Duckworth, A. Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, — Dweck, C. Mindset: The new psychology of success. Ericsson, K. The Cambridge hand-book of expert performance.

The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. Psychological Review, , — Giftedness and evidence for repro- ducibly superior performance: An account based on the expert performance framework.

  1. After The Rain.
  2. The Complexity of Greatness: Beyond Talent or Practice?
  3. Almost Alive;
  4. High Ability Studies, 18, 3— Feldman, D. Prodigies and savants. Frensch, P. On being an expert: A cost-benefit analysis. Hoffman Ed. Galton, F. Hereditary genius: An inquiry into its laws and consequences. London, England: Macmillan. Grandin, T. Thinking in pictures, Expanded edition: My life with autism. New York, NY: Vintage. Hambrick, Z. Deliberate practice: Is that all it takes to become an expert? Harris, J. The nurture assumption: Why children turn out the way they do. Johnson, W. Genetic and environmental influences on behavior: Capturing all the interplay.

    Beyond heritability: Twin studies in behavioral research. All quotes from "First, Break All the Rules". Of all the infinite number of ways to perform a certain task, most of them are wrong. There are only a few right ways. Unfortuntely, you don't come any closer to identifying those right ways by eliminating the wrong ways.

    Excellence is not the opposite of failure.