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Table of contents

This series contains 16 animated historical maps.

Voyage of Discovery

North Atlantic sailings prior to Christopher Columbus Before Christopher Columbus, other European sailors had reached the coasts of America, which we know since there are traces of their presence on these shores. However, this maritime exploit by a few hundred men did not lead to long-term settlement. The maritime expeditions of Zheng He In the early 15th century, China launched an exceptional venture: seven major maritime expeditions to explore the Indian Ocean.

Unfortunately, the official archives, with plans of the ships and their logs, were destroyed several decades later, which explains why many aspects of this extraordinary adventure are unknown to us today. Trade in the Indian Ocean in the 15th century In the 15th century, trade in the Indian Ocean was centred on Southern ports on the Arabian peninsula, the Islamic trading posts on the African coast, and ports on the Indian coast.

North Atlantic sailings prior to Christopher Columbus

This triangle was then linked to Malacca by merchant ships travelling to Sri Lanka and the Bay of Bengal, thus making a huge semi-circle stretching from Japan and China to the Spice Islands and Java. Portuguese Exploration of the African coastline In order to circumvent the Muslim monopoly on trans-Saharan caravans, around the year the Portuguese sought access to rich African resources by ship.

Encouraged by Henry the Navigator, they sailed out to Africa but had no knowledge of the coastal waters beyond Cape Bojador. The passage was opened up by Bartolomeu Diaz who had sailed around the Cape of Good Hope ten years earlier. It was thanks to their wide-ranging experience as navigators that they overcame the difficult sailing conditions encountered in the Atlantic Ocean. One of the best ways to see this scenic town is by riding its funiculars, which are scattered around the city, and allow for sweeping views of the bay.

From high up, the city's multi-colored houses create a rainbow of color and light. As we make our way along the Pacific coast of Chile, our expedition team will start the lecture program to prepare you for the experiences ahead. Enjoy learning about the history and wildlife of the area. There will also be various workshops and presentations.

Make sure to spend some time on deck to enjoy the fresh sea air and look out for wildlife.

By Interest

Familiarize yourself with our newest and most innovative expedition vessel and take advantage of all the facilities on board. The city is known for its colorful 'palafitos', wooden houses mounted on stilts along the water's edge. Go ashore and enjoy the local character and curious energy, mixed with a dash of modern development. The church is a visual delight: bright yellow and orange with a lavender trim. The varnished-wood interior is stunning, illuminated by rows of stained-glass windows. Other sights include Plazuela del Tren, a small plaza right by the waterfront with an odd collection of old trains.

A Voyage of Discovery

A stroll in the Cementerio Parroquial is fascinating, as some of the tombs are quite grand and ornately decorated. Feria Campesina Yumbel is a bustling fruit and vegetable market. There are also household goods and fish stalls here. In the shop Feria Artesanal Lillo, located just south of the port, you can buy excellent hand-knit woollen goods and other handicrafts. The park features wide deserted beaches and long stretches of rugged coastline, and is home to dozens of seabird species, penguins, and sea lions.

As we sail through iconic Andean seascapes, you have plenty of time to gaze out on the magnificent natural expanse. There are no roads, only wooden walkways, and electricity is only available for a few hours each day. The villagers sell fish, mussels, and shellfish, which are taken weekly to markets by boat. Enjoy a stroll among the pathways, and maybe you will spot one of the many Magellan hummingbirds found here when you join the Expedition team for hiking or kayaking. Puerto Natales is the gateway to the world-renowned Torres del Paine National Park, one of the most attractive nature sanctuaries in the world.

Its main feature is the 'towers' themselves, impressive rock formations called 'Torres del Paine' Towers of Paine.

The Voyage of Discovery Introduction

The formations are made up of the Torre Central at 9, feet high , Torre Sur at 9, feet high and Torre Norte at 7, feet high. The park features azure lakes, trails that meander through emerald forests, roaring rivers which you'll cross on rickety bridges , and one big, radiant blue glacier. Torres del Paine hosts stunning variety, from the vast open steppe to rugged mountain terrain topped by looming peaks.

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The diversity of environments here has led a wide variety of a fauna and flora to flourish. While we are here you might see llamas, pumas, chilla foxes, and skunks, in addition to more than species of birds such as the Andean condor and black-chested buzzard eagle. Enjoy hiking in these amazing surroundings. The Chilean fjords' deep channels, fjords, and mountains plunging into the icy water always leave a profound impression on visitors.

This wild and remote area seems almost untouched by humans.

The ice has scoured its way between the mountains, creating the isolated islands and hidden bays that form the unique fjord landscape of Chile. Snow-capped mountains and steep valleys make a striking contrast to a lush coastline that is rich in wildlife.

What's Included

You might be lucky enough to spot sea lions, Andean condors, and several bird species that can only be found here. We continue into open waters, and if conditions allow we will land on Cape Horn — the southernmost tip of South America. Going ashore can be very difficult because of the sometimes-extreme weather in this area.

The region is of great significance on account of its location, history, discoveries, and trade routes. If we are able to anchor off Cape Horn, you will be able to go ashore to explore this deserted and yet romantic piece of land at the end of the world. This sea passage was notorious among the early polar explorers and is a unique voyage that few have the chance to experience.

Here the warm water from the north meets the cold, less salty water from the south. This makes the ocean particularly rich in nutrients and forms the foundational basis of the unique marine life found here. Antarctica is isolated from the rest of the world by ocean currents.

No human activity is allowed to alter the perfect natural balance. Therefore, we adhere to very strict environmental guidelines and rules.

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We want to leave nothing behind but footprints and take nothing but pictures! It's hard to sum up all the impressions you will gain and adventures you will have. During the voyage north, we will continue our lecture series and recap our experiences of Antarctica.

Sadly, every expedition must come to an end. When we reach Punta Arenas, on the edge of the Strait of Magellan, it is time to say goodbye. Your journey home continues with your flight to Santiago de Chile, where you have a chance to extend your stay in Santiago de Chile and enjoy our optional post-cruise extension programs Land Adventures. The state of the art vessel features new and environmentally sustainable hybrid technology that will reduce fuel consumption and show the world that hybrid propulsion on large ships is possible. Some expedition cruises may include excursions that can be reserved for no additional charge.

These included excursions can often be combined with other excursions available in port.