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Though not strictly secular, the Yiddish works of authors like Sholem Aleichem whose collected works amounted to 28 volumes and Isaac Bashevis Singer winner of the Nobel Prize , form their own canon, focusing on the Jewish experience in both Eastern Europe, and in America. In the United States, Jewish writers like Philip Roth , Saul Bellow , and many others are considered among the greatest American authors, and incorporate a distinctly secular Jewish view into many of their works. The poetry of Allen Ginsberg often touches on Jewish themes notably the early autobiographical works such as Howl and Kaddish.

Secular Jewish culture embraces literary works that have stood the test of time as sources of aesthetic pleasure and ideas shared by Jews and non-Jews, works that live on beyond the immediate socio-cultural context within which they were created.

Yehoshua , and David Grossman. Stine Goosebumps series ; J. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Another aspect of Jewish literature is the ethical, called Musar literature. Hebrew poetry is expressed by various of poets in different eras of Jewish history. Biblical poetry is related to the poetry in biblical times as it expressed in the Hebrew bible and Jewish sacred texts. Modern Hebrew poetry is mostly related to the era of and after the revival of the Hebrew language , pioneered by Moshe Chaim Luzzatto in the Haskalah era and succeeded by poets such as Hayim Nahman Bialik , Nathan Alterman and Shaul Tchernichovsky.

The next year, his troupe achieved enormous success in Bucharest. Between and , over a dozen Yiddish theatre groups existed in New York City alone, in the Yiddish Theater District , performing original plays , musicals , and Yiddish translations of theatrical works and opera. Perhaps the most famous of Yiddish-language plays is The Dybbuk by S.

Yiddish theater in New York in the early 20th century rivalled English-language theater in quantity and often surpassed it in quality. A New York Times article remarks, "…Yiddish theater… is now a stable American institution and no longer dependent on immigration from Eastern Europe. People who can neither speak nor write Yiddish attend Yiddish stage performances and pay Broadway prices on Second Avenue. In fact, however, the next generation of American Jews spoke mainly English to the exclusion of Yiddish; they brought the artistic energy of Yiddish theater into the American theatrical mainstream, but usually in a less specifically Jewish form.

Yiddish theater, most notably Moscow State Jewish Theater directed by Solomon Mikhoels , also played a prominent role in the arts scene of the Soviet Union until Stalin's reversal in government policy toward the Jews. See Rootless cosmopolitan , Night of the Murdered Poets. Montreal's Dora Wasserman Yiddish Theatre continues to thrive after 50 years of performance.

From their Emancipation to World War II, Jews were very active and sometimes even dominant in certain forms of European theatre, and after the Holocaust many Jews continued to that cultural form. Both MacDonald and Jewish Tribal Review would generally be counted as anti-Semitic sources, but reasonably careful in their factual claims. Jewish audiences patronized innovative theater, regardless of whether they approved of what they saw.

The area where Jewish influence was strongest was the theatre, especially in Berlin. But it was certainly not revolutionary, and it was cosmopolitan rather than Jewish. Jews also made similar, if not as massive, contributions to theatre and drama in Austria, Britain, France, and Russia in the national languages of those countries. Jews in Vienna, Paris and German cities found cabaret both a popular and effective means of expression, as German cabaret in the Weimar Republic "was mostly a Jewish art form". In the early 20th century the traditions of New York's vibrant Yiddish Theatre District both rivaled and fed into Broadway.

Jewish immigrants were instrumental in the creation and development of the genre of musical theatre and earlier forms of theatrical entertainment in America, and would innovate the new, distinctly American, art form, the Broadway musical. Whitfield has commented that "More so than behind the screen, the talent behind the stage was for over half a century virtually the monopoly of one ethnic group.

That is This vibrant landscape reflects the life, times and creative output of the Jewish-American artist. During the period when Broadway was monopolized by revues and similar entertainments, Jewish producer Florenz Ziegfeld dominated the theatrical scene with his Follies. By Jews the vast majority of them immigrants from Eastern Europe already composed a quarter of the population of New York City, and almost immediately Jewish artists and intellectuals began to show their influence on the cultural life of that city, and through time, the country as a whole.

