Guide Pope Francis Explained: Survey of Myths, Legends, and Catholic Defenses in Harmony with Tradition

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New exhibit route at the Israel Museum highlights origins of Christianity and pilgrimage in Jerusalem.

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For many Christian pilgrims worldwide, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a once-in-a-lifetime highlight of their faith. Few, however, may reflect on the fact that they are a link to a religious ritual that has played out for centuries — one that dramatically changed the landscape of Jerusalem during the Byzantine era of the fourth and seventh centuries A. It was during this period that the Byzantine Empire began funneling tremendous amounts of funds to support infrastructure for the growing flow of Christian pilgrims who were coming to venerate holy sites connected to the life of Jesus.

Interestingly, these vast numbers of churches, shrines, hospitals, guest hostels and souvenir shops catering to the pilgrims were built side by side upon a landscape where there were already Jewish synagogues, and in later times shared the space with Muslim mosques as well. This whole context of the early years of Christianity is easily lost on pilgrims coming to the Holy Land today, noted David Mevorach, senior curator of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine archaeology of the Israel Museum.

While able to visit the holy sites themselves, pilgrims are unable to witness the context in which these places existed at the dawn of Christianity. Therefore, the Israel Museum recently inaugurated a special tour emphasizing artifacts from early Christianity. The route takes visitors to 12 exhibits located throughout the permanent collection, allowing them to view archeological artifacts specifically reflecting ancient Christian history. The route is self-guided but can also be taken as a preregistered tour with a museum guide.

It includes objects that had been put together in a special exhibit of the same name for the Jubilee Year The last stop of the route is in the Byzantine gallery, where a reconstruction of an early church is juxtaposed to a reconstruction of a synagogue from the same period reflecting their similar structure and furnishing.

A nearby display of the various souvenirs, trinkets and religious mementos such as small bottles filled with earth reveals how similar pilgrimages have remained over the ages.

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It continues exactly the same way, though the materials may have changed. The iconography, the idea, the belief is the same. We had here churches and synagogues which were very similar in structure and furnishings. Their closeness and differences where happening [next to each other]. And then a third religion, Islam, came. It all happened here in this place at the edge of the map and this gallery allows people to see that.

Catholic Church. Committed with the poor

Other stops along the route include stone inscriptions from the Second Temple that would have been familiar to Jesus, a Latin dedicatory inscription bearing the name of the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate and the ossuary, or burial box, of the high priest Caiaphas — two men associated with the trial of Jesus. Another inscription includes a reference to the Davidic dynasty, the only such evidence ever found to have a possible connection with the biblical King David, from whom Jesus, as the Messiah, was descended.

Also on exhibit is a sample of the Tyrian half-shekels from A.

These coins were not common and needed to be purchased from money changers in the Temple. These were the money changers whose tables Jesus overturned when he cleansed the Temple. The route also features a replica of a human ankle bone pierced by a nail — the only direct archeological evidence ever found of Roman crucifixion. Due to religious sensitivities regarding ritual purity of Orthodox Jews, the actual crucified ankle bone — or any bone — cannot be exhibited at the museum, explained Mevorach. Thus, the bone on display in the museum is a replica, while the real bone is kept in storage.

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The find may be so rare because perhaps crucifixion nails were taken to be reused once the person was taken down from the post, he said, or because, as he tends to believe, the nails were seen as powerful amulets and were taken for protection. When faced with this proof of a crucifixion, some Christian groups visiting the museum stopped for a moment of prayer in front of the display, which includes numerous ossuaries from that time, Mevorach said. A visit to the Shrine of the Book, which houses sections of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including a full scroll of the Book of Isaiah — the oldest copy of the Bible to be found, believed to be from some time between the second century B.

In his homily for Thursday, Pope Francis gave a reflection on the words of the Our Father, noting that the prayer reminds us of our identity as children of God. According to Vatican Radio:.

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His words came during his mass celebrated on Thursday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence. Age-appropriate responses can help minimize fear and confusion to shootings, attacks in the news. Read in Spanish Click here to read this article in Spanish. Recent news of terrorist events and shootings have caused us all to be concerned and alarmed. Children experience many of the same feelings as adults — sometimes to an even greater degree. Their dependence on adults and limited experience with danger can make news of threats and attacks especially terrifying for them. How can we reassure them in times of increased anxiety?

Here are some tips for helping children cope with news of mass shooting and terrorist events:. There has been a dramatic change in how and how often the news is reported. A sensationalistic, hour news cycle is pervasive in our society, such that we and our children can be subjected to constant news of violence.

Here is a guideline:. Bishop John Noonan's Statement on the Orlando massacre. The June 12th attack at a nightclub in Orlando killed 50 people, including the gunman, and injured at least 53 others. In response to the tragedy, Orlando Bishop John Noonan wrote, "A sword has pierced the heart of our city.

Pasos para ayudar a los niños a afrontar las tragedias

He further stated, "The healing power of Jesus goes beyond our physical wounds but touches every level of our humanity: physical, emotional, social, spiritual. Jesus calls us to remain fervent in our protection of life and human dignity and to pray unceasingly for peace in our world. Ages — No news is good news. Children below the age of 7 not only have trouble understanding much of what is in the news but also have difficulty putting the information into perspective because of their limited experience with the outside world. It will likely be difficult to shield children from news of national events such as terrorist attacks, but even information about such widely reported news stories should come through a trusted adult who can help them understand, using age-appropriate language, what everyone is talking about.

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Ages — Parental guidance suggested. If children this age are in the room or car when the news is on, parents should be especially vigilant for stories that are too graphic for their young ears. They might understand more than we think or interpret information erroneously. Be especially careful to shield elementary-age kids from stories of crimes against children. Ages 13 and up: — Talk about it. While young children might think everything will happen to them, teens often have the opposite problem.

Let children know that such violent events are rare, and that you are working to keep them safe. In my own psychology practice, I often help children understand how rare these attacks are by asking them if anyone they know — at home, school or church — has ever been the victim of a terrorist attack. There has been a dramatic rise in the diagnosis of anxiety disorders in children in recent years, and news exposure may be one of the contributing factors. If your child expresses extreme and atypical fears about separating from you, frequent nightmares or physical symptoms of stress, like headaches, stomachaches and difficulty sleeping, it may be advisable to speak with a child psychologist or counselor about working on coping skills you or the counselor could teach your child to better manage his or her anxiety.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which involves identifying and changing habits of anxious thoughts as well as learning new behaviors for controlling anxiety, has been shown to be especially effective. Following the Dec. Barnes, urged people to pray for unity and healing. Let us come together now in unity to bring light to the darkness of this day. Gomez in a Dec. We ask how people can do such things, what is in their hearts?

In these times, we need to trust in the providence of God and rely on his mercy. Our Christian faith tells us that we must overcome evil with good and respond to hatred with love. So this is our challenge in the days ahead. Christ calls each of us to follow his example, loving others as he has loved us.