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The Doll In The Trashcan: A Story in Verse [Mr. Gary Adolph] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What happens when Grandpa finds a.
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Then he took all the money that he had made, and he bought that field. Clearly, the treasure in that field was worth more than everything else that the man owned. When the man found the treasure, he could have covered it back up, gone about his business, and forgotten all about it. The treasure was too great to forget about! The man was so excited to know that he could possibly own that treasure.

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He probably laid awake each night thinking about the treasure until it was his. He was left with nothing. He knew that the treasure was better than his home and his belongings. The treasure was so important to him, that he joyfully gave up everything else in the world to gain that treasure. The kingdom of God is wherever the will of God is done. Because each of us sins, none of us can do the perfect will of God. But Jesus came to make the kingdom available to everyone Mark Jesus takes away the sin of everyone who trusts in Him John Kingdom life is here and now. It is knowing the Father, the King.

It is listening to His voice. It is having His peace, His joy, His love, and His power.

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It is the best life possible. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way. Life outside of the kingdom of God is way less than God intended it to be. It is not full life because it is life that is separate from God Isaiah Teacher: Call up a volunteer.

Life outside the kingdom is sort of like this. I have this beautiful fruit. I can take a bite and taste the amazing flavors. Jesus came and offered the kingdom. Everyone who chooses to trust in Him has kingdom life - life to the fullest! Take off the glasses and bandana and allow the volunteer to eat the fruit. Thank your volunteer. Jesus compared the kingdom of God to the hidden treasure. The kingdom of God is the treasure. The kingdom of God is FAR more valuable than anything in this world.

There is nothing that even compares to a loving relationship with the Creator of the universe! We can see the treasure and we can just go back to our old way of life.

Elementary Bible Game: Trash Toss

Jesus is not saying that you must go out and sell everything you own. He is saying that you should be willing to. You should not love anything or anyone more than you love the King, God Himself. If you belong to the kingdom, you have the greatest treasure! This treasure is freely given by God, the King, to everyone who trusts in Him. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader who was looking for fine pearls.

Welcome to my trash can

He found one that was very valuable. So he went away and sold everything he had. And he bought that pearl. Teacher: Show your pearls. Pearls are very valuable. Ask: Does anyone know where pearls come from? Say: Pearls come from oysters. These are underwater animals that live inside of a shell. The shell has two parts that are hinged together like this.

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Place your hands together like an oyster shell. The oyster opens its shell to let water and food in. And sometimes a piece of sand or shell gets in. The oyster creates a coating that covers the sand or shell. As time goes on, the sand is coated with more and more layers of this coating. Eventually, after several years, it ends up looking like a beautiful, shiny stone called a pearl. The bigger and more perfectly round the pearl, the more valuable it is. Not every oyster has a pearl, and not every pearl is big or round.

This story is very much like the first parable. But in this parable, the man was actively looking for the treasure. Just as in the first parable, the valuable pearl was a symbol of the kingdom of God. And like the first parable, the man gladly gave up everything he owned to get the pearl. He, too, knew that nothing he owned could compare to the great treasure he had finally found.

Jesus is not pointing out what we must give up to enter His kingdom. He is telling us that it is worth more than everything else. Jesus makes it clear that we should not let anything keep us from entering the kingdom of God. Hill, the man who found emeralds in his backyard, hired guards to keep watch over his treasure. As we can imagine, he was afraid that when people heard about his discovery, they would sneak onto his land and grab whatever pieces of emerald they could find.

The problem with his emerald treasure was that there was a limited supply. But our treasure - our immeasurably better treasure - has no limit! As we learned two weeks ago, the kingdom of God will grow and grow! Jesus wants it to grow! Share your treasure! Say: Jesus loved to show people what His Father is like. He knew better than anyone that God is a wonderful, loving, faithful, merciful God. Their wrong ideas about God came from the Pharisees and the rule makers and the teachers of the law.

The Pharisees and rule makers wanted people to think that knowing God required a lot of effort and education.

Randy Newman - Trash Can Chronicles (From "Toy Story 4"/Audio Only)

It was almost like the Pharisees had their own exclusive little club—a club that allowed only the most important, educated, obedient people to be members! But from the very beginning, Jesus said that He came to earth to hang out with sinners, the people who most needed to hear that God loves them. He told them as often as possible to turn away from their sin and follow Him. Jesus taught sinners about the kingdom of God and how they could be part of it.

Remember, a parable is a simple story that contains big truths about the kingdom of God. We will see that God loves sinners and delights in saving them.

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We see God pursuing His rebellious people throughout scripture. God pursued the fugitive Jonah right into the ocean. In the New Testament, Jesus moved toward His disciples when they were caught in a terrible storm on the Sea of Galilee, rising above storm and hardship to pursue them and command their storm. When Lazarus died, God pursued him even beyond death to awaken him with His voice of life. And, in the greatest pursuit of all, God sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world so we could receive life through Him. God loves us, seeks us, pursues us, longs to bring us into His kingdom.

And when we choose to be found, to turn from sin and enter into His loving embrace, He welcomes us into His kingdom and fellowship with great celebration. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were whispering among themselves. Teacher Note: This passage highlights the differences between the way common people heard Jesus and the way the Pharisees heard Jesus.

Why was there such a disparity? In Matthew 23, Jesus detailed all the ways in which the Pharisees were hypocrites. The spiritually blind Pharisees, meanwhile, heard a threat to their elite religion, which had been tailor-made to keep out the riff raff. Think for a minute about some of the reasons why a bunch of people would gather around a person who was teaching.