Likewise, while the modern musical can best be described as a fusion of operetta, earlier American entertainment and African-American culture and music, as well as Jewish culture and music, the actual authors of the first "book musicals" were the Jewish Jerome Kern , Oscar Hammerstein II , George and Ira Gershwin , George S.

Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind. From that time until the s a vast majority of successful musical theatre composers, lyricists, and book-writers were Jewish a notable exception is the Protestant Cole Porter , who acknowledged that the reason he was so successful on Broadway was that he wrote what he called "Jewish music". One explanation of the affinity of Jewish composers and playwrights to the musical is that "traditional Jewish religious music was most often led by a single singer, a cantor while Christians emphasize choral singing.

Towards the end of Golden Age, writers also began to openly and overtly tackle Jewish subjects and issues, such as Fiddler on the Roof and Rags ; Bart's Blitz! Jewish playwrights have also contributed to non-musical drama and theatre, both Broadway and regional. The Association for Jewish Theater is a contemporary organization that includes both American and international theaters that focus on theater with Jewish content.

It has also expanded to include Jewish playwrights. The earliest known Hebrew language drama was written around by a Jewish-Italian writer from Mantua.

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Modern Hebrew theatre and drama, however, began with the development of Modern Hebrew in Europe the first Hebrew theatrical professional performance was in Moscow in [78] and was "closely linked with the Jewish national renaissance movement of the twentieth century. The historical awareness and the sense of primacy which accompanied the Hebrew theatre in its early years dictated the course of its artistic and aesthetic development".

Yehoshua have written Hebrew-language plays. Themes that are obviously common in these works are the Holocaust , the Arab—Israeli conflict , the meaning of Jewishness, and contemporary secular-religious tensions within Jewish Israel. The most well-known Hebrew theatre company and Israel's national theatre is the Habima meaning "the stage" in Hebrew , which was formed in in Lithuania , and re-established in in Russia; another prominent Israeli theatre company is the Cameri Theatre , which is "Israel's first and leading repertory theatre".

In the era when Yiddish theatre was still a major force in the world of theatre, over films were made in Yiddish. Many are now lost.

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Mayer , the Warner Brothers , David O. However, few of these brought a specifically Jewish sensibility either to the art of film or, with the sometime exception of Spielberg, to their choice of subject matter. The historian Eric Hobsbawm described the situation as follows: [81].

It would be Paley , respectively. These Jewish innovators were also among the first producers of televisions, both black-and-white and color. Although there is little specifically Jewish television in the United States National Jewish Television , largely religious, broadcasts only three hours a week , Jews have been involved in American television from its earliest days.

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In the analysis of Paul Johnson, "The Broadway musical, radio and TV were all examples of a fundamental principle in Jewish diaspora history: Jews opening up a completely new field in business and culture, a tabula rasa on which to set their mark, before other interests had a chance to take possession, erect guild or professional fortifications and deny them entry. One of the first televised situation comedies , The Goldbergs was set in a specifically Jewish milieu in the Bronx.

While the overt Jewish milieu of The Goldbergs was unusual for an American television series, there were a few other examples, such as Brooklyn Bridge — and Bridget Loves Bernie. More recently, American Jews have been instrumental to "novelistic" television series such as The Wire and The Sopranos. Variously acclaimed as one of the greatest television series of all time, The Wire was created by David Simon.

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Simon also served as executive producer, head writer, and show runner. More remarkable contributors are David Benioff and D. Jewish musical contributions also tend to reflect the cultures of the countries in which Jews live, the most notable examples being classical and popular music in the United States and Europe. Some music, however, is unique to particular Jewish communities, such as Israeli music , Israeli Folk music , Klezmer , Sephardic and Ladino music , and Mizrahi music.

Before Emancipation , virtually all Jewish music in Europe was sacred music , with the exception of the performances of klezmorim during weddings and other occasions. The result was a lack of a Jewish presence in European classical music until the 19th century , with a very few exceptions, normally enabled by specific aristocratic protection, such as Salamone Rossi and Claude Daquin the work of the former is considered the beginning of "Jewish art music".

