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The book is a comprehensive reference guide to managing pig health, with the of the original green pig book, Managing Pig Health and the Treatment of Disease and comprehensive guide to practical veterinary information for pig farmers, 17 chapters covering the various elements of on-farm pig health management.
Table of contents

Servet English Publications Catalogue by Grupo Asís - Issuu

Its main aim is to provide highly practical information in order to offer a new perspective, different from other textbooks, about the current infectious diseases in cats. Rafael Ruiz de Gopegui et al. This practical guide provides updated information about the infectious diseases that most commonly affect dogs, diagnostic approaches, treatments, vaccinations programmes and recommendations, etc.

This innovative book presents the fundamental aspects of basic immunology and the most important dog and cat infectious diseases in an illustrated and educational way. The accuracy of the contents, together with the detailed illustrations, will help the veterinarian to consolidate his or her knowledge on this subject. Also, the extensive teaching experience of the authors gives the piece a didactic and simple tone when treating this complex discipline. The resulting plans will be appropriately adapted to the specific human and technical resources of each centre. Why do people buy things?

What tools can we use to convince clients and sell our services? In this work, the authors offer their more than 20 years of experience working in different areas of a veterinary practice. Written with a practical approach, this book reviews the current knowledge in neuromarketing and provides advice for its implementation in the real daily life of veterinary practices. This book explains the seven key aspects necessary to successfully run a veterinary practice.

This include, among others, working with objectives, discovering your values and making the most of them, managing conflicts or leading properly the team.

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The author has reached an enjoyable and practical book with the help of numerous examples taken from real life and advices based on his own experience. At the end of each chapter exercices are included to help readers to put the knowledge acquired into practice. Pere Mercader, a consultant with a broad experience in the veterinary sector, provides us with the keys to efficient veterinary practice management and IT management tools for calculations and assessment in the clinic.

This manual describes the main differential diagnosis algorithms used in haematology and biochemistry in small animal practice. It is designed to help veterinary professionals optimise their daily work by providing them with the tools to correctly diagnose the main conditions in which haematology and biochemistry play a fundamental role. In order to make contents as accessible as possible and make them quick and easy to find for the readers, these have been developed in a very simple but precise manner.

This book provides a visual approach to the main kidney disorders and diseases in dogs and cats, and includes both gross and microscopic images of the kidneys and of the main imaging techniques, as well as videos and animations of the processes that can lead to renal failure.

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Current data on obesity in dogs and cats suggest this is a 21st century epidemic. Although widespread and easy to diagnose, many aspects of obesity are misunderstood.


Who said nutrition was boring? This book -which includes plenty of charts, concise texts and numerous diagrams, drawings and images- will allow veterinary surgeons to review the main aspects of nutrition in cats and dogs at different physiological in cats and dogs. Already in Spanish, English and Italian. This manual is intended to serve as a working tool to help veterinary surgeons in the management of cancer patients. Numerous visual elements have been included to facilitate understanding. This book describes a practical, simple work protocol which may be useful to most of those first-opinion veterinary practitioners who have to deal with cases of neoplasia in their practices.

It combines the experience in clinical oncology of a first-opinion veterinary surgeon and the knowledge of a veterinary practitioner specialised in this field, and includes a wide variety of images of the most common tumours in small animals as well as in exotic species. This book describes in detail and in an educational and accessible manner the basic and modern knowledge in this discipline, always from a practical point of view.

Together with the essential aspects and the latest advances in oncology, this book includes a chapter about the most common specific neoplasms in daily practice, their protocols and recommended treatments, as well as several real clinical cases through which readers will be able to evaluate their knowledge of the subject. A book to turn veterinary oncology into one more of the specialities offered in daily practice.

The aim of this guide is to provide both the vet and the student with a quick reference guide to enable them to easily recognise the most common ophtalmological ailments seen in daily practice. Already in Spanish, English, Korean and Chinese. This manual on Feline Ophthalmology is laid out in an easy-toread and accessible style, taking the form of a semi-atlas. There are many photographs and illustrations with an accompanying upto-date text, including references, with practical tips and cutting edge information. Step-by-step guides to minor procedures and surgical conditions provide clear advice on techniques in general practice, with occasional reference to what is available in referral practice.

