Manual Life Lines

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The life line, either long or short, reveals information about your health, relationships and emotional well-being. It does not tell how long you will live.
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This is contrary to other beliefs such as the Lifeline gives an overview of health, as well as vigor in an individual, while the death of a subject is indicated by the other lines on the hand including the mercury line, as well as Head line. The traditional palmists dwelled the readings on the interpretation of the Life line, often giving the subject favorable expectations.

When this did not materialize the lack of success was blamed on the palmists. When the lifeline is strong, long and clear times in life will be favourable. A deep life line on the right hand can be contradicted by a chained line on the left hand. When a life line is well defined, deep and clear then the bearer is healthy, strong, filled with vitality, and resistant to disease.

The strong lines are quite common among phlegmatic personalities, as they are dependant on their muscular strength for survival rather than nervous energy. Their lives are quite smooth as they have little health complications. They enjoy great physical exertion. Despite the elastic consistency, if the life lines is chained, shallow, and broad, the bearer will not find it difficult to remain relaxed despite the excitements that they may be subjected to in life.

Such an individual will be full of vigor of self composure, and self confidence, and give others inspiration.

Chinese Palm Line Reading – Life Line

The bearer will be intense at all times, and in all they do, this includes play and work. A deep-cut life line has several attributes which include energy, health, intensity, vigour, self-confidence, and strength, note that such a life line has effects on all types. The strength, as well as vigour, is increased if the line points to Jupiter below the first finger the Jupiterian qualities in life are eating and staying happy.

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Many people who suffer addiction are Jupiterians and hold a lifelines that points to this finger or mount. Having a thin Life line does not necessarily imply the individual will be sick but may be quite delicate in life.

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There is a need to compare the Life line to that of other lines before making a conclusion, for instance, a weak Life line in contrast to other lines leads to the conclusion that the subject will encounter a number of problems at the start of life, they lack the "get up and go" in life. They also feel that other people should carry out their work. If the Life line is thin in contrast to the other lines then the bearer may suffer poor health or will lead a strenuous life. For individuals with a thin and short life line, there is lack of strength, endurance, they are generally more tired than other people.

If the bearers Life line sweeps towards the Jupiter mount this means their parents were most probably lazy. Having a thin Life line automatically limits their ability to exceed in their career. The thin line means the bearer is lazy, this is because of a lack of energy an these people missing physical vigour. To have a shallow Life line is an indication of a lack of vitality. The bearer will have little or no power to resist diseases, poor constitution, no robustness, and no muscular power.

They are prone to all types of disorders and their body is in poor condition. They lack endurance, stamina, as well as self-confidence. Common among them is a weak constitution, low levels of energy and obtaining goals. This does not imply they are lazy, as it is a result of their weak bodies.

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They get weary on taking just a small physical exercise and are never in good state of health, complaining of body pains all the time. They need assistance of friends, relatives, and other close people. Their achievement is limited to low levels as they lack the power and will as they grow older each day. The lack of strength, combined with low levels of aggressiveness, is indicative of the attention they perish.

Such life lines are an indication of a high degree nervousness, in which the subjects are fully dependent on their nervous force. Despite the ability to work, they always have the feeling that they cannot do anything well. They try to do better than other people. They are selective and enjoy a routine. They take on roles that do not call for a high level of responsibility. When exposed to work that calls for a combination of efforts, they will give up prior to completion.

The effect of a shallow life line is extreme, the individuals are most likely to be complete failures in any battle for survival, this results from their physical weakness and lack of emotional strength. A majority of suicide victims bear a shallow life line's on both hands.

If the left hand bears a curved deep life line, but the right hand bears a shallow one then the bearer will have a weak constitution. The advice for those that bear a shallow life line, try to focus on the emotional needs of others instead of your own. Try to create limitations within social associations.

For people with life lines that take on the appearance of a ladder means unstable health. Chains found on the Life line mean misfortune. For the chain to be at the start of the Life line represents a difficult and unhappy childhood, also sickness. If the chain is apparent throughout the whole course of the line then the bearer will be in poor health. For the chain to cover the Life line partially then this means shocks in life. If the Life line is chained at the start but excellently straight at the end it means the subject has a great mind.