Singers included John Braham and Giuditta Pasta. During the 20th century the number of Jewish composers and notable instrumentalists increased, as did their geographical distribution. There are some genres and forms of classical music that Jewish composers have been associated with, including notably during the Romantic period French Grand Opera.

While orchestral and operatic music works by Jewish composers would in general be considered secular, many Jewish as well as non-Jewish composers have incorporated Jewish themes and motives into their music. Sometimes this is done covertly, such as the klezmer band music that many critics and observers believe lies in the third movement of Mahler's Symphony No. During the 20th century , however, many Jewish composers wrote music with direct Jewish references and themes, e.

In the late twentieth century, prominent composers like Morton Feldman, Gyorgy Ligeti or Alfred Schnittke gave significant contributions to the history of contemporary music. Deriving from Biblical traditions, Jewish dance has long been used by Jews as a medium for the expression of joy and other communal emotions.

Each Jewish diasporic community developed its own dance traditions for wedding celebrations and other distinguished events. For Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe , for example, dances, whose names corresponded to the different forms of klezmer music that were played, were an obvious staple of the wedding ceremony of the shtetl. Jewish dances both were influenced by surrounding Gentile traditions and Jewish sources preserved over time. Jewish humor is the long tradition of humor in Judaism dating back to the Torah and the Midrash , but generally refers to the more recent stream of verbal, frequently self-deprecating and often anecdotal humor originating in Europe.

Jewish humor took root in the United States over the last hundred years, beginning with vaudeville , and continuing through radio, stand-up, film, and television. A significant number of American comedians have been or are Jewish. Compared to music or theater, there is less of a specifically Jewish tradition in the visual arts. The most likely and accepted reason is that, as has been previously shown with Jewish music and literature, before Emancipation Jewish culture was dominated by the religious tradition of aniconism. As most Rabbinical authorities believed that the Second Commandment prohibited much visual art that would qualify as "graven images", Jewish artists were relatively rare until they lived in assimilated European communities beginning in the late 18th century.

During the first centuries of the Common Era , Jewish religious art also was created in regions surrounding the Mediterranean such as Syria and Greece, including frescoes on the walls of synagogues , of which the Dura Europas Synagogue was the only survivor, [89] prior to its destruction by ISIL in , as well as the Jewish catacombs in Rome. A Jewish tradition of illuminated manuscripts in at least Late Antiquity has left no survivors, but can be deduced from borrowings in Early Medieval Christian art.

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A number of luxury pieces of gold glass from the later Roman period have Jewish motifs. Several Hellenistic -style floor mosaics have also been excavated in synagogues from Late Antiquity in Israel and Palestine, especially of the signs of the Zodiac , which was apparently acceptable in a low-status position on the floor.

Some, such as that at Naaran , show evidence of a reaction against images of living creatures around CE. The decoration of sarcophagi and walls at the cave cemetery at Beit She'arim shows a mixture of Jewish and Hellenistic motifs. However, for a period of several centuries between about and CE there are scarcely any survivals of identifiably Jewish art. Middle Age Rabbinical and Kabbalistic literature also contain textual and graphic art, most famously illuminated haggadahs such as the Sarajevo Haggadah , and other manuscripts like the Nuremberg Mahzor.

Some of these were illustrated by Jewish artists and some by Christians; equally some Jewish artists and craftsmen in various media worked on Christian commissions. Johnson again summarizes this sudden change from a limited participation by Jews in visual art as in many other arts to a large movement by them into this branch of European cultural life:.

Again, the arrival of the Jewish artist was a strange phenomenon. It is true that, over the centuries, there had been many animals though few humans depicted in Jewish art: lions on Torah curtains, owls on Judaic coins, animals on the Capernaum capitals, birds on the rim of the fountain-basis in the 5th century Naro synagogue in Tunis ; there were carved animals, too, on timber synagogues in eastern Europe - indeed the Jewish wood-carver was the prototype of the modern Jewish plastic artist. A book of Yiddish folk- ornament , printed at Vitebsk in , was similar to Chagall's own bestiary.

But the resistance of pious Jews to portraying the living human image was still strong at the beginning of the 20th century. There were few Jewish secular artists in Europe prior to the Emancipation that spread throughout Europe with the Napoleonic conquests.