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The change to the adult occurs during the inactive, nonfeeding pupal stage. At this time the larva undergoes a transformation in which the wings appear externally, larval organs and tissues are broken down, and adult structures are developed.
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We grow wings, take flight, and start all over again.

The 4 Stages of the Firefly Life Cycle

Selected pages Title Page. Table of Contents. Contents Introduction to the Anthology. A Tale of Nantucket by Steve Carr. Sleeper Cell by Harvey Havel. Obsoletism by Aaron Weddle. Oversee game play 30 min : Assist and direct groups with game play as needed. All groups should play one complete round. Have students play as many games as they have time for. Consider mixing up the groups if possible. On a white-board, or similar display, make a table to compare insects undergoing complete and incomplete metamorphosis. Call on students to tell you which insects fall into either category.

Larvae look very different from the adult insects they will become. Nymphs resemble the adult insects they will become through a process of growth and molting. For many animals, including humans, a life cycle consists of the physical growth and maturation of a single body form.

In other words, a baby is essentially a miniature version of an adult. When we compare this type of development with that of insects, or say, frogs, we note these later organisms progress through multiple body forms instead of a single form. Think of a butterfly. Emerging from an egg , is a caterpillar. That caterpillar grows and grows until one day it forms a cocoon around itself.

Weeks later, a butterfly emerges from the cocoon bearing very little resemblance to the creature that created it. And yet, these two remarkably different forms are the very same animal. This transformation from one form into another is called metamorphosis. There are three basic kinds of metamorphosis in insects.

Some types of insects undergo a three-phase life cycle egg-nymph-adult called incomplete metamorphosis. Other insects have a four-phase cycle egg-larva-pupa-adult called complete metamorphosis. Most students are familiar with the development of frogs egg-tadpole-pollywog-adult , but countless lesser-known examples of metamorphosis may be found in marine invertebrates including mollusks, crustaceans, cnidarians, echinoderms and tunicates.

Even fish such as salmon, flounder and lampreys undergo a form of metamorphosis.

What REALLY Happens When a Caterpillar Turns Into a Butterfly...

In all these cases, changes in body forms typically coincide with a change in habitat and behavior. Incomplete metamorphosis is a term used to describe the mode of development of insects that pass through three distinct stages: the egg , the nymph , and the adult stage, or imago. These insects go through gradual changes in size without a pupal stage see Complete Metamorphosis. These insects start as eggs, which are sometimes so small you cannot see them.

When the egg hatches, a nymph comes out.

What Happens Inside the Chrysalis of a Butterfly? | Sciencing

Most of the time, the nymph looks similar to the adult, but smaller, with different coloration, and lacking wings and sexual organs. The nymph grows through stages called instars , shedding its 'skin' at each stage. Finally, it changes into an imago , the sexually mature adult with wings. Aquatic insect nymphs, such as the mayfly illustrated above, usually have gills and look very different from the adults they will turn into.

Complete metamorphosis is a term used to describe the mode of development of insects that pass through four distinct stages: the egg , the larva , the pupa and the adult stage, or imago. These insects also start as eggs. When the egg hatches, a larva comes out. The larva often resembles a worm and will feed voraciously so that it can quickly grow bigger. When the larva has reached its maximum size, it changes into a pupa.

The pupa usually cannot move or eat. During the pupal stage, the larva changes into an adult that will look very different from the larva, typically inside a protective casing, such as a chrysalis, as in butterflies and moths. While inside the pupa, the insect will excrete digestive juices to destroy much of the larva's body, leaving a few cells intact.

The remaining cells will begin the growth of the adult, using the nutrients from the broken down larva. The final, adult stage includes a fully developed insect with wings and reproductive organs. There are an unbelievable number of insects out there.

They occupy every niche on land known to man. This means that competition between and within species is often very high. Thus, the greater the difference in habits and habitats a species utilizes, the greater its advantage for survival and reproduction. For this reason, insects with complete metamorphosis, i.

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With complete metamorphosis, there is a tidy division of labor. The primary job of the larvae is to eat and grow.

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Adults on the other hand, are responsible for mating and the production of offspring. Consider, if the adults of a certain species of insect fed on the same food as their larval forms, the larvae may deplete that food source before the adults have a chance to feed. So diversification of feeding habits can be a huge benefit to animals like insects whose food sources might be seasonally fleeting or simply scarce.


Diversification of physiology can also pose an advantage when it comes to predation. For example, if most of the winged adult mosquitoes get eaten up by a swarm of dragonflies, the aquatic mosquito larvae remain unharmed, safe at least from dragonfly adults. Three key hormones are brain hormone, molting hormone called ecdysone , and juvenile hormone Towle Some cells of an insect's brain secrete a hormone that activates thoracic glands, which secrete a second hormone, usually ecdysone a steroid , that induces metamorphosis. Moreover, the corpora allata produce the juvenile hormone, whose effect is to prevent the development of adult characteristics while allowing ecdysis.

Therefore, the insect is subject to a series of molts, controlled by ecdysone, until the production of juvenile hormone ceases and metamorphosis occurs. Amphibian metamorphosis undergoes a single change from larva, called a tadpole, to an adult. In the typical amphibian life cycle , eggs are laid in water. The tadpole then emerges from the egg, and swims freely within the water. The tadpole has gills, a tail, a small circular mouth, and lacks legs. The tadpole will grow, until it begins metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis begins with the development of the hind legs, then the front legs. The lungs develop, and the tadpole begins to swim to the surface of the water to breathe. The intestine shortens to accommodate a carnivorous diet, and the eyes migrate rostrally and dorsally. In frogs , the tail is absorbed by the body, for the last stage of metamorphosis.

There are many derivations from the typical amphibian life cycle. Some species of salamander do not need to metamorphose to be sexually mature, and will only metamorphose under certain environmental stresses. Many species of frog from the tropics lay their eggs on land, where the tadpoles undergo metamorphosis within the egg. Once they hatch, they are already adults, sometimes possessing a tail which is re-absorbed in a couple of days.