Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing: The Curse of Dimensionality

Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing: The Curse of Dimensionality Access critical reviews of computing literature. Become a.
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Some of the particular topics addressed include: Decision making and imperfection by Tatiana Valentine Guy 7 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Decision making DM is ubiquitous in both natural and artificial systems.

Book Computer Intensive Methods In Control And Signal Processing The Curse Of Dimensionality

The decisions made often differ from those recommended by the axiomatically well-grounded normative Bayesian decision theory, in a large part due to limited cognitive and computational resources of decision makers either artificial units or humans. This state of a airs is often described by saying that decision makers are imperfect and exhibit bounded rationality.

The neglected influence of emotional state and personality traits is an additional reason why normative theory fails to model human DM process. The book is a joint effort of the top researchers from different disciplines to identify sources of imperfection and ways how to decrease discrepancies between the prescriptive theory and real-life DM.

The book will appeal to anyone interested in the challenging topic of DM theory and its applications.

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Advanced methods in adaptive control for industrial applications by Kevin Warwick Book 5 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. The chapters are written by leading experts from different disciplines, all considering the many sources of imperfection in decision making, and always with an eye to decreasing the myriad discrepancies between theory and real world human decision making.

Topics addressed include uncertainty, deliberation cost and the complexity arising from the inherent large computational scale of decision making in these systems.

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In particular, analyses and experiments are presented which concern: The contributions range from theoretical analyses of the neural networks approach, to a number of application-oriented articles which examine the problem from a more practical viewpoint. It is also suitable for graduate engineers, both those carrying out research and those tackling complex industrial problems. Computer-intensive methods in control and signal processing: A plethora of new methods which can be used on the problems has also arisen with a constant desire to deal with more and more difficult applications.

This brings with it a whole new breed of problem which has come to be known as "The Curse of Dimensionality".

Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing: Curse of Dimensionality

The expression "Curse of Dimensionality" can be in fact traced back to Richard Bellman in the 's. In principle the dimensionality of a problem depends on three factors: Mutual impact of computing power and control theory Book 7 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Recent rapid developments in computing power, such as parallel processing and neural networks, have stimulated new trends in control. However a discrepancy exists between available computing power and exploitable algorithms obtained classically from control theory.

Areas such as identification, adaptive control, signal processing and neural networks therefore hold a prominent position in the text presented. Selected papers from the Workshop have been chosen to give a good balance across the field, whilst at the same time highlighting important areas for future research.

In this way the book represents edited Proceedings from the Workshop. Sanguineti , Can dictionary-based computational models outperform the best linear ones? Sanguineti , Accuracy of approximations of solutions to Fredholm equations by kernel methods , Applied Mathematics and Computation , vol. Christmann , Support Vector Machines , Rudin , Functional Analysis , Hilbert , Methods of Mathematical Physic.

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Volume I , Barron , Neural net approximation , Proc. The Curse of Dimensionality , pp.

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