On the other hand, if the chained Life line grows thin in the end, the bearer will lack vigour. If the Life line maintains a chained trend, and is shallow and quite broad, then the individual will be weak and struggle to be strong. On making a discovery of a chained Life line you should try to understand what caused the weakness.

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Cross bars are any lines that cross the life line. When the cross bar is present on the life line it produces an undesirable effect. This can be illness or simply a setback in life. There are instances that the Life line is cut by a smaller thin lines - that are too fine to cut the Life line into two. These fine lines represent that the bearer is nervous because of external influences. The small fine lines across the lifeline can also be a sign of worry.

For the fine lines to cross the Life line and health line means the bearer maybe exposed to sicknesses. If the cross bars are deep, cutting the life line at several points, then the sickness will be severe. Redness of the cross bar's indicate fevers, the depth of the cross lines are directly proportional to the seriousness of the sickness.

The age for the various ailments can be plotted on the life line. When the cross bar ends on a grille by the Saturn mount the area by the middle finger after cutting through the life line, then the illness is a defect of Saturn. This means all the qualities of the Saturn mount affection, warmth, passion, saving money and love will be lost for a short period of time.

If the cross bar's transforms to wavy lines then the subject may be victim of bilious fever or even jaundice, the age for the sickness will be read from the cutting point for the cross bar on the life line.

Preventive Health Tests & Screening | Life Line Screening

If the cross bar cuts the head line then the bearer may be suffering from throat complications, bronchial trouble, and blood disorders. The nails will offer confirmation for bronchial trouble, as well as presence of islands on the health line. If the cross bar cuts the lunar mount at the bottom of the hand below the little finger the bearer will encounter trouble from their digestive system. On the other hand, if the cross bars cuts into the middle moon Mount then the complication in question is rheumatism or gout.

If the cross bar is a grille that crosses the lunar mount this is concrete proof that the bearer has or will be having trouble in their urinary system, which includes the bladder and kidneys. The bladder or kidney condition will be confirmed if the hand is colored white, flabby, or soft, with a transparent appearance. Review the appearance of the life line after the several cuts from the cross bar, as it is a status of recovery, whether partial or complete. If the cross bar cuts over a thin life line then this changes to an island, cross, dot, or in the head line the bearer is prone to attack on the brain.

In some rare cases, the cross bars that cut into the line of life will emerge from the influence lines that are situated on Venus mount.

If this is the case, then the bearer has suffered in childhood. If the cross bar becomes narrowed then close to the middle of the Head and Health line known as quadrangle , this means the person suffered or is suffering from asthma. If the crossbar has a composure that is ladder they will suffer from stomach related problems, especially if this crosses the health line. When a subject has many life lines close together this means their physical and mental energy is strong. The double life line is quite common. It means that you will have strength in life.

To have sister lines that are running parrell with your main life line may mean that the bearer will have two paths of life. When it comes to reading the life line, it is important to use both hands because the energy of the life line exemplifies a personal dual energy which exists in all of us.

This means that the inner life of the passive hands needs the outer life of the active hand to coexist. The inner life would be more introspective while the outer life would be more expressed; if the inner life stays introspective with an internal dialogue then the external dialogue would be oppositely associated with the outer life or active hand. If a star is present on the Life line this is a positive symbol. It suggests that the bearer will have a great life. The position of the star is associated with the timeline of when the person should encounter this fortune.

If the lifeline finishes with a star this suggests that many things in life are achievable. If the cross line is good and above the markings, the grille and underlying mounts give the respective defects for the subject. Having a strong life line, including a star anywhere on the line is indicative of the subjects well being and excellent power to fight off diseases.

If the life line is marked by islands then the flow of current through it will be subdivided into two which will weaken the overall energy or force of health. In all cases, an island means there is a serious health issue. The island marks the start of a difficult period of illness. A very small island will give indication for a single illness. In case the Life line has many islands which takes the resemblance of a chain means a continuous succession of disease.

Menopause can also be represented by an island.