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Your Well-Being Sorted! offers practical, proven and easy to follow advice on how to improve the quality of your life by embracing both natural medicine and.
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Taking an afternoon off to simply read a book is amazing for your brain health! Give your phone a bedtime too. I have a friend who has a rule that every family member has to stack their phones at 8 pm each night without fail.

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She and her husband still might choose to watch something together but they are present in their time together and not distracted by their phones. Many of us double duty our phones by using them as alarm clocks. The great thing is that your alarm will still work on your phone even when in flight mode. Failing that you can get a separate alarm clock and keep it out of your bedroom! Along with aiming to switch your devices off at a certain time at night really think about when it is best to go online in the morning.

How much can you delay connecting with the online world, the latest news, the notifications and updates? If we sleep next to a partner they should be the first thing we reach for in the morning — not our phones. First thing in the morning is really important for our personal development; think exercise, quiet journaling, affirmations, learning, reading or healthy food prep for the day. If you take a break from work it is common to put an autoresponder on to your email.

Waste sorting systems

This lets people know why you might not respond and when to expect a response. Once upon a time, our main online communication method was email. If someone wanted to contact you directly they sent you a text message or gave you a phone call. Now there are many methods of communication and there is also the expectation that you will always be available and always have your phone right next to you. I think with online communication there is a lot of room for error and miscommunication. Try and be clear to others when you are taking a break from online communication and when they can expect a response from you.

It is perfectly acceptable to take time out for yourself or to spend device-free time with your family. Turn off any notification that is not absolutely necessary to your day. Then you can just choose to check when it suits you and not the other way around. You could also mute the sound for notifications. Make sure that you only keep notifications on for the absolutely essential items that bring joy to your day. Or otherwise, try turning everything off and then just checking at set times throughout the day.

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Social media apps are designed like gambling slot machines and are highly addictive Think YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Every time you check there is always going to be new content. If possible you can stay logged out and then just log in when you want to check them perhaps a couple of times per day, whatever suits your lifestyle best. Obviously, if you use Instagram it will need to stay on your phone! You can also set up email notifications for Facebook so that you can just check it when you are tagged in something important.

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  • I regularly put my phone into flight mode and I love it! Before I go to sleep I usually check everything and then flight mode my phone. I also notice that my phone will automatically dim right down at around 9 pm. You can also install blue light filter apps on your phone newer phones come with them built in! When I am writing I will flight mode and then check my phone each hour just in case I have missed any calls. You can flight mode meal times or movie night with your kids. Sometimes when you are out you might want to use your phone as a camera but not for any other purpose so you can also flight mode then.

    Mealtimes are often when we might check our phones and catch up on anything. Try eating meals without being attached to your phone! Sit outside if possible while you are eating or at least try it for one meal a day. Give your brain a break and just focus on being mindful while you eat.

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    Another thing you can do if you have a family is to phone stack or device stack preferably in another room! Try and have at least one device free family meal per day. Often weekly dinner times can be too hectic to get everyone together in one place. If shared dinner times are unrealistic due to work demands, kids sports, and fitting in end-of-day workouts then try a family breakfast.

    Take the time to talk and catch up.

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    Fifteen minutes first thing in the morning can go a long way to improving all family members communication and emotional health for the day. Sometimes we might automatically transfer everything from our old phone onto our new phone without ever going through anything or deleting anything that is no longer needed. Make a regular time each month to sort through your phone. Delete any unused apps, delete all unneeded downloads, transfer all of your photos onto your laptop, delete voicemails etc.

    Perhaps you can st-up a few labelled bags or boxes so that you can begin to categorize items that are creating a clutter or mess in your living environment. Think about the things that are broken or cannot be useful to anyone anymore, and put them in a box for the bin.

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    Simply wiping surfaces and moving the vacuum around a room for a little bit, can freshen up a space. You can pick things up and tidy as you go.

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    • Remember that a tidy space will help you enjoy where you live even more, and organizing your items will ensure that finding something before you walk out the door, will be a breeze. Money worries can often lead to many of the aforementioned health issues, and they can easily spiral out of control. You can find help online if you want to create a budget or a simple financial plan. This will allow you to see if your income is enough, or if and where you need to cut back.

      You can start making small changes, that over time, will make a big financial difference. Swapping your takeaway coffees every other day, for a keep cup and something homemade, will soon add up. Or, perhaps instead of dinner and a movie out, you can invite your faves over for the same at your place. Get everyone to bring some ingredients or a dish, and movie Mondays, or Taco Tuesdays might just become the best part of your week.

      See, who said sorting-out your financial admin had to be stressful? Well, you could use an hour during your weekend to pop some things on an internet auction site, or there are apps that make it simple to sell your unwanted clothes and items. Spending less often encourages people to be more creative and productive with their time so that saving money simple becomes a bonus, and trying new things is the focus. Categories: Life.

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