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Our progressive approach to role-modeling and wrap around supports offers boys and young men an environment of hope and excellence. We are also seeking.
Table of contents

For each of these groups, the toolkit provides specific talking points and a downloadable podcast of practitioners talking about strategies they believe have been effective. Lastly, the toolkit provides steps designed to ensure that men follow through on their interest after filling out an initial application.

This resource is intended to facilitate recruiting more male mentors who are an appropriate fit for a program and thus increase capacity for serving youth in need, especially boys. None, although the toolkit does provide some guidance for different groups or individuals who might be asking men to consider mentoring. Resource has not been evaluated for effectiveness. His personal mission is to assist educators develop creative, adaptable thinkers for the future, individuals who have a deep sense of purpose and universal responsibility.

The Making of Men by Arne Rubinstein

Dr Arne Rubinstein is an expert on adolescent development, with 30 years experience as a medical doctor, counsellor, mentor, speaker and workshop facilitator. His programs and seminars have been been attended by over 25, people globally and are designed to support boys to successfully make a safe, healthy transition to young men, with a particular focus on creating coming of age Rites of Passage. In , he was nominated for Australian of the Year for his groundbreaking work with youth. It is the culmination of his years of experience in working with teens and their parents, in particular fathers and sons.

Dr Arne was also the founder of Uplifting Australia in , a not-for-profit set up to improve the emotional wellbeing and resilience of children and their families around Australia. His work has been informed by practising for 15 years as a GP specialising in adolescent health, and preventative and emergency medicine. He is the passionate father of two wonderful young men, a mentor to many, a practising ER doctor, as well as being a keen surfer and musician.

This could be the most important decision you ever make in your relationship with your son.

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Youth programs that build resilient young men. Prepare your son for adulthood. Please apply via the registration page. Book our January camp now:.

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Over the five-day camp, you will:. Learn the skills needed to become a motivated, responsible and resilient young man. Increase self-esteem and develop more confident communication and social skills. Upcoming Camp Dates. Our dates for are below: 22 — 26 January 15 — 19 April 1 — 5 July 30 September — 4 October We recommend you book early as availability is limited.

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But, whether familiar or not, the sheer amount of detail in this section enormously extends our knowledge and understanding of what the new men did for Henry and the nature of the enterprise to which they gave so much. These are subject-areas on which Gunn has already written authoritatively in his Early Tudor Government but here we learn not just more about government but a lot more about the men who made it happen.

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Stewardships on the now very extensive crown lands were particularly important for strengthening the lordship over men which was so critical for political power in the localities, for, as Gunn points out, even the greatest of the new men could not rival the lordship derived by the great nobles from their own lands. We also learn of their friendships with each other, including the significant fact that, by the time of their fall, Empson and Dudley had become a close but isolated duo: very much the most suitable fall guys. As Gunn notes, it was less how much they accumulated than the speed at which they did so that was considered remarkable.

The next chapter examines their dealings in the land market, their purchasing patterns and how they exploited their position, through such methods as going for lands with weak titles and therefore cheaper , getting people into debt and using their access to the king. The amount of new material and new insights in these three sections, some of it on important subject areas beyond the new men themselves, makes them a hugely significant addition to the literature on early Tudor England. This is a narrative that Professor Gunn, the most authoritative present-day historian of the early Tudors, is well-equipped to write.

We see how much continuity there was in the service and importance of the new men, the execution of Empson and Dudley notwithstanding, often via Wolsey and then, for those who survived biologically and politically, when the Wolsey political and governmental inheritance fell to Thomas Cromwell. We follow the fortunes, good and bad, of the next generation of these families, some of whom also went into Tudor service, and the fate of the surviving new men in the political and religious upheavals of the s, when the greatest victim among them was Hussey, ennobled by Henry VIII but then executed by him after the Pilgrimage of Grace.

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He notes that they generally came from lower origins and rose higher than their predecessors; their versatility; and their role in the reconstruction of the central bureaucracy on new terms. In assessing their importance, while well aware that the Tudor state was built not on new men alone, he concludes that, both at the centre and in the two-way links between the centre and the shires, they had a key role in the creation of the Tudor state and in giving Henry VIII the strength to do get away with perhaps what he did. That he has shown how these men became enmeshed in every aspect of English political and governmental life powerfully reinforces his case.

The second notable consequence of the delayed publication of this work is that since perceptions of Henry VII and his rule have changed so much.

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Back then, the old interpretation was barely challenged. The single most significant development since though already underway then is that Henry has been claimed by late medievalists as a late medieval king. This is partly because Tudor historians find it much easier to work on the better-sourced history of the following reigns but also because the late medieval revolution, inspired by K.

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And it has turned out not to be a particularly favourable light. At the centre, a political history has finally emerged, to join the already existing school-of-McFarlane history for the rest of the century, which shows that there was a court and court politics, and it could be ruthless and destructive even of new men. Taxation, however, having caused a major rebellion in , was something Henry wished to avoid, and that deprived him of the diplomatic weapon of the threat of war.

Doubtless he was by temperament less keen on war than his son but he really had no choice in avoiding it.