e-book Religion Is the Opium of the People? Nonsense

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This short ebook contains a refutation to the common atheist and anti-religionist claim that religion is the opium of the people: a delusion for those who practice it.
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He habitually confronts his readers with the alleged necessity of choosing between two alternatives when there are in fact other options to be considered. Either morality is a revelation or it is an inexplicable illusion PP, Lewis advances these arguments again and again, and they are all open to the same objection. When it comes to his argument that Jesus must necessarily be the Lord, there are other possibilities which Lewis does not effectively eliminate.

Those two possibilities are so obvious that it's implausible that someone as intelligent as Lewis never thought of them, which would mean that he deliberately left them out of consideration. This fact is suspicious given that he was an academic scholar—a profession where such tactics would have been soundly denounced had he tried to use them there. Are they liars, lunatics, or a bit of both?

In effect, then, his infamous false trilemma is based upon the premise of this false dilemma.

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It's just logical fallacies all the way down for Lewis, a poor foundation for a hollow shell of an argument. Share Flipboard Email. Austin Cline, a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism. Updated February 03, Yet God clearly offers much more than this. Lewis observed, people will still choose to cling on to their crutches, even though something much better is being offered to them:. We are far too easily pleased. It can be helpful, therefore, to reflect on what we really rely upon in our own lives and what impact this has upon us.

As the blogger and former atheist, Daniel Rodger, reminds us, we do not want to miss out on the fullness of life that God offers all of us, whether we think we need it or not:. It was a call to acknowledge that the forgiveness we all seek is to be found in him by following him onto the cross….

Man makes religion; it does not make man

Gunning, Norton, , 21, quoted in McGrath, Robert S. Baker and James Sexton, eds. Dee, , Chesterton, Orthodoxy Chicago: Moody Publishers, , Eerdmans, , Your podcast has started playing below.

What has Marxism to do with religion?

It doesn't operate by meanings. It's mathematical.

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Make bank! And it can monetize anything, from the faithful's desire to access the kingdom of heaven through to alt-right YouTube cranks. If ultra-conservatives can make profit off Miley's crotch, they will. If colleges are churning out so many Marxists, why no collective ownership of the means of production? Despite Breitbart's assertion that "we experience [cultural Marxism] on a day-to-day basis, and by that I mean minute by minute, second by second: It's political correctness and it's multiculturalism," the ultimate failure of this long Marxist insurgency can surely be gauged by, y'know, the total absence of any Marxist government in the West since Adorno and crew tipped up in the US, or the fact that the world's 67 richest individuals have the same wealth as the poorest 3.

Afterword in: Acquiring Modernity

Or to look at it still another way: If colleges are churning out so many Marxists excluding the now defunct Trump University, of course , why no collective ownership of the means of production? It's all nonsense, of course, the overheated product of the free-floating pathologies informing each new lunatic claim that shapes the alt-right's toxic ideologies. The idiocy of the cultural Marxism conspiracy is demonstrated by the way the neo-nationalist, anti-globalist new right ascribes the dynamics of the idea to the left, identifying and conflating cultural Marxism with late-capitalist globalization.

This is a fairly major misunderstanding of the Marxist worldview.

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  5. Likewise, positing as the principal organ through which cultural Marxism propagates itself in pop culture, that the Frankfurt School so explicitly denounced, would strike them as the saltiest of ironies. And colossally stupid.

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