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A New Collection F. Scott Fitzgerald Matthew J. Bruccoli slinking along, and Josephine twisting her mouth around as if she had St. Vitus dance. interrupted Mrs. Perry. Every time Jo and Lillian go by him, they giggle and stare " "Come here, Josephine," said Mrs. Perry. "Dear, you don't want to be laughed at, do you?
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The Stepsister Novels of Willa Cather and F. Scott Fitzgerald

Follow Author. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby. Scott Fitzgerald. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. I want the pleasure of losing it again. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise.

This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything. Scott Fitzgerald was known to appreciate and take from Zelda's letters, even at one point borrowing her diary while he was writing This Side of Paradise. There was allegedly discussion between the men of publishing it under the name of "The Diary of a Popular Girl".

According to Nancy Milford , Scott and Zelda's first encounter was at a country club dance in Montgomery, [4] which Scott fictionalised in his novel, The Great Gatsby , when he describes Jay Gatsby 's first encounter with Daisy Buchanan , although he transposed the location in the novel to a train station. In the ledger that he meticulously maintained throughout his life, Scott noted in , on September 7, that he had fallen in love. Ultimately, she would do the same. Her biographer Nancy Milford wrote, "Scott had appealed to something in Zelda which no one before him had perceived: a romantic sense of self-importance which was kindred to his own.

Their courtship was briefly interrupted in October when he was summoned north.

F. Scott Fitzgerald - This Side Of Paradise Audiobook

While he was there, the Armistice with Germany was signed. He then returned to the base near Montgomery, and by December they were inseparable. Scott would later describe their behavior as "sexual recklessness. They wrote frequently, and by March , Scott had sent Zelda his mother's ring, and the two had become engaged. By September, Scott had completed his first novel, This Side of Paradise , and the manuscript was quickly accepted for publication.

When he heard the novel had been accepted, Scott wrote to his editor Maxwell Perkins , urging an accelerated release: "I have so many things dependent on its success—including of course a girl. Zelda agreed to marry him once the book was published; [23] he, in turn, promised to bring her to New York with "all the iridescence of the beginning of the world. Patrick's Cathedral , they married.

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Scott saw the novel's publication as the way to Zelda's heart. Scott and Zelda quickly became celebrities of New York, as much for their wild behavior as for the success of This Side of Paradise. They were ordered to leave both the Biltmore Hotel and the Commodore Hotel for their drunkenness. When Dorothy Parker first met them, Zelda and Scott were sitting atop a taxi. Parker said, "They did both look as though they had just stepped out of the sun; their youth was striking. Everyone wanted to meet him.

Publicly, this meant little more than napping when they arrived at parties, but privately it increasingly led to bitter fights. On Valentine's Day in , while Scott was working to finish his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned , Zelda discovered she was pregnant. They decided to go to Scott's home in St.

Paul, Minnesota to have the baby.

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Mark Twain. Isn't she smart—she has the hiccups. I hope it's beautiful and a fool—a beautiful little fool.

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Zelda never became particularly domestic, nor showed any interest in housekeeping. Then ask if there are any eggs, and if so try and persuade the cook to poach two of them. It is better not to attempt toast, as it burns very easily. Also, in the case of bacon, do not turn the fire too high, or you will have to get out of the house for a week. Serve preferably on china plates, though gold or wood will do if handy.

In early , Zelda again became pregnant. Although some writers have said that Scott's diaries include an entry referring to "Zelda and her abortionist", there is, in fact, no such entry. Zelda's thoughts on the second pregnancy are unknown, but in the first draft of The Beautiful and Damned , the novel Scott was completing, he wrote a scene in which the main female character Gloria believes she is pregnant and Anthony suggests she "talk to some woman and find out what's best to be done. Most of them fix it some way. As The Beautiful and Damned neared publication, Burton Rascoe , the freshly appointed literary editor of the New York Tribune , approached Zelda for an opportunity to entice readers with a cheeky review of Scott's latest work.

In her review, she made joking reference to the use of her diaries in Scott's work, but the lifted material became a genuine source of resentment: [37]. It seems to me that on one page I recognized a portion of an old diary of mine which mysteriously disappeared shortly after my marriage, and, also, scraps of letters which, though considerably edited, sound to me vaguely familiar. In fact, Mr.

The Stepsister Novels of Willa Cather and F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald—I believe that is how he spells his name—seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home. The piece led to Zelda receiving offers from other magazines. Though ostensibly a piece about the decline of the flapper lifestyle, Zelda's biographer Nancy Milford wrote that the essay was "a defense of her own code of existence. The Flapper awoke from her lethargy of sub-deb-ism, bobbed her hair, put on her choicest pair of earrings and a great deal of audacity and rouge and went into the battle.

She flirted because it was fun to flirt and wore a one-piece bathing suit because she had a good figure Mothers disapproved of their sons taking the Flapper to dances, to teas, to swim and most of all to heart. Zelda continued writing, selling several short stories and articles.

She helped Scott write the play The Vegetable, but when it flopped the Fitzgeralds found themselves in debt. Scott wrote short stories furiously to pay the bills, but became burned out and depressed. After arriving in Paris, they soon relocated to Antibes [44] on the French Riviera. After six weeks, Zelda asked for a divorce.

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Scott at first demanded to confront Jozan, but instead dealt with Zelda's demand by locking her in their house, until she abandoned her request for divorce. Jozan did not know she'd asked for a divorce. He left the Riviera later that year, and the Fitzgeralds never saw him again.

Later in life he told Zelda's biographer Milford that any infidelity was imaginary: "They both had a need of drama, they made it up and perhaps they were the victims of their own unsettled and a little unhealthy imagination. He writes of lost illusions in The Great Gatsby as his lost certainty in Zelda's fidelity.

The book reflected the dramatized pivotal aspects of his and Zelda's love, of courtship, break, restoration with financial success, and the Jozan betrayal: "I feel old too, this summer After the fight, the Fitzgeralds kept up appearances with their friends, seeming happy. In September, Zelda overdosed on sleeping pills.

CHAPTER 1. Amory, Son of Beatrice

The couple never spoke of the incident, and refused to discuss whether it was a suicide attempt. Scott returned to writing, finishing The Great Gatsby in October. They attempted to celebrate with travel to Rome and Capri , but both were unhappy and unhealthy. It was Zelda who preferred The Great Gatsby. Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald became firm friends, but Zelda and Hemingway disliked each other from their very first meeting, and she openly described him as "bogus," [51] "that fairy with hair on his chest" and "phoney as a rubber check. In an embellishment, the Fitzgeralds told the Hemingways that the affair ended when Jozan committed suicide.

Toklas , Robert McAlmon and others.