Guide Othello (Annotated)

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Aside O, you are well tuned now! But I'll set down the pegs that make this music, As honest as I am.

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Shakespeare shifts the action from Venice to Cyprus. A storm has dispersed the Venetian fleet so that Cassio arrives first, anxious for Othello's safety. Desdemona arrives later with Iago and Emilia. The group wait, bantering on the topic of women.

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In this key passage 2. An illustration of Act Two, Scene 1 of Othello. Iago looks on as Othello and Desdemona greet each other. Usage terms Public Domain. Iago makes it clear that his object is discord. In this manner, we are colluders, silent witnesses of his evil, failing to intervene.

But sir, you be ruled by me' 2. Iago is portrayed, through Roderigo's compliance, as masterful and persuasive, laying the ground for the ease with which he later poisons Othello's mind. Iago, in a later scene, holding the handkerchief that will become a vital part of his plan. The key theme in the passage is sexual appetite. Iago portrays Desdemona as lustful, desperate to trade Othello for a more refined Cassio.

Racial and female stereotypes also dominate. Iago refers to Othello not by his name but as 'the Moor', calling him 'the devil' 2. Iago's misogyny has been plain earlier in the scene and builds here: young women are portrayed as foolish, having an innately sexualised 'nature' 2.

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This conflation of honesty with soldierly bluntness disadvantages Desdemona, who can never communicate her honesty in this manner. In the speech he dwells on body parts — eyes, hands, lips, blood — and the 'act of sport' 2. Iago portrays desire in low terms, with reductive language: Desdemona's adoration is 'violence', Othello's wooing tales are 'bragging Iago's base reduction figures sex as hunger: 'her eye must be fed' 2. Like a devouring sexual animal, Desdemona will need an attractive man 'to give satiety a fresh appetite' 2. In this image, Iago suggests gagging and retching, which, along with the concept of 'abused' 'tenderness', has connotations of disgust with oral sex.

Food imagery abounds. Retorting, 'The wine she drinks is made of grapes' 2. The image is reversed later in the play, when Emilia comments that men 'are all but stomachs, and we all but food' 3. Iago's food imagery contains sexual innuendo: 'Blest fig's end! This is a contemporary obscenity, figs being associated with the female vulva.

Othello essay question with annotated text: presentation of the jealous husband

But Iago's salacious language is just that — words. There is no evidence for adultery except that Cassio is 'a slipper and a subtle knave' 2. Nothing has actually happened. Roderigo dismisses it as 'courtesy' but admits he 'did' see it. Yet earlier Iago tells us it is Cassio who 'takes her by the palm' 2. Through Iago's language, Roderigo is duped into mis-seeing — a trick Othello will later fall for. Iago's speech is in prose , like many of his asides. With Roderigo's extended silence, it too feels like an extended aside. The contrast is stark between Othello's stately verse 2.

He's maybe my favorite Shakespearean character to read. Try it, read some out loud: everyone sounds like Shakespeare but him. He talks big but he's flimsy. Only one thing happens here: Iago subverts Othello. Othello is his most focused work. It's as close as he comes to classic Greek tragedy. One - thing - happens. He's Shakespeare's best villain ever, the apotheosis of a certain thing Shakespeare loves to do, what James Earl Jones called "motiveless malignity. It's motiveless malignity.

Iago gets compared to the personified Vice character in old morality plays, who was of course always the most fun. Vice for Vice's sake. He snickers to the audience. He's the one who connects with us; no one else is paying attention. He works in darkness. He's enshadowed at the beginning, and in most of his key scenes. He works by suggestion and sudden moves from alleys.

There are maybe hints of gayness? It's not less weird than it sounds. We like Iago because he's fun and he's not an idiot, and this is a play mostly populated by idiots - Othello, Roderigo, Cassio, omg is Cassio a chump. The only other characters with any sense are the women: Desdemona, the sex worker Bianca, and Iago's wife Emilia, the actual linchpin of the play.

Othello Navigator

Shakespeare's women are often powerful. I was promised sex! That was the point!

Othello Annotation: Act 2 Scene 1 Part 1 of 3

Where is the sex? Carver from The Wire and Marianna Bassham in Othello on the Boston Common, which I got to see and it was fun Later on, she will feel differently about the other sex. And the ending is as painful as anything Shakespeare's ever written. Watching Desdemona beg for life: D: But half an hour! O: Being done, there is no pause.

William Shakespeare

D: But while I say one prayer! O: It is too late. It's wrenching. How weak they are, and what chumps. Edward — Apr 30, Darwin8u — Mar 08, Our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are gardeners. He owns the stage. It is like Shakespeare scraped every rotten grain off the soiled shoe of humanity and mixed it with beautiful prose.

Iago isn't a monster because he is foreign to us, he is a perfect monster because he so closely resembles the worst in all of us. Wicked man. Wicked us. Othello, while not as interesting to me is still a great character. His decent into madness, his fits, his passion, his otherness, his race, etc. Enough to balance Iago, but not enough in the end to beat him.

It seems like every couple steps society takes forward, we fall hard back at least one. Manny — Nov 11, Over breakfast this morning, Not and I invented a new game. It's called Insensitive!

My first entry is below. Not will be posting hers in due course. Othello Italian bitch with learning disability and daddy issues gets involved with mentally unstable armed forces type and becomes another victim of black-on-white domestic violence. I'm not quite sure how many groups are referenced in an Insensitive! Khush — Apr 02, Great works survive because they remain relevant and timeless. They deal with those fundamental aspects of human life that do not change.