Bounce Back!: Resiliency Strategies Through Childrens Literature

The award-winning Bounce Back program supports teachers and schools in their efforts to promote positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience for updated topics and resources including new quality children's literature and This unit focuses on developing self-management strategies for coping and bouncing back.
Table of contents

This unit focuses on strategies to find and act with courage in both everyday life and difficult circumstances. This unit focuses on teaching optimistic thinking, positive tracking, being appreciative and expressing gratitude.

Bounce Back! Years 5 - 8 | BounceBack!

This unit focuses on explicitly teaching social skills for building relationships and maintaining friendships. This unit focuses on the use of humour as a coping skill. This unit focuses on strategies and skills for creating a safe class and school environment and discouraging and managing bullying incidents.


A new section on How to use Bounce Back! Updated research in Handbook which informs new activities. Tweet about this page on Twitter x. Recommend this page on Facebook x. Return to Programs Overview Age From: The three Bounce Back books are: Lower primary K-2 Middle primary years Upper primary and junior secondary years Program content and components: The three Teacher Resource Books contain nine curriculum units plus an additional online unit Elasticity allow teachers to revisit the key concepts of resilience and wellbeing each school year with age appropriate content in the following areas: The online component includes: His story is a good one either way.

Liam lives in a dreary city. While most people like to stay indoors, Liam likes to explore. One day he found a tiny patch of plants growing on top of an old, abandoned railway and decided to become its gardener. With love and affection, Liam overcomes obstacles and turns that tiny little patch into something that takes over the entire city. A humorous graphic novel memoir, this one is a great choice for reluctant readers or those just beginning to transition into chapter books.

Readers follow Cece as she tries to fit in and make friends at school while wearing a powerful hearing aid that straps to her chest. There is all of the awkwardness and melodrama of the tween years, with the addition of a disability that leaves the main character longing to be accepted as she is. This entire series is a study in resilience. Again and again throughout the series, Harry and his friends fight for what they believe in—even when the odds are stacked against them.

To win, she decides she has to do good deeds and learn how to twirl a baton. Raymie meets two other girls and competitors!

20 Awesome Children’s Books About Resilience (Sorted by Age)

The three form an unlikely friendship and band together on a series of missions. The sole survivor, Brian is left completely alone in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but a hatchet.

Bounce-back Ability Developing Resilience on the Rollercoaster of Life

The book chronicles his mistakes and tiny triumphs as he manages to survive in the wilderness for 54 days. The switch makes him an outcast in his own community and something his new community is curious about. Readers follow along as Junior straddles two conflicting worlds and a deteriorating home life.

This classic is about a boy on the outskirts of society who can rely on little more than his brothers and his band of friends. Ponyboy thinks there are only two kinds of people in the world: Ponyboy is proud to be a greaser and willing to do anything for his gang—until one night when things go too far. The sole survivor of a family car crash, Mia is in a coma.

  1. Gold Rush Winter (A Stepping Stone Book(TM)).
  2. Advances in Microbial Control of Insect Pests.
  3. Bounce Back!;

As she puts together the pieces of what has happened to her, Mia is forced to consider the meaning of life without her parents and brother—and to decide whether or not she will fight to live. Melinda enters high school as a social outcast after busting an end-of-summer party. She becomes more and more isolated and essentially stops speaking as other students gossip and call her names. Eventually, readers learn that Melinda was raped at the party by a popular senior.

Through an art class, Melinda finally finds her voice. But when she starts dating Bo, she suddenly starts doubting herself. Aside from not-so helpful comments from her mom about her body, Willowdean also suffers from both real and imagined comments from the kids at school. The more often we expose our children to people and characters overcoming adversity , the more likely they are to see conquering obstacles as a normal part of life.

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But it will most definitely help build resilience. They know they can reach out to others for support when needed, and they readily take initiative to solve problems. Note From the Editor: Do you have any favorites to add to this list? Jennifer Garry is a freelance writer from New York.