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Jan 3, - Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 8 (): If one were to poll readers of Mormon books to find: 1. the largest and 2. the In God's Image and Likeness 2: Enoch, Noah and the Tower of Babel. Carr, who is a well-respected authority on the Hebrew Bible, and so on.
Table of contents

This book is my attempt to demonsntrate how metaphysical and philosophical underpinnings move economic and social realities wich are the effects of the metaphysical causes.


I do not have a Ph. D in economics. I am not a specialist in a single, narrow discipline. I am a generalist with a hunger to put all the broken pieces of knowledge the glory of specialization back together again into a picture of the unity of Nature reassembling the broken pieces of narrow, deep, isolated specialist knowledge. In the beginning the world was one. Then it was broken into many pieces. In the end, the world again becomes one. It's taking less out of the economy. Alan Greenspan, Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows that the war is over. Everybody knows the good guys lost. Everybody knows the fight was fixed. The poor stay poor, the rich get rich. That's how it goes. Everybody knows. Everybody knows that the boat is leaking. Everybody knows that the captain lied.

Medicine Class Notes

Everybody got this broken feeling. Like their father or their dog just died…. In April , I retired after working thirty years as an administrative assistant in the Architecture Department at the University of Oregon. Almost immediately, upon retiring, my vision of the future turned black. I was standing before an abyss. True, my life patterns, thirty years in the creation and preservation of a ritual, had ended — and I was undergoing a kind of psychic death.

Shiva, the God of Destruction, had suddenly appeared. But there was more than this. The precipice at which I was standing was a cultural, racial gulf. The world we had known so well — which we had taken for granted and assumed would continue into the foreseeable future — was ending. And right on time, if one was to believe the Millennial dogmas. What happened, speaking metaphorically, to myself personally, and to the American Dream, was simply: Time ran out.

New Apostolic Reformation

The physical body weakened and failed; and the spiritual body, the Soul, became the vehicle of this transitory reckoning in the land of Darkness. Despair, Depression, loss of bodily-strength and wealth, were psychic stages in this solar cleansing process, that happense to both individuals and societies. The Soul did not re-appear until all the more dense natures that veiled the Soul were subtracted.

Day was a process of addition, of adding bodies on top of the primordial Soul, the bodies of Adulthood — Mental, Emotional, Physical bodies — which surrounded Soul to protect it. Night was a process of subtracting these outer bodies again, and returning to the pure state of the Soul, Primordial Nature, the first body with which the child was born into this life.

Apocalypse: All Parts Collapse. There was nothing we could do to stop it from happening.

Table of Contents

The world we had known for so long was slowly, irrevocably vanishing, matter being swallowed by a vast black hole that resided in the very center of our economic galaxy. Matter was light — we must not forget. The world was ending. This book is about philosophical principles. It is about how the world really works and what really led to the collapse of world capitalism. It is not about financial principles so much. Sophisticated mortgage bonds will be blamed, credit swaps, mortgage insurance. President George Bush will be blamed.

American consumers will also be blamed. Also targeted will be the lust for status and credit and consumer goods, which lust had driven the global feeding frenzy — and which had generated personal global wealth on a scale never before seen in human history. Unions will be blamed. The right wing will blame Big Government, as they always do; the left wing will blame Big Business, as they always do.

Yes, there was a good side to this expansion. The good side was probably clear to everyone. Now we will get to see the shadow-side that accrues from a global loss of balance in values and the one-sided misuse of monetary policy. Bernie Madoff is not the only criminal who has been exposed by the receding of the water of greed. Wall Street has never behaved more shamefully and with less responsible self-consciousness.

A government, if truly interested in prosecuting white-collar crimes, could busy itself for a decade pursuing criminal acts in banking, investment banking, mortgage-abuse, and bribery of government officials that have occurred in the last two decades, but especially the last eight years. I, personally, do not blame George Bush for the collapse of the western financial system.

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He cannot control every limb of the American political tree, control every aspect of the unwieldy, voracious, political beast. We must remember that what business does best is to generate profits — the shadow side of this profit-generation is the practice of cheating and stealing and manipulating laws and law-makers and damaging living environments in homage to the God of Wealth, and to the underlying ideal of plutocracy.

Business seeks to destroy or diminish competition, so that it can raise prices and, where possible, scalp the public for necessary or unnecessary goods and services. Higher profits and lower costs are what make a business successful. This, during the last Day-Cycle included exporting American jobs by the millions to cheap labor markets in Asia and South America, Mexico, in order to break the Power of American Unions.

Business, generally speaking, has much less loyalty to the American worker than it does to its own profits.

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Now, labor in America is weak; and the Republicans seem to be on a mission to destroy all remnants of labor unions. This is another imblance that must be addressed in the near-future. Unions helped to create a strong Middle Class in America, which is the basis of a true democracy. With no middle class, with only Masters of the Universe and Servants wage-earners America will begin to resemble the banana republics of South America — which, I do believe, is the ultimate goal of Greed.

Greed has no conscience. Greed believes in the absolute destruction of its competitors. Who are the competitors of Greed? Greed is a totalitarian. Greed knows no real alliances ; and Greed views everyone as a potential enemy. There was a time not so long ago that capitalism reveled in the free labor offered through slavery, and resisted attempts to abolish this institution.

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The obscene profits generated by oil companies, insurance companies, and banks in the last decade give us a pretty good picture of what unregulated business is all about. Regulation of business is one of the prime jobs of government.

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  8. Such regulation needs to be rigorously set up and enforced to protect the consumer from unscrupulous business practices. The difference between Wall Street and the Italian Mafia across the river and any mafia, for tht matter is that Wall Street owns the government and makes the laws and the mafia only gets to borrow the laws on occasion through bribery, extortion and terror. There is a thin line between regulations protecting the consumer and regulations assisting economic expansion in an affluent society, both of these ends ultimately being the goal.

    Government climbing into bed with government threatens the existence of a democratic system of government. It does not matter which side wins the elections — big business owns both parties. This is the situation we are looking at presently.

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    We are emerging from — and this will involve a very painful recalibration of our virtue and values -- a rapacious age of materialism, business expansion, glorification of the entrepreneur, the fleecing of the consumer by banks and credit agencies — an Age of Greed an Age of White Collar Mafia on Wall Street that has turned most Americans and most Europeans and many world citizens into credit-slaves, eager to exchange their own financial freedom for the seeming economic success defined by unending consumption in the name of prosperity and technological progress.

    Success is measured in this type of society by the quality and quantity of objects one owns: houses, vehicles, electronic devices, designer clothes, etc. When I write that we, as a society and as a globe and as a race, have turned our back on God, this is my meaning: Human character is not the measure of the man in this age; but material goods are the measure. Metaphorically, this is what happens when the Night-Cycle of death and pain succeed the Day-Cycle of pride and wealth and self-worship.

    Man is knocked on to his knees. Man, today, is being knocked on to his knees, so that he can remember that he serves creation, life on Earth, and does not define such creation. Nature moral gravity is seeking to get even with Humanity. When I describe the shadow-side of the economic expansion, I am also very aware of its opposite: the relative political peace and economic well-being that has graced the world, more or less, since the defeat of fascism in I am not a hater of business, or of the business class, and their political party in America, the Republicans, although it may seem that way from my first few statements.