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Nov 21, - “I WAS completely dumbfounded,” says palaeontologist Bill Stein, recalling the moment he first set eyes on the newly discovered fossil. In front of him was an astonishingly well preserved tree, complete with trunk and branches, dating from million years ago. The long-hoped-for.
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While it's not a panacea , planting trees is good for everything from providing habitat to mitigating air quality to capturing and storing carbon emissions. A growing body of research is showing that trees can positively impact both the climate and human health.

As the power of trees becomes more evident, many people are looking to get involved in planting them. Just last month, Ethiopia planted over million trees in one day , smashing previous records. But tree planting isn't as easy as just burying some acorns in the ground—where, what, and how you plant matters. Here's everything you need to know about planting a tree. About a quarter of human emissions come from land-use like agriculture, which clears forests. The good news is that planting more trees can both slow climate change and increase our capacity to adapt to it, a recent report from the United Nations noted.

As more people move to cities , places that used to be rural towns or farmland open up, affording opportunities for more forests to grow ; planting trees in areas formerly converted to other land uses is called "reforestation.

To Combat Climate Change, See the Forest for the Trees

Some of the most important target areas for reforestation are those that have been heavily deforested or damaged by disaster. Climate change is ramping up extreme weather events, such as fires and floods, which can wipe out huge swaths of tree cover.

China Shocked The World By Planting Billions of leondumoulin.nl Turn!

The combined effects of this kind of large scale destruction harm ecosystems and throw the carbon cycle further off balance, releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere and contributing to the greenhouse effect. Planting new trees can help offset these losses, too. On a smaller scale, tree planting can provide habitat for other species and cool concrete-covered cities pavement makes cities hotter , as well as provide shade or wind-breaks to your home.

A good place to start planting is your own backyard, where trees and shrubbery can benefit you as well as the planet. The exact location of your new trees will come down to what you want from them. Planting trees to the north and northwest of your house can provide a windbreak, while planting them to the west can help provide shade, according to the Arbor Day Foundation. Both of these undertakings can reduce your heating and cooling costs.

The Tree That Changed the World

There are other energy-saving strategies involving greenery to look to as well, including planting a shrub to shade your air conditioning , which cools it and makes it run more efficiently. Just make sure to avoid planting trees under or near utility lines , as that can cause service interruptions or safety hazards. While the planet may appreciate five extra trees in the driveway next door, your neighbor may not. The good news is that a lot of these organizations accept volunteers or donations. The Forest Service, for example, has a long-running Plant-a-Tree Program , in which donations go directly to reforestation efforts.

You can also call your local parks department and volunteer directly, planting on public land. However, reforestation could be the best option, where areas that should historically have trees could be planted with new trees to carbon sequester. Furthermore, there may need to be a consideration of planting trees in urban and agricultural areas, including creating more mixed use land.

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Trees can also help reduce overall pollution. Trees emit different gasses and affect the microclimate and air turbulence in ways that can improve air quality in cities.

Algae as food

The new study on tree cover and climate change has the potential to provide an effective solution for combating global warming. Other scientists warn us that solutions required are more complex than this and a combination of approaches are likely needed, ranging from overall CO 2 reduction to planting in areas that should naturally have tree cover to also planting trees in urban regions to reduce pollution as well as combat climate change.

Zohner, and Thomas W.

Overbeck, D. Negreiros, G. Mahy, S. Le Stradic, G. Fernandes, G.

  • things you never thought id say!
  • 5 things to know about fighting climate change by planting trees.
  • How Trees Help our Climate.

Durigan, E. Buisson, F. Putz, and W. Ad: Researchers mapped out where the Earth currently and could potentially support 4.

This is how trees could help solve the climate crisis | World Economic Forum

The gray areas represent surfaces of the Earth that cannot support tree growth such as deserts and densely developed areas. Source: Bastin et al, This potential area for new tree growth represents 0. Source: Bastin et al. This website uses cookies to improve your experience.