Background information on anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology is also provided, but kept to a reasonable level. Small handbook gathering all the life cycles of the most common ectoparasites in dogs and cats. Similar parasites are grouped together based on their life cycle and, consequently, their sensitivity to parasiticides. The aim is to provide readers with key aspects of parasite control and prevention, highlighting those diseases that can be transmitted by them.

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Geographic distribution maps are also included. The standout feature of this up-to-date, descriptive atlas dedicated to the main endoparasites of dogs and cats is its diagnosis-oriented format. Each chapter is divided into four closely related sections, which facilitates interpretation of the content and turns this atlas into a reference in the field of small animal parasites. Very visual handbook aimed at veterinary professionals and dealing with everything related to ticks and fleas, focusing particularly on clinical issues and prevention measures in dogs and cats.

The first part is entirely dedicated to fleas, whereas the second part describes thoroughly everything that involves tick infestation. The key points of each system and disease are addressed in a clear manner so that the practical application of the information provided is the main asset of the book, always from the perspective of their physiological peculiarities and response to the treatment.

Already in Spanish, English, Chinese and Japanese. Small animal surgery - The head and neck addresses the diseases that affect the head and neck arranged by anatomical location, and the surgical procedures that are usually used to solve them. The diseases and surgical techniques are described in detail and the information provided is accompanied by numerous images and illustrations. The book also includes QR codes linked to videos for further information. This new book in the Small Animal Surgery series reviews some of the surgical errors and complications that may occur in daily practice when performing surgery.

It is intended for surgeons starting their professional careers and residents, as well as experienced veterinary surgeons, since it must not be forgotten that error can occur at any time, no matter how much experience one may have. This book describes, in a brief and practical manner, the basic principles and techniques that veterinary surgeons, nurses and students should know, master and improve to enhance the surgical care provided to their patients.

It also features chapters about the different methods and techniques to control bacterial contamination and surgical infection.

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This new book on veterinary surgery focuses on the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs of digestion in small animals. Its educational approach, through the description of 30 surgical cases, provides the reader with a better understanding when it comes to perform surgeries in dogs and cats with gastrointestinal disorders.

Both simple cases and more complex ones are addressed, covering a wide range of situations that the veterinary surgeon may be faced with in the practice. The basic principles of haemostasis, their practical application in various clinical cases or the different techniques available are explained throughout the book, and the information is complemented by numerous images that will help the clinician to ensure haemostasis making knots step by step, surgical procedures shown in sequences of images, etc. This work also stands out by including high-quality and very didactic videos, with which the reader will be able to gain valuable knowledge.

This book describes the most common surgical procedures, for instance the thoracotomy or the placement of a thoracic drainage; and also the most complex ones like the placement of a transvalvular patch, the extraction of oesophagic foreign bodies, tracheal collapse treatment or innovative techniques such as cardioplasty in idiopatic megaesophagus cases. The high quality of its images, some of them come with diagrams and illustrations, allow an accurate description of the pathologies and their etiology.

This work, which has been acclaimed by professionals, stands out for the excellence of its images and the step-by-step description of each surgical technique using real clinical cases. This publication explains step by step the approach to the resolution of rectal, anal and perineal conditions by means of photos, diagrams and real clinical cases.

Essential both for practicing professionals and students of veterinary surgery. This publication explains step by step how to approach and carry out caudal abdomen surgeries, by means of photos, diagrams and real clinical cases. Real clinical cases are described, showing the most appropriate surgeries for each one of them. In addition to describing basic aspects such as the different types of sutures, the latest and most innovative materials and the instruments used, the authors give greater relevance to new techniques and to the suturing of the different organs, including the eye.

This book is intended to help veterinary clinicians make a correct diagnosis and prognosis and establish the most appropriate drug or surgical treatment for each case. Orthopaedic pathologies of the stifle joint contains plenty of high-quality images and illustrations as well as links to videos through QR codes, which provide additional information and contribute to making the book even more practical.